Lando Norris [Scratches]

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A/N Wished by summer00lala. I hope you like it (:

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 1132

When Lando softly touches my face, letting his fingers carefully dance over my skin I slowly wake up from a good night of sleep. I hum to show him that I am awake and cuddle myself closer against the warm body beside me. Lando wraps his arms around me, letting me wake up a bit more before he speaks up with his morning voice.

"Good morning love." He mumbles and let his hands stroke over my back making some goosebumps appear on my body. "Morning." I mumble, my voice still hoarse from the sleepy state I am in before I open my eyes slowly. Lando smiles softly at me, and I smile back, enjoying that we are able to wake up beside each other.

"Want to join me in the shower?" Lando asks me, while grinning cheekily and I know he isn't talking about a normal shower but one with some spice. Since I don't mind these kinds of showers there is only one right answer to this question. "Sure."

We make our way to the bathroom after rolling out of the bed, stripping out of our clothing before getting under the water together. In the beginning it is a little too cold for my liking and I cuddle against Lando to get his warmth and away from the cold water while he just wraps his arms around me and waits for the water to get warmer.

When the water is warmer Lando cups my cheeks and starts to kiss me. In the beginning soft and gentle but soon the kiss starts to get more heated. His tongue is pushing trough my lips, involving mine in a sensual dance, making me knees feel a big weaker. My fingers tangle into his dark hair, pulling him closer to me while his hands start to wander down my body.

Feeling the skin under his fingertips and softly teasing the sensitive parts of it. Carefully Lando pushes my back against the wall, making me moan softly at the cold tiles on my back but soon I feel warm again because of Lando's body and the hot water making the air around us steamy.

I let my fingers now wander too, let them tease Lando's sensitive body parts. Rolling his nipples softly while my mouth nibbles on the thin skin on his collarbone, leaving a mark invisible for others but I know that is there. Lando's hands are on my butt, pulling me closer to his body and making me feel his length which is fully erected.

Slowly Lando's hands wand deeper to my tight and then he lifts me up backing me up against the wall behind me. I take his erection into my hand leading it to my entrance and with one smooth thrust of his hips Lando is inside me. He starts to thrust, making my head lull back a bit and wrapping my legs tighter around his hips.

I hold onto his shoulders while Lando keeps up a steady pace slowly but surely bringing us closer to an orgasm. My fingernails scratch a bit over his back when his tip nudges against the bundle of nerve endings inside of me and Lando hisses against my neck when the soft pain rolls trough his body. His lips roam over my neck, sucking on it to create his mark while he keeps rolling his hips against mine.

Both our moans and whimpers filling the bathroom additional to the running of the water, damping our sounds a bit. I can feel myself clenching around Lando, making him moan in my neck and speeding up his movements just a little bit but enough to chase our orgasms. My head is falling back against the wall again when I feel the waves of my orgasm washing over me, making me weak in Lando's arms.

He continues thrusting for a moment until he comes too, making his knees buck lightly but he keeps his balance. Carefully Lando lets my feet back to the ground, but he holds me close to my body until we are both steady again. His hands roam over my body, making me sight softly until I remember that we can't stay in the shower forever.

I lose my body a bit from his and we both start to wash our bodies, having an actual shower and getting ready for the day. After we leave the shower, we dry our bodies, stealing some kisses from the other and then get dressed. But before Lando can pull his shirt over his head I notice some red scratches on his back, and I stop him from pulling the fabric over his head.

"Do they hurt?" I ask and touch one of the streaks lightly. Lando shrugs his shoulders probably not being aware of the scratches until I notice them and now realising if they hurt or not. "Mh, maybe a little bit." He mumbles but doesn't mind it further and continues to get dressed.

"I'm sorry." I apologize and wrap my arms around his torso to cuddle against him. "Don't be sorry love." Lando reassures me and presses a gentle kiss onto my temple before we finish getting ready and make our way to the track.

In the motorhome Lando and I have some breakfast, before he gets ready to hop into his car. Get dressed in the fireproof underwear and the race suit before he ties the suit around his hips. When Jon enters the room for Lando's warm up I turn my attention to my phone and decide to play something or just scroll trough my Instagram.

But instead of Lando's usual massage Jon wants to do something different first. "Can you take of your shirt? I want to tape your neck." He asks Lando who has complained over some neck pain to Jon who obviously wants to take care of it now. "Yep." Lando says and pulls his shirt over his head, not thinking further over the marks on his back but Jon of course notices them.

"Somebody seemed to have a good morning." Jon laughs mockingly making Lando turn into a dark shade of red. I blush too but at least the attention is on Lando. "Jooon." Lando whines and hides his face behind his hand, being a little bit ashamed by Jon's teasing and probably just wants to disappear.

"I know that you two are madly in love, but you need to rest properly before a race Lando, okay?" Jon now appeals to Lando who nods at these words before sticking his tongue out to Jon. "Yes dad." Jon tweaks Lando for this statement but afterwards they both laugh and continue their normal warm up, but I am sure Jon is going to tease Lando more about his scratches during the day. 

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