Sebastian Vettel [N14]

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A/N Wished by Evie_Broad. I hope you like it! Got a little boost of motivation and finished this one pretty fast- hopefully the ideas are comming back to me from now on (:

 WORDS: 645

Giggling like newly in love fallen teenagers Seb and I make our way back to his motorhome. He just had his first really good race with Aston Martin, and it is like a hundred stones have just fallen of his chest. Seb looks finally happy with himself and holds my hand tight while we walk trough the paddock.

Suddenly Seb pulls me into a little niche between two motorhomes and presses me gently against the wall behind me. My eyes are a bit widened in surprise at his actions but when I see his happy smile, I can not stop myself from smiling back.

"My gorgeous angel." Seb mumbles and nuzzles his nose against mine for a second before pulling his head back again.

Sebs fingertips trace my cheek for a moment, and he locks our gazes into each other transferring the love we feel even after all these years being together. I always feel special when he looks at me like that, but it also let my legs feel weak under my weight. We both smile softly for one more time before Seb leans in for a gentle kiss.

I sight when he just brushes his lips over mine and try to get more of his touch but Seb just let his lips roam featherlight over my skin. Even though I enjoy his touch I let one of my hands wander behind his neck and draw his face closer to mine.

I would never though that we would make out in kind of the middle of the paddock but here we are kissing in the shadow of a motorhome. A little whimper leaves my lips when Sebastian's pushes his tongue trough them and deepen the kiss.

His fingers are pressed tightly in my waist and holding me close to his body. My hands start to roam over his chest feeling his muscles clench and unclench under my fingers completely forgetting where we are until someone starts to laugh loudly. We immediately step away from each other and look who has just found us making out.

"I was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realise you weren't alone but you both clearly forgot that you are in public." Lewis says still giggling at our terrified faces and red getting cheeks.

Seb clears his throat and starts to mumble a few words, trying to explain that this was just an innocent kiss, but Lewis does clearly not believe him and just continues to grin widely.

"Oh, don't act innocent Seb. A few years ago, you would have me pinned underneath you in five minutes." I chirp and can observe how Sebs cheeks turn even darker while Lewis starts to laugh loudly again.

It is true a few years ago we would go quite adventures on race weekends, but we mature and can contain our lust until we reach the hotel. We both do not want to get caught and trigger a scandal.

"I leave you two lovebirds to yourself now. Use protection or make me the godfather." Lewis says before disappearing as fast as he has appeared.

Slowly Seb gets his normal colour back before he looks at me with a stern expression but his eyes glimmer mischiefs before he approaches me. Whenever he comes close, I take a step back from him and we continue this for a few times until I hit a wall with my back.

Now I am stuck between Seb and one of the motorhomes. He is towering over me but by no way intimidating just like he is up to no good.

"Hm, I thought about tickling you, but I think I prefer to kiss you again." Seb mumbles before he lifts my head by laying his fingers under my chin and connects our lips for another kiss followed by many more.

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