Lance Stroll

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A/N This one is for LilyHeseltine123. I hope you like it! Go an check out her one-shots and other stories. Please vote and comment for feedback. Enjoy (:

WORDS: 1150

With a skeptical scrunch of my nose, I look at my body in the mirror. My accident in Formula 2 has been a few weeks now, but on my body and in my head, there are still traces of it.

Again, and again pictures flash in front of my inner eye. How my car lost control and crashed head-on into a wall. The loud sounds, which did not want to disappear from my ears and indescribable pain.

Since that accident I haven't been in a Formula 2 car and I don't know if I'll do it again in the near future.

The bruises on my body have faded now, but the scars of my surgery remain. Due to the impact, I broke some ribs and since they have shifted, I had to have surgery.

I had to spend far too many days in the hospital and could hardly move. Was tied to the bed and couldn't do much more than stare at the ceiling. This time could have been a lot worse if I had been alone.

But luckily, I wasn't. My boyfriend Lance didn't give way to me. He held my hand and shed my tears when my pain became too strong. Through him I had more strength and for that I am incredibly grateful to him.

I swipe my finger over the scar on my rib arch. I don't really have any pain anymore, but Lance only touches me with velvet gloves.

Leaves his arms just loose around my body, gives me only tender kisses and has not tried to sleep with me once. Okay, the last few weeks I wouldn't have been able to do that, but now I'm fine again.

As soon as I think of him, the door opens, and Lance enters the bathroom. When he realizes that I am naked, he puts his hand in front of his eyes and turns around.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were naked." He also apologizes immediately, which makes me laugh.
"It's not like you've never seen it before." With a grin, I approach him and wrap my arms around him from behind.

Nervously, Lance laughs and reaches for my hands.
"That's right, but I didn't know if it was okay for you." Again, and again Lance surprises me with how sensitive he is.

I loosen my arms a little so he can turn around and then look up to him. Lance only looks into my eyes and doesn't let his gaze wander for a moment.

'It's okay. The bones are healed and the scars are already beginning to fade." Carefully I raise his hand and put it on my side. Lightly, Lance lets his fingers wander over my skin, but doesn't let me out of sight.

This little touch makes me shudder directly and I want him now. Almost harsh, I pull his head down to me and press my lips on his. A little surprised, Lance stumbles back two steps before he can intercept himself and reciprocate the kiss.

Without hesitation, I let my hands slide under his shirt and touch his flat stomach, which is noticeably tense under my touches. I quickly push his shirt up and pull it over his head, which is what we must get away from.

Lance pupils are widened, and he licks his lips nervously.
"Should we go to the bedroom?" he asks, but he sounds damn insecure. Confirming, I nod and the next moment I'm lifted and carried into the other room.

Carefully Lance leaves me on the bed and kneels next to me in the mattress. The first time he lets his gaze wander over my body and rushes I feel a little uncomfortable.

What if he dons't like my body anymore? When the scars make me ugly and Lance doesn't want me anymore? But all the worries were unnecessary, because the next moment Lance bends over me and breathes quietly at my ear.

"You are so indescribably beautiful."

All the hairs on my body stand up and I shudder as his hand begins to explore my body. Strokes over the small bumps, irritates my sensitive spots and plays teasing with my nipples.

Even now I feel completely overstimulated and know that it won't be long before Lance will take me to my first climax. As soon as I thought about it, Lance let his hand wander between my legs and moisturizes his fingers a little.

Automatically I open my legs a little bit and moan when he lets two fingers slide into me. At the beginning I feel a small pull in my abdomen, but this quickly disappears and is overlaid by the lust.

Lance watches my face attentively, because after all he doesn't want to cause me pain.
"Do you like this?" he mutters and begins to cover my neck with kisses.

I can only whimper quietly and stretch my hips a little more towards him. Lance doesn't let himself be fooled by this, but moves his fingers further. When he puts his thumb on my clit, it happened to me and with trembling thighs I come to an orgasm.

Lance lovingly helps me through the aftermath and then bends over me.
"Do you want to carry on?" he asks, brushing his nose slightly over mine.

Even though I already feel exhausted, I agree. I want to finally feel him as close as possible.

"As the princess wish." Lance gently strokes over my cheek before connecting our lips to a gentle kiss. Distracted by it, I don't even notice Lance reaching between our bodies and leading himself to my entrance.

With a gentle push, Lance slides into me and pauses for a moment. I easily gasp for air and release my lips from his to put my head a little backwards.

The feeling was more intense than it already was, and Lance seems to have a little problem not to move. Once I take a deep breath, then I open my eyes and give Lance permission to move.

Every push touches the best spots in me and so I'm within a few minutes already just before my climax. Lance doesn't seem to be far away either, as his grinds get deeper, but also slower.

"Come babe, come for me." He purrs into my ear and lets his hip roll easily against mine. All I can do is whimper over his lips and my fingernails claw into his shoulders with pleasure.

Twice Lance hits, then he sends us both over the cliff. Lance sinks a little but tries to hold on to his arms so as not to lie on me with full weight.

"Everything okay with you?" he asks, a little anxious and out of breath.
"Everything is fine with me." I mutter soothingly and put my hand on his cheek.

"Perfect." Lance gently puts his lips on mine and I just feel loved.

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