Robert Shwartzman [69]

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A/N Wished by jade2506. I hope you like it (: Struggled a bit with this one but I think it turned out okay in the end. One more one-shot to go!

WORDS: 860

Sitting on the bed and look into the dark sky which is sprinkled with stars was not how I imagined this night. Instead of cuddling with Robert and sleeping peacefully I sit here, wrapped in a blanket and stare into the distance. I don't know where he went but he is not here anymore, and I am really worried about him. Why would he go out in the middle of the night without telling me?

He got up and tiptoed out of the room. First, I thought that he just went to the bathroom but when the front door felt close, I got curious and looked trough our apartment. It was empty and no sign of Robert left. Since then, I am sitting here, waiting for his return, and hoping that nothing has happened to him. I turn my head when the familiar sound of keys in the lock sound and then footsteps come to the bedroom.

As soon as the bedroom doors open, I speak up. "Where were you?" I ask Robert who flinches because of my question and probably because I am awake too. He closes the door behind him while I switch on one of the small lights on the nightstand.

"Outside for a drive, I couldn't sleep." Rob explains and I frown because this still doesn't explain why he left without leaving a note. "Why didn't tell me?" I mumble and grab his hand, not wanting to sound harsh and show him some physical affection. Robert pulls me closer, wrapping his arms around me from behind and places his chin on my shoulder, making us both look out of the window.

"You were asleep." Is his answer while his fingers start to trail up and down my legs, drawing some random patterns, making me shiver under his touch. "I couldn't sleep either." I sight and cuddle closer against his body before I turn my head a bit and kiss his cheek softly, still not wanting to turn this conversation into a fight.

"Oh, well, if you can't sleep...then how about we have sex?" Rob now grins while his hands already sneak under my shirt, but I wriggle out of his grip directly, bringing some distance between our bodies. "Absolutely not." I say and look at him stern while he just looks confused by my sudden mode change.

"What, why?" He asks because normally I would sleep with him without any second of hesitation and I think this is actually the first time I reject him. Robert frowns, seeming to think why I am not amused from his question. I try to swallow the bit if anger down and start to explain Robert why his idea is not the best.

"Because you scared me? I had no idea where you went and now you come back and want sex? Not with me Shwartzman." My arms are crossed in front of my chest and Robert's eyes get wider with every word I say. It seems like he hasn't thought of me potential worrying about his absence and now realises how stupid his idea was.

"I...I am sorry love it wasn't my intention to scare you. I just wanted to clear my head a bit." Robert mumbles and comes closer to me again, tugging carefully on my arms to loosen them, before he takes my hands in his, stroking softly with his thumbs over the back of my hands. "You better be sorry." I huff even though I am already not that mad anymore.

"I am sorry." Roberts says before he presses a kiss onto my cheek. "I am sorry." He presses a kiss onto the other cheek. "I am sorry." A kiss onto my forehead where he let his lips linger for a few seconds before he detaches them again. He grins at me widely before he continues to press kisses all over my face, making me giggle under his touch.

"Okay, okay. I forgive you." I laugh and try to catch his face, but Robert is obviously stronger than me and continues his treatment for a bit longer before he lets go of me and nuzzles his nose softly against mine. I pull him down again, giving him a sweet kiss on the lips to make sure everything is normal again.

„Come, let us catch some sleep before the sun will rise again." Robert mumbles after we kisses each other for a few more minutes while the tiredness slowly start to spread trough our both bodies. We cuddle under the blanket again and Rob wraps his arms around me, but I have other plans.

"What are you doing?" He asks me when I cuddle on top of him, wrapping my leg around his hip and my arm around his torso before I let my head sink into his neckband breathing in his familiar scent and I can feel myself relaxing, lulled in by his warmth. To answer his question, I mumble almost inaudible.

"Making sure that you stay in bed this time." What led to Robert wrapping his arms tighter around me to let me know that he is still there and will not leave again.

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