Charles Leclerc [18]

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A/N Wished by Brazowa_Alpaka. I hope you like this shorty (:

WORDS: 590

Being invited to a gala has it's advantages and disadvantages. I love the fact that I can wear glamourous dresses and meet many different people from all over the world, but I was never a fan of paparazzi or the press in general. Some people say I should be used to it by now, but it is always a nerve-wracking experience.

At the moment I am waiting for Charles, hoping that he is finally ready because we need to leave for the gala soon or else, we would be late, and this would bring some bad headlines that I don't want to deal with. Charles is still getting ready like we have all the time of the world but that is not the case, and I don't want us to be late.

"Hurry up Charles!" I yell into the direction of our shared bedroom where Charles has disappeared in and didn't come out since the door felled close behind him. Playing with one of my bracelets I wait for Charles to answer me and when he comes out of the bedroom, I think he is ready but this is a false guess.

"I would already be finished if this stupid tie would let me tie it properly." He complains and crumples the tie in his hand, looking frustrated that it is not working like he wants it to. I need to supress a giggle because he is so frustrated and decide to offer him a helping hand.

"Need some help?" "Yes please." Charles sights and pouts because he can't tie his own tie while I do it in just a few seconds. "You are my rescue." He smiles and pecks my lips gently, now feeling ready to leave and not longer upset over a stupid tie.

"Are you ready to leave now?" I ask him, hoping that the answer will be yes, and we can start our journey to the gala.

"Yes I..." Charles starts to speak before his eyes catch a glimpse of my dress and he stops himself. He looks up and down, before he smiles softly at me, probably recognizing me with blush covered cheeks. Normally Charles is not staring obviously but today he seems to be fascinated by my sparkling dress.

"I know you said you didn't want to be late, but you look amazing, and I am trying not to kiss you senseless right now." Charles mumbles, taking my hands in his while his eyes still look adoring up and down my body which is covered in this beautiful dress. "Charles." I mumble, touched by his words because I am still not used to him showering me with compliments.

Charles leans forward, carefully cups my cheeks to not smudge my makeup and then presses his lips gently on mine. I sight softly against his lips, trying not to think too much about the ticking time and just enjoy this little exchange of tenderness. The kiss stays gentle because we both know that we can't turn this into a make out session but we still need to gasp for air after a few more kisses.

"We need to leave." I mumble, still being close by Charles lips, hearing him sight almost inaudible. "One last kiss." Charles demands pulling his lips into a little pout, not happy that we have to leave and can't continue this forever and just stay here were nobody can disturb us. "Fine." I giggle and kiss Charles again.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if we stay for a little longer.

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