Daniel Ricciardo [N9]

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A/N This was wished by Charis260. I hope you like it! Please vote, comment and leave a wish in the PROMPT chapter. Enjoy (:

WORDS: 1507

The painting breath of Daniel and I are the only audible sounds in our bedroom at the moment. We had sex, good sex, but there is still something missing for me. I love how Daniel treats my body, how he knows exactly what to do to bring me close to my orgasm.

But sometimes he is way to gentle with me. He would never think of holding me to tight or do anything else that would bruise my skin in any way. No hickeys, no fingerprints, or little marks from his teeth.

I'm not unhappy with our sex live I just want to spice it up a little bit sometimes. While Daniel seems to be completely relaxed, I got a bit aroused by the thought of Daniel being rough to me once.

How his teeth would graze over my skin. How his mouth would suck on my pulse and how his fingers leave bruises on my hip. I press my legs slightly together to create some friction, but I does not satisfy me enough.

With a swift movement I lift myself up from the mattress and straddle Daniel hips instead. A bit surprised he opens his eyes and lift one of his eyebrows in a questioning manner. Without saying a word, I lean down and place my lips on his.

For a moment he kisses me back but then detaches our lips again.
"You're not exhausted?" He asks frowning a bit while laying his hands softly on my hips.

"Not really." I mumble leaning down again and begin to kiss down Daniels neck.

Daniel do not let me have my way with him. He lifts me away from his lap and lay me back on the mattress. A serious expression has spread over his face and now I am the one to frown.

"Am I not pleasuring you properly? Or why do you want a second round? You never asked for this before."

Well, I did not expect him to react like this. With a little giggle I place my hand on his cheek to gently caress it.

"You do your job very good." I reassure him and look him straight into the eyes to prove him that I am not lying.

"But...?" he asks further with a thinking face.

"I am really happy with you with our sex, but I want you to be rough with me sometimes. You are always really careful but please leave marks on my skin." A little sight tumbles over my lips as I finished speaking, not sure were to look because I do not want to see Daniels reaction to my words.

"You want me to be rough?" Daniel sounds surprised, but not mad. He places a hand under my chin to lift it up slightly.

"I like it when we make sweet love but sometimes, I need it a bit rougher." My cheeks flush red but I am happy that I finally told Daniel how I feel.

For a second a wide grin spread over Daniels lips, before he grabs my hands and press them into the pillow above my head. He places his body between my legs before bending forward to whisper into my ear.

"You get everything you want from me you just have to open your pretty mouth and tell me what you need." Daniel let his teeth slightly close around my earlobe and give it a gently bite.

Just this little touch makes me shiver underneath him and I am a bit scared of what will follow but also excited.

"Bruise my skin, I want to be marked by you." I whimper slightly and try to lift my hips a bit to create the desired friction.

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