Lando Norris-Jealousy

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A/N This one was request by thexgirlxxx I hope you like it! Please leave a vote and a comment to give me some feedback. Feel free to request a one-shot with your favorite driver.

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 1235

"Are you ready?" Lando turns to me with a questioning glance and waits for an answer before we go on. This weekend it would be the first time I come with Lando for a whole race week. To say I'm nervous is an understatement

Nevertheless, I give Lando a semi-convincing smile, reach for his outstretched hand and enter the grounds together with him.
"I'll show you my car first, introduce you to my team, and then take you to the motorhome, where you can wait until I'm done with my interview, okay?"

Silently nodding, I approach Lando a little closer and hope that my heart will beat a little slower. Lando realizes that I am more nervous than I would like to admit and puts gentle pressure on my hand.

"Don't worry Y/N they will love you!" he told me and breathes a little kiss on my cheek. Even if a slight redness spreads on my face, I immediately feel a little looser and let my gaze wander a little.

There is a lot going on around us, many cameras are positioned at all corners and countless photographers are running around to take the best picture of the day. It is a bit scary when the lenses are pointed directly on us, but I try to stay as calm as possible.

I don't even notice that we have already arrived at the garage, but when Lando releases my hand, I look up. With a cheerful grin Lando greets his mechanics and I stand there as ordered and not picked up.

It takes a moment, then Lando turns to me and waves to me still with a broad grin on his face.
"That's my girlfriend Y/N." he introduces me, as I wave shyly into the round.

Some of the guys whistle Lando appreciatively, others reach out to me to introduce themselves to me. During this process, Lando does not deviate from my side for a single second and seems proud to have me with him.

However, the cheerful round was destroyed by Lando's PR manager, who reminded Lando of his upcoming interview, which would be in a few minutes. Lando quickly wanted to show me the way to the Motorhome, but he doesn't really have time for that anymore.

Surprisingly, a deep voice interrupted us
"I'll bring her over Lando, I don't have an appointment." Carlos, Lando's teammate, offers us this service, which Lando accepts with an unenthusiastic glance.

Like a true gentleman, Carlos offers me his arm and leads me to the McLaren motorhome.

"So, you're Y/N, Lando is constantly talking about you." My cheeks blush a little at the words of Carlos and I sink my gaze to the ground. Carlos doesn't comment further on my shy behavior, just puts me at a table and gets us something to drink.

Carlos and I spend the next hour talking. We talk about all sorts of topics, laugh at anecdotes he tells, and start to make up stories about the people walking past the window.

My stomach aches with a lot of laughter and I just wipe a few tears of laughter from the corner of my eye when someone next to us cleared his throat. As I turn around, I discover Lando, who has a little frown on his face.

Before I can greet him, he mutters, "We're going now." And look at me. My good mood sinks a little, but I lift myself up and mutter a quick "Bye." In Carlos direction.

Lando goes with quick steps towards the parking lot and I really struggle to get behind him. What ever that interview was about, it had spoiled his mood.

Lando wasn't waiting for me at the car either but started the engine before I really sat in the car. The car ride was quiet and tense, I didn't really know what to say, so I just stay still.

"What happened?" I ask him, but Lando snorts only quietly and ignores me. Now I roll my eyes and close my arms in front of my chest.

"Oh, come on, it is not my fault when the reporter asks you dump questions." Once again I try to get something out of him, but this time he stays completely still.

Until the hotel I stay still, but I want to talk to Lando again in the hotel. Almost roughly, he pushes his keys into a page and storms through the lobby without looking at anyone. Normally he would greet kindly, but he seems to be really in a bad mood.

I hurry to get after him again and just make it into the elevator before the doors close. Arriving in our room, Lando immediately throws himself on the small couch and looks at his phone quietly.

With a sigh, I sit on the chair and watch it for a moment before I try it again.

"Lando what happened with your mood?" Shortly his gaze flickers towards me, then he crunches a "Nothing." Between his teeth.

"If there was nothing you wouldn't behave childish like this." Now I'm a little more annoyed.

Now Lando looks at me, but his gaze is not loving at all.
"If I'm so childish, you can go back to Carlos."

His words make me realize what is happening here. Lando, who is otherwise cheerful and loving, has just had his first jealousy attack.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" I ask cautiously, but with a slight smile on my lips.

"Of course, I'm jealous! I didn't take you with me to watch you flirt with other people, especially my teammate." Now he's a little bit upset, which surprises me quite a bit, because Lando rarely gets loud.

"Please tell me that you're not serious right know?" I ask him and am really surprised that he thinks I'm flirting with Carlos or anyone else.

"Of course, I mean this serious! You were laughing all the time and looked so happy with each other... I'm just scared not to be enough for you." His last words were hardly audible, but I understand them quite good.

It hurts that he thinks of himself so less, but he doesn't have to.
"Lan, look at me." I say, but he continues to avoid my gaze.

With a quiet sigh, I rise, place myself on Lando's lap and lift his head so that he must look me in the eye. Automatically, his hands move to my side and hold me.

My fingers swipe slightly over his cheek, and his eyes close for a moment.

"I love you Lando, only you. There's no one else there and there won't be anyone else because you're the best thing that could have happen to me. Okay?"

Lando looks at me, as if he wants to see in my eyes if I'm telling him the truth. Eventually, he leans his head against my shoulder and begins to mutter.

"I know that. I know all this and yet it just came over me. Seeing you both laughing together was like a stab in the heart. It's stupid of me to think that you and Carlos would flirt with each other."

"It's okay Lando." My fingers gently swipe through his tangled curls until he raises his head and presses his lips on mine.

The kiss is different from our previously shared. You can feel Lando's fear, but the priority is to feel our love for each other, which runs warmly through our bodies. 

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