Lando Norris [38]

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A/N Wished by esservega. I hope you like it!

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WARNINGS: Mental health/Anxiety. Please speak to someone if you are not feeling well, my DM are always open, and I am here to talk. I am sorry if someone feels offended by the way I described things here, but this is how I experience it.
WORDS: 2081

"Morning love, you're up early." Lando mumbles when he comes to the kitchen door and spots me on the table, working on my laptop while sipping on a cup of tea from time to time. I smile softly at him and actually love his sleepy appearance, how his hair is messy, and his eyes are not fully opened.

"Yeah, wanted to finish some things for uni." I explain and close to laptop after saving the file I was working on to give Lando my full attention. He leans against the kitchen counter and looks at me seeming to think about something because he nibbles on his lower lip.

"Can we talk?" Lando finally ask, making me tense up a bit because his words sound like it is something important and immediately thoughts are rushing trough my head, thinking about what he possibly wants to talk about.

"Uhm, yes..." I bring out, a bit stuttering because I am really nervous to what this conversation could probably lead to. Lando hesitates for a few more heartbeats, looking at me with a neutral face before he takes a deep breath and starts speaking.

"I'm coming straight to the point of this conversation: Am I the reason you cry every night?" His voice trembles a bit and I need a few seconds to process what he just had asked me. Is he what? I can't think straight in this moment, my head is full of voices, rambling abut things I don't understand, and I can bring only one word over my lips. "What...?"

"I heard you cry, several times now and since you are not speaking with me about it, I assumed that I am the reason for it." Lando explains, looking calm but his voice is shaking, and I am shocked. Shocked that he heard me crying and even more that he thinks that he is the reason for my never-ending tears.

"No! Absolutely not!" I shake my head to emphasize this statement because I don't want him to think this. He is not one of the reasons I cry, and I can't think about the reason why he should be one. Lando is the sweetest boyfriend ever, caring so much about me and definitely not a reason to cry sad and desperate tears maybe some happy tears out of laughter but never because he makes me sad.

"But what is bothering you so much?" He now asks me, coming close and sitting down on the bench beside me. His voice full of worries and concerns, not knowing how to deal with this situation. Tears rise to my eyes because I don't want him to worry so much, the happiness of Lando is important to me and I don't want him to be sad because of me.

"What makes you this unhappy?" Lando mutters softly and cups my cheeks to look into my eyes where he can see some tears shimmer. His expressions are so concerned, and he looks ready to do everything just to see me smile again while his thumb carefully brushes over my cheeks even though there are no tears running down them. Yet.

"I..." I try to start a sentence with trembling lips, but I don't know how to start. How to explain Lando what is going on in my head and what is messing with my feelings. I want to tell him; I am just scared that he wouldn't understand it or think that I am overreacting on this topic.

"You know that you can trust me?" Lando mumbles and carefully pulls me close to his chest, wrapping his arms around me and making me feel safe. I lean my head against his shoulder, breathing in the familiar scent and try to calm down my heart a bit which is beating harshly against the inside of my ribs.

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