Mick Schumacher [89]

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A/N Wished by elgiann7. I hope you like it! Struggled a bit with this one but I hope it is still okay (:

WARNINGS: Mention of self harm and soft NSFW parts
WORDS: 1230

"Mick!" I laugh under my boyfriend, trying to get out of his grip but while one of his hands pins mine down over my head his other is tickling me recklessly. Since I am not as strong as him, I have no chance to get out of his grip no matter how hard I am trying. My breathing is already out of rhythm and my stomach hurts lightly from all the laughing.

"What?" He grins, knowing exactly why I am saying his name but pretending that he doesn't. His fingers keep tickling over my skin, making me wriggle under him and we both laugh during the whole time. His eyes sparkle with happiness and for this reason I would let him tickle me forever but slowly it gets exhausting.

"Stop." I whine again and for a second it looks like Mick is going to stop, letting me catch my breath for a moment before a devilish smile appears on his lips. "Mh, how about, no?" Mick almost giggles before he tickles me again and I can't stop myself from laughing because of it.

"I give up. What do you want?" I breath out when he gives me just a little break and after my words he starts thinking. "At least a hundred kisses." He grins, letting it sound like it would be a tough task for me to fulfil but luckily, I don't have a problem with kissing Mick over a hundred times.

"I think I can life with this." I say, acting like it is a really big thing and Mick finally let's go of me. He grins at me for a second, before he purses his lips, indicating that he wants his kisses now. Smiling I lay my hand in his neck, pulling him closer, before I connect our lips.

"One." I mumble after the first kiss. "Two." Another kiss. "Three." Softly I smile against his lips and want to detach mine again to mumble a four, but Mick suddenly lets his body fall back onto the mattress, pulling me with him making us both giggle. Now I lean over him and just kiss him without counting the kisses and just enjoy us being relaxed around each other.

After some more kisses Mick turns us around, now him being the one on top. I still feel comfortable with his because I trust Mick. We haven't had sex yet, but I think we could be ready for it, but we will see to what this evening will lead us. One of Micks hands slowly wanders under my shirt, barely touching the skin but still sending goosebumps over my body.

"Okay with this?" Mick asks me, when he has rolled my shirt up my body and wants to undress me. "Mh." I mumble, helping him to pull the shirt over my head before he gets rid of his own. He leans over me again, letting our torsos touch and make us both hum softly into our next kiss. My fingers start to explore his upper body, feeling his defined muscles under my touch, making him moan almost inaudible against my lips.

One of Micks hands is now on my back, and he opens the clip of my bra with almost no effort making us both lay in bed with a bare chest. I am a bit nervous but still feel comfortable under his touch and try to relax when his hand touches the newly exposed skin. Softly massaging it, sending some sweet tingles trough my body, and making my body lull into his touch.

"Do you want to continue?" Mick asks me, his fingers already hooked into my leggings and just waiting for my confirmation to go on. "Yes." Is my mumbled answer even though some nerves try to flutter trough my body. Mick is going to seem something I am insecure about, and I don't really know how to act. He slowly rolls the leggings down my body while his eyes look at the now exposed skin.

When his eyes see the scars on my tights, they widen for a second before he looks up and smiles softly at me. But his reaction was enough for me and so I get a bit away from him to pull one of the blankets over my lap to hide the scars again. I am not proud that I have hurt myself a few years ago but since my father is wealthier, I had a lot of fake friends and took some wrong ways before I found the right path again. There weren't happy about me trying to be normal and since that day they bullied me. Pushing me into loneliness and in the end to the razor blade, but I try to blend out these negative memories.

„Don't hide from me." Mick mumbles, holding his hand out for me, hoping that I am going to trust him, and I slowly lift one of my hands to take his in mine. "I am sorry." I mutter still with a low hanging head, probably overthinking everything but I don't want Mick to think bad about me.

"You don't have to be sorry love." He says and lifts my head to finally look me into the eyes. In his eyes is not a hint of disgust what I thought he would be when he sees all the scars on my tights, some darker than others but most of them still visible. Mick just looks at me lovingly like he does all the time.

"But these scars are ugly." I manage to breath out, but I can hold back the tears, not letting them roll out of my eyes. Since I managed to stop with the self harm, I hate these scars because they remember me of the bad times of my life, and I don't want to think about it because now my life is so much better.

"No, they are part of you, and you are beautiful." Mick explains to me, making my heart flutter a bit and letting me feel a little bit less insecure. He comes closer to me, softly stroking with his thumb over the back of my hand before he presses a gentle kiss onto my lips.

"Can I touch you?" Mick asks me, waiting for my answer and would probably just cuddle with me under the blanket if I say no, but I want this and I want us to take this step together. I nod and Mick slowly detaches the blanket from my body again, letting me lay down onto the bed before he gives me some kisses, making me relax under him.

When he is sure that I am relaxed, he kisses down my body until he reaches my tights. He presses gentle kisses on every scar, making me feel loved and a bit emotional. Him worshipping the parts of my body that I am insecure about makes this feel so much more intimidate and for a second, I have to fight with some happy tears.

On this evening we loved each other for the first time. Let our bodies roll into each other with a rhythm only we know, letting the other one feel pleasure, lust, and love until we rode out the waves of an orgasm, closely together. Making the bond between us only tighter and taking our relationship to a new emotional level. 

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