Lando Norris [11]

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A/N Wished by hotgoretzka. I hope you like it!

Before the one shot, I have to say some things. After yesterday the pictures of Lando and (t)his girl got leaked I was furious. Why can't people leave him alone and live his life? He wants to enjoy his summer break, keeping his private live private and share only what he is comfortable with. If it is his girlfriend, I am happy for him, if not it is fine too. It is his live and as long as he is not hurting people with it, he can do whatever he wants to do. And how can people think that hating on this poor girl is a good idea? I hate how toxic social media is these days...It is none of our business what he does in his free time. Pull yourselves together!
Just what I am thinking of this...

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 1652

It is summertime and I am dating a boy. Sounds good in the first place but unfortunately, I did this for two times already and both times the boy ended things after summer, just wanting someone to show of during it before dumping me and leaving me kind of heartbroken. This time I hope this will not happen because I really start to catch feelings for the young Brit I am going out with.

We went to some dates already but never really got closer and sometimes I worry that he is not that interested in me but then he says sweet things, making my heart flutter and my cheeks blush in a pink colour. Since he is a Formula1 driver we kind of need to sneak around, being careful that no on takes pictures of us because everyone would think that we are dating even though we don't know what these dates are leading too.

Some of the F1 fans can be real stalkers and want to know everything about their favourite driver while dreaming of being with them in the future. Hate on the people they think are dating the driver and scare the poor girls away, always thinking she will dump him anyways after she is more famous and has steal some of his money. But away from the negative things and back to our date.

Today Lando and I are on a little hike, leading trough the woods where we are protected from the burning sun and can just enjoy us being together. No other people around us and only time to get to know each other more, deciding if it fits between us or not.

We walk closely together, giggle from time to time and talk a lot about different things. I like how easy it is with him but at the same time I am too scared to go further if he is not into me. Lando looks at me from time to time, like if he is checking if I am still with him or if I disappeared and I think that is really sweet. Softly smiling I continue the walk up the hill until we will reach the top and can enjoy the view.

My hands play with the ties of my backpack while Lando's loosely hanging beside his body. I need this to keep myself occupied, not wanting to accidentally touch his hand, and making things weird between us but Lando seems to think different about this.

"Just grab my hand instead of fiddling around." He suddenly suggests, making me almost stumble over my own feet and I blush about the fact how weird I am acting. Lando has stopped walking and now looks at me while his head is slightly tilted to the side.

"Are you scared to touch me?" He asks, frowning a bit and not sure how he should react to my behaviour. "No..." I mumble and look closely and my shoes when a hand appears in my eyesight. Surprised I lift my head, seeing that Lando has a soft smile on his lips while he holds his hand out in my direction, patiently waiting for me to grab it. I smile back before I carefully take his hand in mine and some soft sparkles tingling up my arm just making the smile wider.

We continue our path, being connected by our hands and not wanting to let go of the other. Most of the time we are silent now, but not an uncomfortable one. Just enjoying us finally getting closer and maybe entering a relationship after this date. But there is something that still scares me.

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