Lando Norris [6]

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A/N Wished by _amelia_bianchii. I hope you like it!

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 763

"Love? Are you at home?" I hear the voice of Lando after he has entered our shared home. He finally returns from Hungary today, after some additional tests with McLaren and normally I would greet him happily, maybe cook something but today I just don't feel like moving an inch.

My stomach hurts and even the thought of food makes me feel uneasy. I couldn't eat anything today and just sipped on a cup of tea from time to tome to wet my lips a bit. It is not always that bad when I have my period but this one is one of the worst ones I had in the last month, making me groan in pain from time to time and just feeling miserable in general.

"Here you are." Lando says when he enters the living room where I am cuddled under a fluffy blanket and just try to get rid of the cramps which tense my abdomen from time to time. I lift my head a bit and smile at my favourite body who is looking at me with a frown. "Hey." Finally, I greet him, but he seems to think about something else.

"Are you not feeling well?" Lando ask, tilting his head to one side and waits for my answer. Since I don't want to bother him with my cramps I decide to lie. "I'm fine." I smile at him but at the same time a wave of pains rolls trough my stomach what makes it hard to keep the smile even.

"And a bad liar." Lando says, not annoyed that I lied and giggles because I am indeed a really bad liar. "Just having some stomach cramps." I finally tell him and roll onto my back, hoping that would help my tensed muscles to relax. He crouches down to my level and carefully stroke with his fingertips over my cheek.

"Let me change into something comfy and then we can cuddle." Lando mumbles, before he presses a soft kiss onto my lips and stands up again. "Don't let me wait too long." I giggle and he bows laughing before he disappears to get some comfortable clothes and not ones, he already wears for a flight.

He only needs a few minutes until he returns, wearing a hoodie and some loose sport shorts. Lando cuddles beside me and pulls me close to his chest, nuzzling his head in the crock of my neck. He breaths in and out deeply, before a sight leaves his lips.

"Missed you." Lando mumbles and presses a soft kiss against my skin. "Missed you too." I mutter and cuddle myself closer against his warm body, already feeling way better than when I was alone. His hand sneaks under my hoodie and his thumb starts to draw soft circles on my cramped stomach, making me close my eyes and trying to relax.

"Can I do anything for you?" He asks me after a few minutes of silence, not wanting to see me suffer too much. "Just keep cuddling with me." I hum and try to get even closer to him when he starts moving and detaches his body from mine. Whining in dismay, I open my eyes and look at him questioning.

"What are you doing." Lando is sitting up and turns me on my back, making me feel so confused. "Shh, let me try something." He grins at me and slowly rides up my sweater a few inches, exposing the bare skin under it. Lando looks at me for the last time, before he begins to press soft kisses onto my stomach, placing them around my belly button, leaving his lips on the skin for a few moments before moving a bit and repeeats the same thing over and over again.

"You can't kiss stomach cramps away darling." I giggle and let my fingers brush trough his dark curls. His actions making me feel loved and a warm feeling spreads trough my veins. Lando is such a sweet boyfriend, and I couldn't wish for a better one.

"I can try." He says while grinning cheekily before he continues the soft treatment of his lips on my skin. I relax under his touch, indeed feeling better for the moment and sighting softly. Lando's lips linger on my skin for a few more seconds before lifts his head and comes back up to me again.

"Better?" He asks and nuzzles his nose against mine. "Of course." I grin and pull him close to my body, happy to finally have him around and just for myself again.

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