Lando Norris [68]

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A/N Wished by ². I hope you like it (:

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 2011

Partying with some friends is something I need from time to time. Tonight, I am out with Lando and some more people who are my friends more or less. Some of them tried to hook up with me and I am not looking for someone who is just interested in only one night.

I do have a little crush on Lando, but I am way to shy to admit it and because of this I decided to drink some more alcohol to gather courage and finally try to confess how I feel to him. When I feel tipsy enough, I approach Lando who is sitting on one of the couches and smile at me when I hold my hand out.

"Dance with me." I giggle and literally drag Lado onto the dancefloor. The older one follows me still a bit hesitating but as soon as I start to swing my hips to the beat of the music he at least tries to dance. After a few seconds I grab his hands and place them on my hips, trying to get him to relax.

Lando pulls me a bit closer and now we dance pressed against each other, not thinking about anything and just enjoy the happiness which is spreading trough my veins. I know that they are a lot of eyes on us, but I don't care for one night I try to switch of my fears and doubts and just enjoy the night with Lando.

When a rather slow song is playing, I wrap my arms around Lando's neck, and we both swing softly to the music. His fingers still on my hips sending some tingles trough my body and making me feel loved for at least a few minutes.

Before I can overthink everything further, I decide just to act. On of my hands grabs onto the back of his head, slightly digging into his curls before I pull him down into a kiss. In the beginning Lando is not moving but just when I want to pull away, he kisses me back. His lips feel soft on mine, but our kiss doesn't stay soft for long.

Our tongues fight with each other, dancing sensual around each other and some more tingles wander over my body. I sight softly and we have to pull away for a few seconds to breath in deeply. Lando leans his forehead against mine and tries to catch my gaze.

"How drunk are you?" He mutters and even though loud music is blasting trough the speakers I still understand him. I listen into my body for a few heartbeats, trying to figure out how drunk I really am and come to a conclusion.

"Tipsy enough to feel relaxed but not drunk enough to forget things." This is the truth. Normally I would never dance this close with Lando or make out with him, but the alcohol helped me to loosen a bit. And I rarely forget things when I am drunk, I have to be really wasted to have a loss of memory.

"Let us disappear from here." Lando mumbles before he presses another kiss onto my lips and then leads me out of the hotel club. We stumble to the elevator, exchange some more kisses and giggle like little kids. In the elevator Lando presses me against the wall and deepens the kiss and if the elevator wouldn't make a sound when you reach your floor we would have stayed here.

Together we enter Lando's bedroom and while kissing we make our way to the bed, falling down on it, not willing to lose our lips. Quickly we both take of our shoes and then place us on the middle of the bed. Lando is leaning over my body and looks at me for a brief second before giving me another heated kiss.

His hand brushes lightly over my arm before he intervenes our fingers and presses our hands into the pillow next to my head. With my free hand I explore his upper body a bit, feeling his muscles under his shirt and finally touch his skin when I sneak my fingertips under his shirt. Lando sits up a bit to pull his shirt over his head before he grabs the hem of mine. He looks at me as he waits for my permission to continue, and I help him to take it off.

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