Oscar Piastri [7]

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A/N Wished by LilyHeseltine123. I hope you like it (: It is probably a bit messed up because I first write it in 3.Person and then switched back to Oscars point of viev. So, sorry if I didn't change something. 

Anyone intrested in helping me with a prompt list?

WORDS: 981

Dreamingly Oscar looks at the girl which is just a few meters away from him. I smile at her braided hair which is a bit messy because she just pulled her balaclava from her head and now a few strands of her hair hang out of the tight braid.

My eyes wander over her rather petit figure and how the fireproof shirt hugs her curves. Her laugh let a warm feeling spread in my body and make my lips curl a bit upward too. She chats with some of her McLaren team members and probably did not even know that I exist but still he can't bring his eyes away from her.

"Oscar!" The voice of my teammate rips me a bit out of my thoughts, but I am still not willing to turn my head. "Mhm?" is my simple answer if it would be something important Robert will tell him.

"Stop staring at her." Robert mumbles and nudges him in the side with his elbow. Finally, I lift my head and turn around to face away from the people I just looked at.

"I dont stare!" I protest and ruffle trough my hairs with one of my hands. One of the things I do when I am nervous and obviously lying. But I can't help myself she is a bit older than me and already settled in Formula1. How could I possible reach her.

"It is pretty obviously that you like her." Rob says and wiggles playfully with his eyebrows. My cheeks instantly heat up, but I still try to deny the fact that I have a crush on one of the McLaren drivers. I just shake my head, not knowing what to say and hope that Rob would leave me alone.

"Oh, come on Oscar, just tell her what you feel." Robert tries to encourage me but I just scoff. Right, what a brilliant idea. I think you had too much vodka. This is what I think but the words that come out of my mouth are worse.

"I can't just walk up to her and say, "I am pretty sure I loved you from the second I first laid my eyes on you". She would think that I am mental." I throw my hands a bit up. Does Robert really think this would be my best option?

"Well, you just did." The Russian informs me and nods his to point at something behind me. My body freezes for a second and I am not sure if I understand what Robert just said to me.

"I...what?" Slowly I turn around to meet the oh so familiar figure of my favourite girl. I desperately need a hole to disappear in and never come back to the light I think and prepare myself for being rejected.

"I don't think that you are mental, I think it is cute." She smiles sweetly and I need a few heartbeats to process her words. My heart is beating faster with hope for a second before it slows down again, and my grey cloud of doubts rises again

"But I am younger than you." I mutter and shove my hands into my pockets to supress the urge to play around with them. It is not the classic relationship where the boy is the younger one. Normally the girl is the younger one, but that stereotype is stupid if you ask me.

"And? It is not like you are underage or the gap is huge. These one and a half year are nothing." She just shrugs with her shoulders and really does not seem to be bothered by our age gap. I am surprised that she even knows how much of a gap is between u when I was sure that she does not even know me just five minutes ago.

"I am so confused right now." I say and mean this honest. This little chat has confused me so much and I am still not sure if I am dreaming, or somebody is pranking me. Its jut does not feel real. She laughs at my words sounding angelic and this must be a dream because it would never happen in real life.

"To sum it up for you: You confessed your feelings, and I am trying the same, but I think I am doing a pretty bad job." She says and continues smiling at me. Her damn smile which makes me fall for her from the beginning on.

"You...you like me too?" I ask and warmth spread trough my body when I slowly realise that this is reality and not just one of my fantasies. A smile appears on my lips, and I shyly look at her to see that she is still there.

"Yes, Oscar and if you want to, we can eat dinner tonight and maybe watch a film afterwards." Yes, jackpot. This is going to be the best evening ever. Adrenalin is pumping trough my veins and before I can stop myself, I say something I maybe going to regret.

"Can I kiss you?" I blurt out, not thinking further just wanting to finally kiss her lips and feel if they are as soft as I thought they would be. But as soon as the words had left my lips, I could hit myself. I am so stupid.

"See you later Oscar." She just smiles and stand on her tiptoes. Her lips brush over mine, barely touching them but still sending little lightnings and tingles trough my body. Then she disappears and leaves me starstruck

"See you later." I mutter even though she is already gone I just realise now that I have a date. Happily, I jump in the air and grin like an idiot. The smile does not disappear from my lips for the rest of the day, and I know this is going to be the best night ever.

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