Mick Schumacher-Just a bet

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A/N I'm back with a new one-shot. This one was requested by sooph-sooph-sooph. I hope you like it! Please vote and comment for feedback.

WORDS: 1400

The last few weeks were better than everything I ever experienced. Mick asked me for a date and not much later we where a couple. My mood is really lifted, and I can't wait to see him again. He is currently at the Prema factory for some meetings but afterwards we would spend the weekend together.

I just entered the building to pick him up, as I hear several voices. At first, I want to announce my present, but one sentence let me hold my breathe.

"How far are you with you bet, there is not much time left." Bet? I know the boys have some of them, because Mick always tell me about the stupid things they must do.

"Boys I've already told you I'm not going to do that. I really have feelings for her and I'm not going to ruin what we have for a stupid bet." Mick sounds annoyed and I'm shocked. The bet is about me? Does this mean that the last weeks were just a game for Mick and nothing more?

"So, you didn't fuck her?" one asks again, but before Mick can say anything, I announce my present to them. Frightened, the boys turn around and look at me with big eyes.

Mick tries to reach for me, but I only take a step back and close my arms in front of my chest.

"Well, is that true?" I ask, trying to make my voice sound strong, but fail miserably.

"Let's talk about it at home, okay?" asks Mick, looking a little worried from left to right. I laugh sarcastically.

"Forget it. Just tell me if this bet really was about me and you even think of doing this to me."

Mick looks briefly at the floor and then tries to catch my gaze.

"Yes..." He finally sighs and wants to keep talking, but I turn around and go.

"Please wait!" he calls after me and catches up with me in a few steps. Since I don't want to listen to him, he holds me by the arm and forces me to stop. I don't want to look at him, so I've lowered my eyes firmly on my shoes and wait until Mick says something.

"Please Y/N, I haven't lied to you all these weeks. The feelings, everything I said was real and had nothing to do with the bet. Please..." his voice sounds broken and as much as a part of me would like to throw into his arms, I'm just so angry with him.

I push him back from me and look at him now. There is a pleading expression on his face, but I just can't take that into account.

"I can't believe you," I say in a muted voice, because I don't want to draw too much attention to us.

"Please..." Mick tries to speak again, but I interrupt him immediately. This time a lot louder.

"No. The moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up!" Mick looks like I've beaten him but let go of my arm and so I can finally leave the building.

As soon as the fresh air hits my face, I can't stop the tears and I don't want to. My view is becoming more and more blurred, but I just want to get away from this place and if possible, not to come back anytime soon.

Mick's friends want to apologize to him in the meantime, but he just waves off and disappears from the building as well.

Days pass when I don't contact Mick and he also gives me my freedom. I shed a lot of tears, but I try not to think too much about the last few weeks, even if it is incredibly difficult for me.

The weeks with Mick were probably too nice to be true. He's too perfect and I'm too normal that he'd probably ever have spoken to me himself. All because of a stupid bet. There's that voice in me that tries to tell me that he still loves me, but I pushed it back in a corner of my head.

But when I come back from work today, a surprise awaits me at the door. Mick sits on the stairs but jumps up immediately when I get into his vision.

"Can we talk?" he asks directly, without waiting long. Resigned, I sigh and show him to follow me. Like a little puppy, Mick runs after me before I can think of it differently and send him away.

In my kitchen we sit down together at the table and I wait until he starts talking. Normally I would offer him something to drink, but right now I have other worries than being a good hostess.

"I'm sorry," says Mick, but I don't really react to that, because he's already told me that.

"It was a stupid idea to accept this bet, especially because I had a crush on you before. The boys only pushed me until I accepted them at some point. I know I should have ended it much earlier and most of all I should have been honest with you."

Mick's monologue arrives at me and deep inside me I want to understand him, but I'm also hurt by him.

"Do you know what the worst is?" I ask him in a raspy voice, but don't look at him.

"The worst thing is that that even after all of that, I'm still in love with you." my voice breaks and I try to hold back the tears.

"You still love me?" asks Mick, astonished, and gets up to get closer to me.

"As much as I try to hate you, it doesn't work. Damn, I felt so comfortable with you and then it comes out that it was all because of a bet." I have lost the fight against the tears and so I let them run down my cheeks in streams.

Carefully, Mick strokes my cheek and makes me look up to him. Tears also shimmer in his eyes, which does not necessarily make the situation any better.

"I'd undo it if I could. I wouldn't accept the bet and still ask you for a date. Treat you as I should be for a man and not put everything on the line because of such a stupid bet. But I can't. I can't turn back the clock and make everything better."

Now Mick has also lost the battle against tears and so we both sit in my kitchen crying and pour out each other's hearts.

"But if you want, I'd like to start over again. Take you on dates, gain your trust and don't make stupid mistakes this time." I look at Mick with big eyes.

He wants to start from scratch and make it possible for us again. Inside of me my thoughts fight a little battle.

My heart screams out loud to kiss him immediately and to go back to him. In my head, however, there is the voice that keeps whispering the bet to me.

Mick seems to see my silence as a negative response, because he lowers his hands and makes his way into the hallway.

"I'm sorry," he mutters, closing the door behind him.

At the moment a little life comes back into me. In the hallway I bump into my dresser, but I don't care.

"Mick!" I shout immediately as I enter the stairwell. Mick pauses and turns to me with a hopeful look.

Slowly I approach him until I stand opposite him and look him in the face.

"I... I would like to start all over again." I listen to my heart and express what I really want.

Surprised, Mick's eyes widen before he starts to shine. He pulls me into his arms and pushes me firmly. Laughing, I wrap my arms around him and burry my head in his neck.

"God, you're making me so happy right now," he mutters, before slowly lowering me to the ground. I have nothing to add to that, but I just smile at him happily.

"I'll pick you up for a date later," he says, give me a quick kiss on the cheek and disappearing before I can react.

I can't get the broad grin out of my face anymore and I don't want that at all. Now everything can only be good again.

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