Olli Caldwell [12]

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A/N This one is for . I found this one in my drafts and just forgot to upload it. My arm is killing me but apart from that I am fine (:

WORDS: 681

When I leave my bedroom the smell of food comes to my nose, and it is only then that I realise how hungry I am. I scratch on the cast which is covering my wrist and make my way to the kitchen where Olli is cooking some food for us. With my shoulder I lean against the doorway and then I watch Olli for a bit. How he hums to the music and just him cooking.

"If you promise me to keep on cooking for me like that, I'll marry you on the spot." I sight while leaning in the doorway and watching Olli making something to eat. I have a broken wrist and it is not that easy to cook with only one functional hand. With a few steps I am at Olli's side and cuddle him from behind.

"It is just some bacon and eggs." Olli mutters but his cheeks turn pink at my words almost immediately. I giggle softly and relax against his back savouring some of the warm which is radiating from his body.

"And I'm still loving you for taking care of me." I mumble against his neck and press a soft kiss against his neck bend. Now Olli giggles a bit and I let go of him because he moves slightly to the side.

"Someone has to take care of you. Otherwise, you would probably break some more bones." He is still laughing a bit and I scoff at his words. It is not like I planned on breaking my wrist while tripping on my way back from my part time job.

"I changed my mind. Bullies don't get to marry me." I chirp and suddenly Olli's face turns even whiter than it usually is. He seems to be really concerned by my words and looks like he tries to find the right words.

"Do you mean that?" Olli asks and fiddles with a kitchen towel to have something in his hands. "Do you really want to marry me?" He looks nervous changing his weight from one foot to the other and nibbles on his lower lip. I approach him and wrap my arms around his neck to bring him to look at me.

"Yes, I want to marry you." I say and a bit of panic is visible in Olli's eyes, but I continue to speak. "But not now. Someday in the future I would like to marry you, but I think at the moment we are still a bit too young." This is my answer for him, and I hope he is okay with this.

Olli nods slowly before he finally drops the towel and wraps his arms around me too. "I think I was just a little overwhelmed from you suddenly speaking over marriage." He informs me and gently sways our bodies from side to side to the music which is softly coming out of the speaker.

"It is not like I don't want to marry you someday, but that day should be a bit further in the further." Olli panics again and I turn a bit in his embrace to face him. He has some red patches on his cheeks which are more visible because of his light skin. I place one of my hands on his cheek and gently stroke with my thumb over it.

"Hey, don't panic. I just said this because you already care for me in good and bad times. It was just a joke about you cooking." I reassure him and hope he calms down a bit but when I mention the food the wide eyes are back, and Olli lets go of me.

"The food!" He exclaims and looks at the stove where our food just had burned. Our little talk about a possible marriage in the future had turned our attention away from the still simmering food and now it is ruined.

"Maybe no husband material anymore after this." Olli jokes and finally seems to be more relaxed about our conversation while he throws the burned food away and starts to make some new. 

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