Daniel Ricciardo [38]

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A/N Wished by joeyxfriends. I hope you like it! Another one because I am sick of learning for my exam :D

WORDS: 907

I splash some water into my face to get rid of the last tiredness and be ready for the day. When I look into the mirror, I can see Daniel standing behind me with a thoughtful face. A bit confused but still happy over his present I give him a little smile which seems to rip him out of his thinking.

"Can we talk?" No emotions are in his voice making me feel a bit uncomfortable. What happened that we need to talk? "Uhm, yes?" I mutter and turn around to face him and not just look at him trough a mirror.

"Okay, I am going to ask you this one time and I want you to be honest with me: Am I the reason you cry every night?" Fuck, it seems like he did notice that I am not sleeping peacefully beside him but cry from time to time. I always thought he is deep in his sleep and would not notice but it seems like he did.

"I..." My voice is barely audible and when I am honest, I do not really know what to say. Maybe he is the reason but not really and so I do not say anything. "Yes, or no?" Daniel asks again and crosses his arms in front of his chest still not willing to show any emotions.

"It is complicated." I sight and lean against the sink, crossing my arms like him. The atmosphere is tensed, and I don't like this conversation. "Explain it then. Please." Daniel now tries to be a bit gentler and loosens his tensed figure.

"I know you told me not to read the comments on social media but..." I start to explain but Daniel sight as soon as I combined comments and social media in one sentence. "But you did." He reaches out for me and pulls me close to his chest.

"Don't listen to the stuff they are writing. You are beautiful and no stranger on the internet has to tell you the opposite." He tries to calm me down even though this is not what is bothering me. Yes, some comments are about my look, but I do not really care about this part of the comments.

"It is not about how I look." I mumble against his chest because he is holding me so tight, and I can't move away. Daniel loosens his grip a bit to look me into the eyes, now frowning a bit and being confused.

"What is bothering you then?" He asks, still interested about what I read and what it could be beside the obvious. I breath in and out deeply, look to the ground and then start to speak again.

"They are talking about our age gap. About me being a gold digger and not really wanting to be with you. And the make me doubt if the age gap maybe isn't too big." It is true, Daniel and I are separated by a few years, but I never thought about it negatively until I read a lot of comments spreading hate about me being so young.

"I don't know what to say." Daniel mutters, now letting go of me and taking a step back. Immediately I feel cold and want to go back into his embrace, but I am sure I just hurt him with my words and do not want to get too close for his liking.

"I'm sorry that I didn't told you earlier about what is bothering me." I apologize and it is the truth, I should have told Daniel earlier about all the comments and that it impacts my sleeping. It is not healthy to sleep less and cry more, plus when Daniel was awake several times his sleeping schedule is chaotic too and he really needs his full night of sleep.

"What are we going to do about it?" Daniel then asks me, bringing me finally back to his chest in warm hug. I rest my head on his chest and think about his question for a few of his heartbeats until I answer.

"Nothing? Just forget it and continue living our life." I shrug my shoulders and think this is a good solution, but Daniel seems to think otherwise. His hands stroke up and down my arms in a comforting way, giving me some love and warmth. "But it is bothering you." He mutters and does not seem to understand why I do not want to talk about the stuff that happened online.

"Well, after I said it out loud, I realised how stupid these doubts are." And that is the truth, being alone with my thoughts and doubts made them worse. But after I spoke to them out loud, I realised how dump they are and that it doesn't really matter to me what people on the internet want to say. You can't make everyone happy and I am rather happy myself than giving everyone what they want what is impossible.

"So, are we okay?" Daniel assures himself, still not a hundred percent convinced that I am feeling okay. But he knows I will never lie to him if I tell him such important things. I would never lie to him about my feelings. Yes, I hide them from him, but I wanted to tell him sometime not just now.

"We are." I confirm his question and stand on my tiptoes to finally give him a kiss.

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