Mick Schumacher-Back home

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A/N: This one was requested by summer00lala. I hope you like it! Please vote and comment for feedback. My university started again and I am so unmotivated...

WARNINGS: Nothing really to warn about
WORDS: 1075

The wheezing breath of Mick and me is the only thing you hear in our bedroom right now. A few minutes ago, we were still trapped in the lust and celebrated our reunion extensively, now we are trying to catch our breath again.

"God, I missed you," Mick mutters, pulling me to his slightly sweaty body.

"It's good that you're back." I confirm his words and gently kiss his bare chest. We stay for a few more minutes, then it gets cold for me, I get off Mick and get up. He looks at me with a ruffled forehead and puts his head slightly to the side.

"I'm going to take a shower," I inform him and a little more life comes in the German.

"I like to come along," he says with a wink and enters the bathroom in front of me.

"Just shower Mick." I warn him because I feel to exhausted by our previous round.

"Of course, darling," he says, pulling me under the warm jet of water. I am enjoying myself closing my eyes and can literally feel my cramped muscles gradually relaxing.

Mick lovingly closes his arms around me, pulls me closer to him and so we just stand there in silence for a few minutes. At some point, Mick pushes me away a bit, reaches for the shower gel and raises it with a questioning face.

"May I?" A simple nod from my side and Mick starts to soap my body with gentle movements. His strong hands feel comfortable on my skin, but I stick to my statement that this will be a normal shower.

When Mick is satisfied with his work, he begins to wash off the foam again. At some point, a grin creeps on to his lips, which he tries to suppress again and again.

"What's going on in your head?" I ask, tweaking him slightly into the side, causing him to shrug. He looks at me with a cheeky grin before placing his hands on my hip and stroking it slightly.

"I may or may not have left some marks," he says, which let me roll my eyes. Again, and again, I tell him to stop it, but he has far too much fun making them.

Sighing, I put a hand on my neck and look up to him.

"Can I at least cover the hickeys with my work clothes this time or do I have to listen to my coworkers asking if I had a wild night again on Monday?" I ask him quite neutrally. Mick let his nose nuzzles gently against mine to make me a little less mad.

"I know you don't like it on your neck, but don't worry, this time all the marks are in places where no one should see them," he reassures me. If that's really the way he says, I don't understand why he's grinning so proudly, usually he likes when everyone knows I'm taken. I'm asking him this question, and he just looks down at me and removes his hands.

"For once, I haven't spoken of your neck."

As Mick says, this time other marks decorate my body. The little hickey on my hip bone is hardly noticeable, but the slightly bruises where Mick's hands held me earlier, are more clearly.

I didn't even notice that he obviously held me so tight, but I probably focused more on other touches and feelings.

"I didn't even notice that. I mutter and swipe over the prints, which hurt a little.

"But I didn't hurt you?" asks Mick, a little worried, trying to catch my gaze. Shaking my head, I put my arms around him and lean my head against his chest.

"As I said, I didn't even notice it," I reassure him, and he sighs.

"Okay." he mutters softly before taking his shower gel and washing himself off for a short time before we go out of the shower again.

Quickly we both dried up and lie in bed again a short time later. My head was on Mick's chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Sleep well darling," Mick murmurs, but I've already arrived in the land of dreams.

That night was much more relaxing for me, as all the nights Mick spent in the countries of the world. I slept incredibly well and feel ready to get up. But when I want to put this into practice, one arm prevents me from doing so.

Mick still seems to sleep deep and tight, but has an arm tightly wrapped around me and doesn't seem to want to let go even in his sleep.

Smiling, I swipe his tangled hair out of his forehead and gently remove his arm from my body. Almost immediately he reaches for a pillow and holds it in his arms instead of me. I get up quietly and leave my peacefully sleeping friend.

My first walk leads me to our front door, where I saw a note lying on the floor, on which is written a message from our neighbor.

I would say that Mick is back home... Your reunion was apparently very intense (;

Even if a reddish spread on my cheeks, I must start laughing. Our neighbor is a very young man who did not want to complain about it, but just wanted to make fun of us. He and Mick always run together and get along pretty well. His girlfriend and I regularly gossip over our friends, so I just take a photo of the note and send it to her with a laughing smiley face.

I put my phone back to the side and go to the kitchen instead to make breakfast. A few minutes later, Mick comes into the kitchen sloping and puts his head on my shoulder.

"Good morning," I say, putting my hand on his cheek for a moment before continuing to take care of our food.

"Morning," Mick mutters, placing his lips on my neck for a moment.

"I think we were a bit too loud yesterday." I then notice, pointing to the note that lies on our kitchen table.

A little reluctantly, Mick breaks away from me, grabs the note, reads it, and then starts laughing.

"I'll welcome the idiot," Mick announces, pushing me a kiss on the cheek and disappearing from our apartment.

Shaking my head, I look after him, but I can't suppress my grin.

God, I missed this guy.

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