Frederik Vesti [Champion]

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A/N Wished by LilyHeseltine123. I hope you like it! I have around 8-9 requests from the last list to writen, then I can start with the new list. Leave me a vote and a comment (:

WORDS: 1329

Getting into F1 was a dream I had since I was just a little kid but the way up to this category is hard and long especially for a girl. My family always had money but I you still need sponsors and I didn't want my parents to buy me into a sear. I wanted to impress people with my talent and not draw their attention with money.

During my journey trough the junior categories McLaren laid an eye on me and offered me a space in their junior program which I gladly took. Years have gone by and I fight for the F2 title the whole season when McLaren signed me fore a F1 seat before it was even cleared if I can secure the title.

And today I did it. I won the title and beat my biggest rivalry. I showed everyone that a woman can be as strong, when not stronger than the men in the business. The way out of the car and on to the podium was just blurry for me.

I received countless hugs and what it felt like around thousands pats on the shoulders and my helmet. On the podium I proudly sing the hymn of my home country before spraying the champagne and pouring some of it into my mouth.

During all these events I miss a certain person. Fred, my favourite Danish boy, and my boyfriend was nowhere to be seen the whole time. My mood drops a bit at this realisation, but I keep the grin on my lips to not put it on a display.

My hair is sticky from the champagne, and I am glad that I can get rid of my clothes as soon as I am in my motorhome. Just when I open the door someone wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a firm chest which makes me squeak.

"I am so, so, so proud of you!" Fred exclaims and showers every inch of my body he can reach with kisses. Giggling I try to get away from him but Fred's grip stays tight around me.

"You know what I want to do with you? I want to shower you with the most beautiful flowers in the world and then make sweet love with you for hours." Fred mutters near my ear with a kind of alluring tone in his voice which send some shivers over my back.

Instead of letting me speak Fred connects out lips for a sweet kiss. Nothing to hot just full of love and gently caressing the lips of the other. I relax in his arms and can barely proceed how Frederik is walking backwards until he lets himself fall back and pulls me with him.

As soon as his back hit the little couch our kiss spice up a bit. His tongue swipes over my lip before he enters my mouth with it and involves my tongue in a heated dance. Fred's fingers dig into my racing overall and he starts to tug in it almost immediately.

The air in this room has heated up significantly and it is getting harder to breath. Fred is taking my breath away and makes me gasp for air and we haven't done anything to exhausting. Fred sees this kind of pause as an opportunity to open my overall, but I stop him.

"Really? You want to have Now?" I ask him a bit insecure because we never done it outside of a bedroom before and he clearly seems to want this now.

"Well, sex is a kind of reward and you have been the best out there. So, don't you think that deserves a reward?" He asks undressing me further because I do not protest against it.

I nod when I stand up for a moment to free myself from the racing clothes and Fred start to undress himself to speed the thing up. Fred pulls me back on the couch making me giggle softly before he leans over me to kiss me again.

"Let give you some attention." He mutters before his fingertips swipe trough my folds to check if I am wet already.

I liked what he said earlier how my good results have turned him on and that he thinks I need to be rewarded for it, but Fred seems to think that I am not aroused enough because he sucks on his own fingers to make them a bit wet.

When he seems to be satisfied with it, he pushes his fingers back between my legs and let them circle around my clit. I lay one of my hands in front of my mouth to dampen my soft whimpers which leave my lips directly with his touch.

Fred does not stay long on my clit and instead just straight insert his fingers into me. "Fuck, Fred." I whimper totally forgetting to prevent myself from doing it too loud, but Fred seems to be too deep into watching me to notice it himself.

His eyes are locked with mine while he thrusted and twisted his way to my orgasm. Suddenly the bubble in my abdomen snaps and the orgasm washes over me even though Fred hadn't really done anything.

"Did you come already?" He moans horse at the sight of me quivering under him. I nod shyly not sure why I was so sensitive for his touch today.

"Well, let me give you another high." Fred mumbles near my ear and thrusts his length in with a smooth movement of his hips.

My fingers clench around his biceps the previous high never really left my body when the second one is already building up. But Fred's movements are gently and almost agonizing slow giving me not enough pleasure to reach the second high.

"Why are you so gentle with me? I like it when you are rough." I mutter pinching his skin with my fingernails to trigger his rougher side a bit.

Fred's eyebrows furrow together before he offers me a rather harsh thrust.
"I promised you sweet love, but you are right a reward has to be what you like."

Just as I wanted him to Fred is thrusting with more force now, pressing me deeper into the couch and bringing me more pleasure. With a loud moan I let my head fall back lifting my hips to meet his thrust while my back arche of the couch under me.

"Shh babe. You have to be quiet, or the others will hear." Fred mumbles against my skin while keeping his fast movements up.

I clap one of my hands in front of my mouth to keep my sound muffled and to not alarm the people walking by. Fred buries his head in my neck bend to dampen his moans and digging his teeth into the skin from to time.

When I want to continue the movements of me hips Fred presses them almost forcefully down in the couch and bottom me out with every thrust, he offers me. The familiar feeling starts to tighten in my lower abdomen, and I am not sure if I can take this orgasm.

With a couple of deep thrust Fred get's himself over the edge before he sneaks his fingers between our bodies to finish me of. He rolls my clit between his fingers and sends me into an orgasm straight away.

My tights shiver and I need to hold both of my hands in front of my mouth to not scream out Fred's name in pleasure. Fred gently caresses my cheek with his fingertips and waits patiently for me to recover from my high when a knock rips us out of out thoughts.

"Five minutes until you interview. Hurry up with changing." Someone yells which makes Fred and me burst out into laugher.

"That was close." I giggle while brushing trough Fred's hair with my fingers who just looks at me with pure adoration in his eyes.

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