Charles Leclerc [54]

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A/N Wished by Brazowa_Alpaka. I hope you like it (:

WORDS: 1304

Starting the summer break with a relaxed evening at Charles' mom is just perfect. The brothers returned from Hungary and Pascale is doing everything to welcome them properly. I haven't accompanied Charles to this race because I had some deadlines, but I will be there the whole evening.

We laughed a lot, ate to much food, and just enjoyed having some time off now. Charles and I would sleep here in his childhood room and Arthur would stay here too. The evening gets later and later until we decide that it is time for some sleep. Arthur's eyes are little already, and Charles got pretty cuddly over the last minutes what usually indicates that he is sleepy.

Together we clean the last things in the kitchen before we walk into the direction of the bedrooms. "Good night Arthur." I wish the younger one who yawns and rubs his eyes. "Good night." He mumbles and disappears into his room, finally catching some desired sleep.

In his old bedroom Charles and I make us ready for bed and cuddle under the blanket afterwards. Instead of closing his eyes Charles begins to kiss me deeply, taking advantage of the fact that we are finally alone.

"I thought you were tired." I giggle against his lips when he lets me breath a bit. "Not too tired to kiss my girl." Charles grins before he rolls his body on top of mine and starts to kiss me again. His tongue pushes trough my lips and for a moment I let him have my way with me until I part our lips again.

"We can't do this here." I mutter when I slowly get what Charles want to do. As much as I want him too, but we can't have sex in this house. "Why not?" Charles pouts and let his fingertips roam over my skin after he sneaked them under my shirt. I let my body arch a bit into his touch but try to stay strong.

"Because your brother is sleeping next door and your mother is in this house too." I explain him why we can't sleep with each other now. The thought of getting caught or that someone of his family could hear us scares me a bit. Charles could get quite vocal, and this is surely nothing a brother or mother would like to hear.

"I don't care, I haven't seen you for too long and I don't want to wait." Charles mutter and places some more kisses onto my skin. Apparently, he really doesn't care about where we are and just wants some pleasure after being apart for longer.

I think about for a few more heartbeats before I sight softly and turn Charles on his back who grins triumphantly. Straddling his hips, I can already feel his growing erection and lean down to him to undress him. Pulling the shirt over his head, to see his firm abs in the darkness of the room.

"You'd better be quiet if you don't want to get caught." I warn him and can see him nod at my word, knowing that it would be a bit embarrassing if someone hears us. "I am all yours baby." Charles mumbles and relaxes under me, ready for what is going to follow.

I ream with my fingertips over his chest, playing with the hard pearls of his nipples, leading to him letting out some soft whimpers. "Shh." I mumble close by his ear and kiss down his body. Placing kisses on his broad neck, sucking the skin over his collarbone into my mouth and letting my teeth graze over his sensitive skin.

Charles really tries to stay quiet; his breath is hitching in his throat from time to time but he manages to keep his sounds limited. His fingers dig harder into my hips, trying to get me to grind down on him but I keep them as steady as possible while I keep kissing his upper body.

I close my lips around Charles nipple and let my tongue swirl around it, making it hard for him to keep his mouth shut. He loses one of his hands from my body to claps it over his mouth and muffle every sound that leaves his lips.

While I sit up, I pull my shirt over my head, exposing my skin to Charles who looks at me closely. Even though he has seen me like this several times he is still looking at me like it is the first time. He lifts his hands and carefully closes them around my breast. Massaging them softly and let his fingertips brush over my nipples from time to time.

I let my head fall back and roll my hips against his to create some more friction we both long for. Charles hips buck upwards a bit, and he gets impatient for me to finally start. He leads one of his hands between my tights and sneaks it under my panties to check how wet I am. His fingertips graze trough my folds and for a few seconds Charles stimulates my clit before he pulls his hand away again, making me pout.

I pull Charles boxershorts down, revealing his solid erection. Before we continue, I remember that we need protection, otherwise we couldn't have sex. "Condom?" Is my question to Charles, hoping that he has one with him.

"In the side of my bag." He informs me, making me nod before I stand up. I get the condom and throw it at Charles who unpacks it and rolls it down his length. While he does this, I drag my panties down my legs and go to the bed again. I straddle Charles hips and lift mine a bit to align his length with my entrance.

Slowly I sink down on him, taking as much as I can and feeling the gentle stretch. I place my fingers on his chest to steady myself a bit before I begin to rock my hips against his. The familiar stretch is fading soon, and the lust takes over again, making me enjoy it. Charles breathing is a bit deeper, and his hands wander to my waist to help me with keeping up the rolls of my hips.

"So good." He moans softly and barely audible. My fingernails dig a bit into his skin when I can feel the pleasure building up slowly. His hands pressing me down on his length with every thrust, making it hard for me to keep sounds from slipping over my lips.

I can already feel myself clenching around him, making his breath hitch in his throat because I get tighter, and he throws his head back trying hard to not make any sound. One of his hands sneak between my tights again, this time continuing to pleasure me with rubbing his fingers over my clit. This only brings me closer to my high, making me speed up my movements a little bit to bring us over the edge.

My fingers press harder into his skin, almost pinching the skin a bit when the waves of pleasure roll over me bringing me to an orgasm. I keep up my movements to bring Charles to this high too. When he spills into the condom, he has one of his hands pressed on his mouth the muffle the low grunts and keep this little session a secret.

I let him pull out and grab one of the shirts to dress me up with some fabric before I cuddle under the blanket. Charles disposes the condom before he comes close to me and wraps his arms around me to pull me to his chest. "I hope no one heard us." He mumbles in my ear with an audible grin, making me giggle softly.

"Could be an awkward breakfast."

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