Max Verstappen-Pole Position

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A/N Another one-shot. Today about the pole from Max. Thank's for reading my book, but please vote and comment to give me some feedback. 

WORDS: 1600

Formula One's final race in Abu Dhabi is just around the corner and in a matter of minutes it would be clear, who is taking the last pole of the year. Nervously I play with my fingernails as I watch Max while he safely steers his Red Bull around the course.

I'm sitting in his motorhome waiting to see if I can congratulate him or I must comfort him because he couldn't archive his goal by getting the pole. First, Lewis sets the fastest time, which is immediately undercut by his teammate.

Max hasn't finished his last lap yet and now it depends on how his last sector will be. My thumbs are pressed, I wish nothing more than that he can secure this first place.

Then he crosses the line, and his name jumps to the top. Max has secured the pole position. I jump up cheering and even if no one is here right now, I could embrace the whole world.

He's done it. My friend Max Verstappen has secured the first pole not supported by Mercedes engine this year and will start, for the first time this year, from the front.

Of course, I'd love to congratulate him directly, but the Corona regulations mean I can't just move freely through the paddock, as I always would.

Max would have to do the annoying interviews now and only after that can I embrace him, kiss him and just be a proud girlfriend.

The time until Max returns to his motorhome, I spend on my phone writing some messages and checking my social media accounts.

The door of Max's small room opens faster than expected and the Dutchman comes in with his tyer trophy. Almost euphorically, I jump up and take a step towards the grinning man.

"Put this thing away so I can congratulate you properly." I say laughing and immediately Max follows my instruction by placing his trophy on the small table.

As soon as this happened, I put my arms around him and press him tightly against me.
"I'm proud of you." I mutter and squeeze a gentle kiss under his ear. Max pushes me a little tighter and even if he is completely sweaty, it bothers me not really at this moment.

I then loosen myself a little out of the hug, but only to be able to put my lips on his. The kiss does not remain gentle and innocent for long, but quickly turns into a more heated mood.

Max's tongue pushes through between my lips, stubs slightly against mine, while his hands wander down my back and come to rest on my butt.

When we both gasp for air, he grabs my thighs, lifts me up and pushes me against the closed door. My legs automatically wrap around him and pull him a little closer to me.

"I want you, right here, right now." Max almost mutters hoarse at my ear and makes me shudder. Even though the whole situation is quite hot, I still have in mind where we are right now.

"We could be caught." I give in to mind and gently swipe over Max's cheek before a mischievous grin spreads on his lips.

"Isn't the danger of getting caught the half of the fun Y/N?" he asks, brushing his nose slightly over mine, but lets me put my feet back on the floor.

For a moment I hesitate, and Max also waits for my answer. He would never force me to have sex here if I didn't feel comfortable with it. One last look in his eyes, then I give him my approval.

"Then at least lock the door."

The quiet clicking of the key was then again, the starting shot for Max to push me against the wall and put his lips on mine again. He puts one hand in my neck while he leans with the other against the wall behind me.

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