Liam Lawson [29]

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A/N: Wished by archivebooks. I hope you like it! I did some productive (uni) and less productive(mocking Callum on insta) thing today, How about you guys? Please leave me a vote and a comment for feedback (:

WORDS: 1281

Being on this school reunion brings some mixed feelings to me. On the one hand I am happy to see some of my friends again which maybe moved to another city or I just haven't seen for some time but on the other hand I could do without some people.

I'm chatting with some old friends when I hear the high-pitched voice of one of the as we call them barbies. Blond hair, to much makeup and look like they starve the most time of the day. I just roll my eyes and try not to concentrate too much on it but one of my friends' chuckles in amusement.

"Look the famous one has arrived." She says with a mocking tone and points in the direction of someone. I do not even need to turn around to know who she is talking about.

Liam Lawson, the "famous" out of our class and probably one of the most wanted boys in the whole school as long as he was there. We where good friends, really good friends but that stopped after graduation. Liam left to life his dream of being a racing driver and I was kind of left behind in New Zeeland.

"Just go and greet him." One of my friends say when I let my gaze wander over to the familiar boy. He looks more mature than the last time I saw him, and he is definitely good looking, but he is surrounded by many girls that all try to get his attention.

"We haven't spoken for a long time." I sound a bit bitter when I say these words, but it is true. Liam and I haven't spoken for a while and this is making my heart ache a bit in my chest.

"Go or I'm going to drag you over there." The friend to my left playfully threatens me but I know she is going to drag me over to Liam when I do not walk myself. Defending I lift my hands up and close the distance between Liam and me.

"Hey Mr. Racing driver." I greet him and can see some poisonous looks which the barbies shoot at me. Liam turns around and a wide smile spreads on his lips when he recognizes me.

"Oh, I haven't seen you in so long!" He speaks up and pulls me into a deep hug. Relaxing I wrap my arms around him and just enjoy being close to my old friend again. Before the hug gets too long, we loosen the grip around each other again and just grin for a moment before a high voice disrupts our cosiness.

"Liam you just wanted to show me something." One of the barbies speaks up and let her hand stroke over Liam's chest who looks a bit disgusted by her actions. He simply takes a step away from her, lays his arm around my shoulder and guides me away without even speaking to her.

Inside of me I am giggling over this situation and when I glance to the side to my friend group, I can see that they are all burst into laugher when they see the offended face of one of the barbies who looks like she is almost crying.

Liam brings us to a quieter area where we sit down on a bench which is out of the sight of some curious eyes which followed us the whole time. For a few seconds it is silent between us before Liam finally speaks up.

"How is life treating you?" He asks and sound really interested in what he has missed over the last months. Liam is never faking interest when he is bored by something he will show it and when something is really fascinating him, he will be really excited.

"The first book I did the illustrations for just got published." I say with a wide grin. It was always my goal to do the illustrations for a children's book and I my first opportunity to do this was brought to me sooner then I ever could imagine.

"Wow, so you really live your dream." Liam says thrilled and gives me a wide grin which makes my cheeks turn a bit pink.

"It seems like we both live the life we imagined." I correct him because he lives his dream of being a racing driver and I do my art in a way where I can bring joy to others and not just to myself.

"Well, sometimes something is missing." Liam mumbles after a few minutes of silence and sound a bit sad about it. I can not imagine what could be missing for him, but I understand the feeling that he is having.

"You can't have everything you want to." My words are not meant mean I just want him to know that you sometimes have to dispense of something to archive what is your biggest dream. Maybe he has to dispense of this to be a better racing driver or a driver at all.

"I know but if you never try you never know." Liam says and seem to really think if he should speak further while nibbling nervously on his lip.

"What are you trying to say?" For a moment, my heart beats faster. Could it be...? No, there is now way he is thinking about the same thing. Or could he? Liam looks at me for a few more seconds before he takes a deep breath.

"I'm in love with you." He suddenly blurts out and, in the beginning, I am not sure if he really said these words or of my head just make this up. But when I can see how nervous he is the meaning of his words are slowly making they way trough my body.

My heart is starting to beat faster, my body is feeling warm, I can feel that my cheeks turn into a dark pink colour and my eyes went wide. In my head there is this one word repeating itself. "Love." He loves me.

"Are you finally confessing to me? Because I feel the same way?" I finally manage to breath out still not a hundred percent convinced that he just confessed his feelings to me.

" love me too?" Liam face lit up and he is now smiling widely before he looked a bit anxious but now, he is grinning as bright as the sun.

"I do. Longer than you can imagine." I giggle and think about the many times my friends tried to convince me to finally confess my feelings to Liam, but I never did. I was always too scared that it would ruin our friendship and I was not willing to lose him.

"Oh, I think I can relate." He answers and carefully takes my hand in his to entwine our fingers in each other. Liam looks at me to see my reaction and I just smile at him softly to reassure him that this is okay for me.

For the next minutes we sit closely together, and I can not believe that we just told the other how we are feeling but we did. A grin spreads on my lips and I lean my head against Liam's shoulder, finally relaxing a bit.

Liam lifts our hands up to his mouth to press a soft kiss onto my knuckle before he carefully leans his head against mine.

"What do you think, should we try us?" He asks me and let his thumb draw little circles on the back on my hand.

"I would love to try." I answer him and can not wait to experience what my future with Liam will lock like.

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