Robert Shwartzman [N22]

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A/N Wished by _beyond_the_stars. I hope you liked it. Please vote, leave a comment and take a look at the request chapter. Enjoy!

WORDS: 1900

Giggling I try to catch Robert's hands and stop him from tickling me but the Russian is way stronger than me and I have no chance to win this battle.

"I give up." I managed to breath out between gasping for desired air.

Grinning Rob continues his torture for a while before catching my hands and pinning them over my head in the pillows. Out of breath but with a smile on my face I look up to my boyfriend of just a few weeks and wait what he is up to next.

Instead of saying something Rob connects our lips for a soft kiss while entwining our fingers. Since Robert is the more experienced of us, I just follow his lead when it comes to things like kissing and touching the other.

We were not intimate yet and although I know that Rob is patient with me, I would like to try some new things with him. Maybe touching his naked skin and some more parts of his body but I am not sure how to tell him this.

Our kiss remains slow and gentle, but I am not satisfied with that, so I try to free my hands with a little whine. Surprised Rob loses his lips from mine before letting my hands go with confused look on his face.

Before he can think too much about it, I pull his head down again and burry one of my hands in his hair. A low growl escapes Rob's throat when I let my free hand wander over his chest and a bit down his body.

Again, he detaches our lips which are already a bit red and swollen to look at me questioning.

"You are up for something, aren't you?" he mumbles but waits for a shy nod from my side before he gives me another kiss.

Slowly Rob's lips wander down my neck before he gently nibbles on the delicate skin which is covering my pounding pulse. Shivering I lean my head to the side to give him some more space to work with and try to enjoy his treatment.

The soft whimper which is leaving my lips make my face turn to a glowing shade of red. I did not know that my body could produce such sounds but curious what the following would lead to.

When Rob is satisfied with his work, he sits up slightly to pull his shirt over his head and hovers for a moment above me. I have seen him shirtless but never this close to me. Still nervous I plant my hands on his firm chest and feel the warm skin under my fingertips.

Rob holds still and let me investigate his upper body for a moment. Let me wander my hands around his body feel how the muscles play under the skin and gently touch his nipples for the first time.

Groaning Rob sink his body down to be closer to me again. Gently nuzzling his nose against mine before kissing my lips. I have the feeling he wants to distract me a bit and I am curious what his next step would be.

Carefully Rob let his hands wander under my oversized hoodie to explore my naked skin under it. When his fingers wander over my side, I can't supress a little giggle because it is one of the places where I am ticklish at.

I can feel Rob grinning against my lips before he begins to roll my hoodie up my body. To help him I sit up a bit und let him pull it over my head. I do feel a bit insecure now, but Robert seems to notice it and prevents me from hiding by pressing my body back into the mattress.

"God, you are so beautiful." He mutters when his body touches mine and goosebumps spread over both of our bodies.

For the next minutes we are just making out. Letting our tongues fighting each other and share gentle bites in the skin of the other. When I lay fully relaxed under Rob, he raises one of his hands up my body to touch my breast which is still covered by a bra.

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