Mick Schumacher-Sick

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A/N: Another one-shot, this time with Mick. I hope you like it! Please vote and comment to give me a proper feedback. Any good one-shot books about F1 you can recommend? Anything in english or german is fine. 

WORDS: 900

With a quiet moan, I lean my head against the cold tiles and hope that this would help a little against the roaring headaches. I woke up in the middle of the night with a grumbling stomach and had to hug the toilet shortly after that. Since then, I have opened my camp in the bathroom and try to move as little as possible.

I'd love to get up and rinse my mouth, but my legs are shaking too much, and I don't think they can hold me up for a long time. I close my eyes briefly, but the room around me starts to turn and so I prefer to reopen them.

Today Mick would come back from his long Formula 2 season, which was extended by the test days for Formula One, and instead of being able to greet him decently, I now sitting here on the bathroom floor and hold my grumbling stomach.

I don't know how much time has passed before I hear the familiar click of the front door and shortly afterwards steps approaching our shared bedroom.

"Y/N?" I hear Mick shouting at me in a questioning voice when he doesn't spot me in the bedroom.

"Bad." I whine and sound really miserable. The door of the bathroom opens, and Mick's facial expressions get anxious when he sees me sitting there on the floor.

"Hey." I mutter and look at him from half-opened eyes. Mick's gaze glides over my face and I'm sure he can see the deep rings under my eyes.

"What happened?" he asks anxiously, trying to capture my gaze. A quiet sigh comes over my lips and I close my eyes again.
"Had to throw up." Finally, I give him an information why I am in the bathroom looking like this.

Mick's hand briefly lays on my forehead before he strokes over my cheek.
"You're burning up." He tells me and I look at him again. Mick reaches for a washcloth, moisturizes it with cold water and then puts it on my hot forehead.

The cool fabric also helps against the throbbing headaches and makes the situation a little more bearable.

"How bad is it?" he asks after a brief moment of silence and lets himself sink to the ground next to me so that I can lean against him a little.

"Apart from the throwing up and the obvious fever, my skull is buzzing and I'm dizzy." I lean my head against Mick's shoulder and I'm glad he's here now.

"How long have you been feeling like that? You could have told me. I would have sent my Mom over or someone else who could have looked after you."

"It didn't start until sometime tonight, so perfect timing." I mutter and notice how I slowly get tired.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Mick tells and gently brush over my tangled hair.

"Actually, I wanted to surprise you with a really nice breakfast, just because you're back, but that's probably not possible anymore..." I'm a little angry with myself, but you don't choose when you get sick.

"I'm happy that I am back home anyways." Mick calms me down, which lead me to let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Oh yes, every man's dream. Caring for your sick girlfriend at home instead of doing something nicer."

Mick laughs softly, but then agrees.
"You're right, there's a lot nicer thing, but I'm back with you now."

"You're cheesy." I mutter before a little yawn comes over my lips. Mick breathes a gentle kiss on my temples before he breaks away from me and gets up.

"Well come, I'll take you to bed." He says and helps me up on the still shaky legs. For a moment I have the feeling to pass out, but Mick holds me up until I stand a little safer.

"Can I brush my teeth? I want to get rid of the disgusting taste." Mick follows my request, hands me my toothbrush and gently holds me in his arms as I brush my teeth.

As soon as I have done this, Mick lifts me up and carries me the few meters to our bed. He gently embeds me and lays the blanket over me, into which I immediately wrapped myself.

Mick changes his clothes into more comfortable ones before he lays down under the blanket. Tightly he pulls me to his body, puts his hand on my belly and strokes slightly over it, which is quite pleasant for this aching part of my body.

"It's nice that you're back." I say and entwine our fingers.
"I'm also happy to be here again. It wasn't that easy this year because I couldn't just take you everywhere. It was really hard sometimes."

"Next year I'll be following you through half the world again." I giggle making Mick laugh.

"I'm looking forward to it. Even if it sounds like a threat." Another sleepy giggling comes over my lips. It's exactly these little jokes I've missed in the last few weeks, but now I finally have Mick back at my side and wouldn't give him back so quickly.

"I love you." I mumble before I glide into the land of dreams.

Mick mutters a quiet "I love you to Y/N." Before he also cuddles deeper into the pillows and try to get some extra sleep.

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