Daniel Ricciardo [Second Pregnancy]

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A/N Anonymous request. 

WORDS: 789

Living with a toddler is always eventful but I enjoy the company of the little copy of Daniel way too much to complain about it. Our little boy is growing up more and more and sometimes I wonder how fast time can pass.

He is experience new things and loves to explore the world. That his clothes get muddy during it, or he sometimes stumbles and hurts his knee doesn't bother him. He is giggling so much and loves when people give him lots of attention.

Today Daniel would come home, and we finally could spend some time during the summer break with the whole family. Our son has asked me several times when Daddy would come back home, and I always had to put him off to a later point of the day.

I have a surprise for Daniel, and I am not sure how he is going to react to the latest news. We did talk about having more than one child, but this pregnancy is a surprise and wasn't planned before. I am nervous but I am almost sure that Daniel is going to love the news that we will have a bigger family in the future.

I try to relax a bit during I clean our son from some dirt he had picked up while playing in the garden. Everything is going to be fine, and I am sure in a few weeks I will laugh about my nervous behaviour and how I couldn't keep still and just needed to move around the whole day, trying to keep me occupied.

"Let's dress you in this new shirt, okay?" I ask my son who is playing with one of his little toy cars. He just nods, not really listening to my words and keeps imitating the sound of a racing car. I pull the shirt over his little head and help him to get his arms trough the right holes before I brush the shirt straight


Is written on the little shirt with bold letters, announcing Daniel the pregnancy and that our little boy wouldn't be so little anymore in just a short amount of time. When I hear the door a smile spreads on my lips and I look at my son again.

"Did you hear that? I think your dad is home." I tell him and his face lights up and the thought of seeing his father. He runs as fast as possible with his short legs into the direction of his father, and I follow him to observe the interactions between my two favourite boys.

"Daddy!" He laughs and jumps into his fathers' arms who holds his son close to his chest. "Hey buddy!" Daniel grins and stands up, still pressing our son to his chest. Sometimes it is hard for Daniel to leave to a race weekend without us and not seeing us every day, but we manage to make the best out of it.

"Look dad, I have a new shirt." Our son announces loudly, and I begin to play nervously with my fingernails. Now is the time that Daniel will find out that I am pregnant for the second time. "Wow, let me take a look at it." Daniel is sounding euphoric, used to the fact that his son is showing him his new clothes and not thinking too much about it.

"Best big brother." Daniel mumbles before his eyes went wide and his head shoots up to look at me. He looks so surprised, and I can't help myself and just smile softly at him while leaning into the doorway which leads into the hallway where Daniel is still standing.

"Are we?" Daniel asks, not being a hundred percent sure if the shirt really means what he thinks it means. "Yes." I answer, still smiling, feeling relieved that Daniel looks so happy about the news is just shared with him.

"I love you." He sights and wants to come over to me when his son starts to pull on his shirt unhappily. "Daaad, play with me." Our son whines, not understanding that he is going to be a big brother and just want to play with his father who is finally back home.

"I love you too." I answer Daniel and smile at him, while our son keeps asking his father for some playtime. "And now go and play with your son." I add and Daniel gestures a bow before he disappears into the living room with his son where I can hear some giggles and laughter shortly after they entered the room.

This is going to be the perfect family. Well, it already is perfect, we just add some more sprinkles and glitter to it. 

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