Daniel Ricciardo [26]

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A/N Wished by mishkatakava. I hope you like it. Please leave a vote, a comment a take a look at the request chapter. Enjoy!

WORDS: 1041

Being in the McLaren headquarter with Daniel sounds way more exciting than it actual is. While he is having different meetings or drive in his simulator I sit there and actually just wait until he finishes his work.

I wanted to stay home today because the sun is shining, and it is pretty warm outside, but Daniel begged until I agreed on accompany him. I regret this decision because when we finally come out of the building the sun has already disappeared and it is cold again.

A bit grumpy I let Daniel led me to his McLaren and even him opening the door for me does not really lift my mood.

"I am sorry that it was such a long day." Daniel tries to apologize when he drives the car out of the parking lot.

I just grumble something in response and look out of the window gazing at the things we drive by. Daniel sights low before placing one of his hands on my tight to gently let his thumb draw circle over it.

First, I want to swat his hand away but then I am curious what he is up to. Normally Daniel does not like when he upset me in any way and then try to fix it as fast as possible. When he notices that I am not going to get out of his touch he let his hand slowly wander up my tight.

"Dan!" I hiss lowly when I slowly get an idea of what he is up to. Instead of lowering his hand again Daniel just grins wide and ignores me.

He let his hand wander under my skirt while circling his fingers over my skin. I close my legs to prevent him from moving further with his hand but archive the opposite with it because his hand is now pressed against my middle.

"Come on, open these pretty legs for me." He mutters and let his gaze wander to me for a short moment before focusing on the road again.

Wrestling with myself I hesitate for a moment before sighting almost inaudible before opening my legs again. Daniel lips curl upwards before he cups my core with his hand.

Slowly he let his fingers wander over the thin fabric of my underwear before pushing it aside to touch me. Aroused by his gentle touches before I am already a bit wet, and Daniel can lubricate his fingers.

I open my legs a bit more for him when he starts to circle his fingers around my clit to stimulate me. A quite whimper leaves my lips and I let my head fall back while lifting my hips to get some more friction.

Daniel seems to be distracted by my whimpers because he let his gaze wander more often to me then looking at the street.

"Pull the car over." I managed to breath out because I do not want Daniel to crash the car because he is distracted with pleasuring me.

As I told him Daniel pulls the car over to the side of the dark and empty road. When the car stops, I open my seatbelt and sit up slightly.

"Push your seat back." I command Daniel and can see how his eyes widen in surprise.

"Really? You want to have sex...here? Now?" He asks but push his seat back as wide as possible. I climb on his lap before I stroke his cheek slightly.

"You have to finish what you started, and I prefer not to end up on a car crash because you can't control yourself." While speaking I let my fingernails trace Daniels jar slightly what makes him grunt lowly in respond.

"If we get caught, I am blaming you." I whisper into his ear, biting slightly into his earlobe before opening his belt.

Daniel does not say anything in respond just lift his hips that I can push down his trousers and boxershorts enough to free his length. I wet the palm of my hand slightly to make the stroking more comfortable for Daniel before closing my hand around his erection.

A few times I let my hand stroke from the base to the tip and softly touch his tip before Daniel swat my hand away to take over. He shoves the skirt a bit upwards before he simply pushes my panties aside to align himself with my entrance.

Slowly I let my body sink down to connect our bodies in the most intimidate way possible. To adjust to Daniels's size, I gently rock my hips against his to get used to the feeling of him inside of me.

Daniel places his hands on my hips to help me with the movements. I lift my hips a bit and sink down on Daniel again to increase the pleasure for both of us.

"This is so hot." Daniel grunts lowly before detaching one of his hands from my hips to place it on my breast instead.

While I keep grinding on him Daniel begins to massage my breasts gently before pulling my shirt down and free them from the bra. Daniels lips close around my nipple and he let his tongue dance slowly around it.

I whimper and can feel how my walls clench around Daniels's length being close to my orgasm. My movements get a bit sloppier, but this does not seem to bother Daniel because he only grunts against my skin.

When Daniel begins to graze his teeth over my skin the orgasm wash over me and leave me with quivering tights. Since Daniel isn't there yet I force myself to keep up with the movements to bring him to his high too.

Daniel trust now upwards while holding my hips still to get himself finish. He does not need much time before spilling inside of me and moan some words I can't understand. When he is finished, I reach for a tissue to clean up the mess we made and climb back to my seat where I adjust my clothes a bit.

"When we do this more often now after a tiring day at the headquarter, I force you to come with me every day." Daniel laughs before starting the car and finally drive us back home.

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