Lando Norris [52]

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A/N Wished by thexgirlxxx. I hope you like it (:

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 1975

"I back home!" Lando announces yelling before he lets the door falls close behind him with a loud bang. I roll my eyes at his behaviour because I have told him a hundred times that he should not slam door, but it seems like this sentence enters his head from one side and leaves it on the other.

"I need a shower and then I am going straight to bed." Lando continues to speak even though he had not even seen me and might me talking to himself. This is my sign to walk around the corner my silken nightgown wrapped around my body and cover my little surprise.

Lando's eyes lit up when he sees me, and a wide smile spread onto his lips. "Already in your nighties?" Lan asks and approaches me to press a gentle kiss onto my lips. "Give me ten minutes and I join you in bed to cuddle."

"You are sure about this? I am wearing something pretty for you." I say with a gentle pout and slowly open my gown to reveal the transparent lace bodysuit which is covering my body and hugging my curves perfectly. Lando's mouth opens and closes for a few times, he is speechless.

"Babe..." He mutters and loos at me with dilated pupils. Lando is still not that experienced with all the sexual stuff, and I never surprised him with lingerie before, but he really seems to like the sight of me in this. Nervously he fiddles with his fingers before he lifts his head and looks into my face again.

"This is wow." Lando licks over his lip and chuckles still nervous. His cheeks shimmer in a red tone and I am sure his heart is trying to beat a way out of his chest. I let the gown finally fall to the ground and stretch my hand out to take Lando with me.

He follows me into the bedroom, almost stumbles over his own feet and I am sure his gaze is fixated onto my butt. I assist him to sit on the bed before I swing my legs around his hips to straddle him. Lando looks up to me and gulps while shuffling a bit back on the bed.

His fingers softly rest on my hips, touching the soft material of the bodysuit. I let my nails scratch gently over his jawline and I can feel his already hardened length brushing against my tight. My lips roam over his, not really touching them and he lets out an impatient whimper. His fingertips dig lightly into my skin before he unclenches his fingers again, not wanting to be too rough.

"Don't think so much. Just do what you want to do with me." I purr into his ear and can feel his whole-body shivers under mine. After moving a bit my body is now resting on the cool duvet lull it a bit to get Lando out of his comfort zone and finally give him a bit more self confidence.

Lando leans over me, resting his weight onto his arms before he gently begins to kiss me. I sight against his lips and let him be soft for a few more seconds before I pull away and cup his cheeks with both of my hands. His eyes are darker than usually but there is still this unsure look in them.

"I know my limits and you can explore. Do what you want to. Try what you want to try. I am all yours." I reassure him and it is like a switch has been flipped and Lando is suddenly confident. He sits up a bit to undress himself leaving him only in a tight black boxershorts.

"I think I want you to keep this on." Lando mumbles while biting his lip lightly. He lets the strap of the bodysuit snap against my skin before his fingers wander further over my body. I lean into his touch and close my eyes to savour every little contact his fingers offer me.

His hands knead my curves, and he leans down a bit more to attach his lips to my skin. Let them roam over the soft skin of my neck where the pulse is pumping faster and faster. He nibbles on the pink flesh, turning it into purple spots and leave marks down to the line where the bodysuit begins and covers my breasts.

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