George Russel-Not good enough

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A/N This is my first one-shot I have ever written in english. I hope you enjoy it and leave me a comment or a star. Please let me know if I have made any major mistakes and wish you something in the request chapter. 

Warnings: /
Words: 930

"Y/N!" Georges voice suddenly rips me out of my though as he storms through the door of our hotel room while shouting my name. With an excited look on his face he grins at me. First it seems like he doesn't find any words and just close me into his arms.

Confused, but with a smile on my lips, I lay my arms around his torso and wait for an explanation on his behavior. Because he doesn't say anything I asked him.

"So, what makes you smile like that?"

"I will drive for Mercedes this weekend and maybe in Abu Dhabi. I'm finally sitting in a competitive car and don't have to squeeze everything out of my car to reach a proper result. I have a realistic chance to score points this weekend! Y/N I'm overwhelmed, happy, excited, all at once." The words just bubble out of George and I need a moment to process the meaning of his words.

"You absolutely deserved it." I finally mutter and strengthen the hug for a moment before we finally break away from each other.

My hand moves to his cheek, strokes slightly over it, and then I stretch up a little to give George a gentle kiss on his lips. Quietly sighing, George accept the little tenderness and draws me a closer to his body.

Our breath goes a little faster than we loosen, and I leave my eyes closed for a moment to soak up the moment. When I finally lift my gaze, I meet George's eyes, which give me a loving look.

Suddenly, his face changes to a cheeky grin.
"How about celebrating sex?" He asks with a wobble of his eyebrows, which makes me laugh.

"Sorry Champ, bad timing." I say and stroke him through his hair. For a moment George pulls a lip and mutters something like "Stupid period," but then he looks happy again and I doubt that any of this grin will disappear from his face.

"I get you a hot water bottle and then we cuddle up in bed and watch a movie. Okay?" Georges hands lie on my waist, he pulls me a little closer to him and looks at me waiting.

"That sounds fantastic. „I agree with him, give him a short kiss and go in the direction of my suitcase to look for a pair of sweatpants.

George doesn't need long to get the announced hot water bottle, then he's back and throws it at me. With a quiet sigh, I put the hot water bottle on my cramped muscles and cuddle up to George as he joins me in bed.

Without losing a lot of words, George puts one of our favorite movies on and our eyes are firmly on the screen, so we wouldn't miss anything. Our cozy silence does not last for long. George begins to play with my fingers and sight from time to time

For a moment I look at it, then I reach for the remote control, pause the film, and sit up to look at George.

"What's going on?" I ask him, but he dodges my gaze and lowers his eyes firmly onto the duvet.

"Hey, you just shone with happiness and now you look like seven days of rainy weather. Hm, what spoiled your mood?"

George is still silent for another moment, then the words bubble out of him again, but this time not joyfully, but rather anxious.

"What if I put this chance in the sand? Driving the car to scrap or delivering a catastrophic result? Everyone expects me to go into the points or even secure a podium now that I have a competitive car. But what if I make another mistake like Imola? Then no one believes that I deserved a chance in Formula 1. I.." Before George can give any more self-doubt, I interrupt him.

"As you say, it's a chance to show what you might be capable of. Nobody expects you to be able to handle this car perfectly after just one weekend. It's something completely different, whether you're driving in a Mercedes or in your Williams. If you fail, that's fine. You're probably going to make mistakes, but that's okay. You don't have to perform perfectly to show everyone what you can do. Just the fact that Toto and the team wanted you in front of all the other candidates is the confirmation that you are good."

My words seem to arrive at George, but he looks at me insecurely.

"I'm scared. I don't want to spoil this opportunity." He sounds sad and not as happy as half an hour ago.

'It's okay to be scared. You only have to turn it off the moment you get into the car, because on the track the fear has nothing to do in your head. You can be scared beforehand, if you want also after it, but don't go into training, qualifying or racing with fear, okay? Toto trusts you, both teams, Mercedes and also Williams, believe that you can do this and if it makes you feel better: probably 90% of the paddock and the fans are happy for you that you get a fair chance. "

George nods slowly, stretches out his arms and pulls me back to his chest.
"Thank you for being there for me and always finding the right words."

It's quite again for a moment, then he raises his voice again.
"I can do it. I show everyone that I'm good enough!"

If he believes in himself, the rest is not that hard. 

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