Daniel Ricciardo [52+63+82]

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A/N Wished by smilethankstothem. I hope you like it!

WORDS: 1677

Dreaming I look over the beautiful city of Monaco which is immersed in different shades of orange and pink, showing the colours of the sunset while it is slowly setting into the ocean. Bringing the night out and letting the moon shine over the houses and streets. Making the lights shine and let everything seem calm and peaceful.

Daniel and I had a date night and went to a pretty restaurant, savouring the delicious food and that we finally have some time as a couple and are not surrounded by other people we have to interact with. While I am already on the balcony, Daniel pours us a glass of wine so that we can relax in our little lounge at the balcony.

"Here is your wine love." Daniel announces his presence, making me turn around a little bit to take my glass. "Thank you." I mumble, offering him a quick smile which he returns. We clink our glasses together, smiling at each other before we both take a sip from the liquid. I turn around again, looking at the colours again while Daniel wraps his arms around me from behind, pressing me against his warm chest. He sways us from side to side, like we are dancing to an imaginary music.

"Since when are you such a romantic man?" I ask him with an amused chuckle, loving his sweet site but always a bit surprised when he shows it. Daniel likes to be the though man but from time to time he is romantic, overly caring and such a sweetheart in general.

"Probably since my girl made me a softie." Daniel laughs before he lowers his head and mumbles close to my ear. "But only in public." Are his mutter words before his teeth close gently around my earlobe, biting it for a second, letting goosebumps appear on my body and my knees feel weaker under my weight.

"Hm, I am not sure about that." I mumble to tease him while I lull my head to the side to give him some space. His lips roam over my neck, teasing the skin with his teeth from time to time and nibbles on some spots creating his own kind of marks.

"I have to convince you then." Daniel says, before he takes the wine glass out of my hand and surprisingly lifts me up to let me hang over his shoulder. I laugh and wrap my arms around his waist, pressing my head against hist back, for some support. Even though I know he would never drop me. One of his hands is placed on my butt to hold me in place with the other he opens and closes doors until we enter our bedroom.

Daniel carefully lets me down to the ground again, kneeling in front of me, to help me to get out of my shoes before he gets rid of his own. He turns me around to open the zipper of my dress, letting it pool around my ankles, leaving me in just my panties. I turn around again, starting to open the buttons of Daniels shirt who lets his fingers wander over my skin, making me shiver under his soft touch.

When all buttons are open, I brush the shirt from his shoulders, revealing his toned body, but when I want to touch him, Daniel carefully shoves me onto the bed, making me giggle softly. He gets rid of his trousers before he crawls to me on the bed, letting his fingers slide up my legs. His fingers hook into my panties before he pulls the last piece of fabric away from my body leaving me naked under him.

Daniels lips are on mine for barely a second, before he kisses down my body, following a path which he draws with his fingers on my skin. Over the sensitive skin of my neck, down to my collarbone where he sucks on the thin skin, until they reach my breast. His fingers twirled my nipples between his fingertips, making my body arche up into his, before his lips closed around the little pearls, letting his tongue flick against them.

Accordingly sensitive I am when he finally reaches my middle. Letting his fingertips graze trough, the folds to check how wet I am before he let his head settle between my tights. Licking a bold stripe trough, it, tasting me and making me shiver with the first touch of his tongue.

"Oh, Daniel." I moan when his tongue swirls around my clit, sending waves of arousal trough all my veins. His hands hold my tights open so that I can't close them around his head while his lips and tongue keep working their magic on me. I grab into his hair, trying to guide him even closer but Daniel stops in his movements what makes me whine in dismay.

"Well, since you want to come so badly, why don't we see how many times I can make you come right now." Daniel mumbles, his lips brushing over my tight, making me shiver. I am having good expectations because of his words. When Daniel says something like this, he always holds his promise.

He starts eating me out again, letting his tongue dip into my entrance before he let it swirl around my clit again. This time he lets go of my tights, letting me lift my hips to meet his lips and moving them like I need them too. Two of his fingers swipe troughs my folds, coating them with my wetness before he lets them thrust into me. The combination of his tongue and his fingers sends me over the edge for the first time, but Daniel doesn't stop.

He keeps up with the thrusting of his fingers and his gentle licks on my nub of nerve endings, not letting the pleasure fade, keeping me on a high level of lust. Daniel pats a bit around with his fingers until they find my g-spot, letting his fingers nudge against this bundle of nerve endings every thrust and brings me closer to the second high.

My moans and whimpers are rather high pitched, and I know Daniels ears are pointed because he loves the sounds I make when he pleasures me. With every thrust of his fingers some new lust spreads trough my veins, making me almost desperate for the second orgasm. Hoping that Daniel would speed up his movements a bit more, but he doesn't.

Instead, he sucks my clit into his mouth, creating a different kind of pleasure while his fingers nudge against my g-spot again. This combination sends me over the edge again and let me clench around Daniels fingers while I ride the second orgasm of the evening out. I do feel exhausted a bit, but this is totally worth it, and I know that we are not finished yet.

"Turn around and go on all fours." Daniel demands, after he has let me calm down for a bit. He leans to the nightstand, grabbing a condom, while I roll onto my stomach and go on all fours. My arms feel almost too weak to hold me up, but I try to stay in this position as long as possible. Daniel has rolled on the condom in the meantime and now places his body behind mine.

His hands grab my hips and he thrust into me with one smooth movement. He starts with a rather calm rhythm, letting me get used to the feeling of being filled up before he will probably go faster. My arms shake a bit and after a few more seconds of trying to hold me up, I give in and let my upper body sink to the mattress. Daniel doesn't seem to be bothered by that because his grip on my hips only gets firmer before he speeds up his movements.

Our painting breath and the sound of skin to skin are filling our bedroom while we both swim in a pool of lust. Suddenly Daniel slows down a bit and he helps me to sit up, leaning my back against his chest while he keeps grinding into me. The new position is different at first but seems to bring us booth pleasure after a few moments.

In the beginning I don't notice that Daniels hand has sneaked up to my neck, softly stroking over the skin, but when his fingers suddenly disrupt my airflow, I moan in surprise. It doesn't hurt and it only fuels my lust and Daniel seems to be turned on by it too.

"You look great with my hand wrapped around your throat." He groans into my ear while his hand continues to disrupt my airflow for a few seconds before he lets me breath fully again. This little power game seems to bring him more lust because he seems close to his high. While his one hand keeps holding me loosely by my throat, he let his other sneak between my tights to give me the last bit of pleasure I need.

The combination of his rough fingertips circling around my clit, the hand which is still wrapped around my throat and the grinding movements is too much for me and with a muffled scream I come to my third orgasm in a row. Ripping Daniel over the cliff with me, making him spill his cum into the condom.

Carefully Daniel lets me down to the mattress again, pulling out and disposing the condom, while I sleepily roll onto my back. Stretching my arms above my head and feeling fully pleasured. When Daniel comes back, he hands me a little washcloth, letting me clean up myself before he cuddles to me under a thin blanket.

"Convinced that I am not a softie behind closed doors?" Daniel asks, having a cocky smile on his lips and I am sure he would keep going with his treatment if I would answer with a no, but these rounds exhausted me, and I am fully convinced "Absolutely." I mumble, making Daniel grin widely.


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