Mick Schumacher [Pregnant]

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A/N Wished by elgiann7. I hope you like it (:

WORDS: 1646

The timer in my phone ran out of time and is now indicating with some vibrations that the moment has come. I slowly take the pregnancy test into my hand and look at the result. Two line, two little pink lines. Deep down I already know what this means but I look at the manual to be sure.

Yes, I am pregnant. Fuck, this is not what I have planned. It was not my intention to be pregnant in my early twenties. My live is stable yes, but that does not mean that it is the right time for a baby. There could definitely be a better timing for a little human growing inside of me.

I think now is the time to finally talk with Mick. Yesterday I tried, wanted to ask him if we can do this test together and tell him that I am scared that it is going to be positive, but he was too busy. Like he was the day before and the day before this, like he is everyday lately. It is tyring but now he needs to listen. I walk to the kitchen and lean into the doorway.

"Can we talk?" I ask Mick and fiddle nervously with my hands when I approach him in the kitchen. He is sitting at the table, looking over some data and analyses things which could help him to improve his performance in the car.

"Not now love, I have to finish these." He gives me just a quick smile before his eyes are glued back to the screen again. I close my eyes for a second, trying to calm myself down. Mick and I are drifting apart and this plus the positive pregnancy test stresses me out.

"Well, you said the same thing yesterday." I mutter under my breath, more to myself than to Mick and want to leave the room again when Mick speaks up again. "What?" He has heard me, well not my exact words but he is aware of the fact that I said something.

"Nothing." I try to reassure him and kind of hug myself trying to keep me warm because it feels like my skin is getting colder and colder with every minute, I can't tell Mick what is bothering me but at the same time I do not want to do it when he is so deep in his work.

"Talk to me if something is bothering you." Mick now asks me, holds out his hand for me and asks me to come closer. I slowly walk the few steps to him and play with his fingers while looking to the ground.

"It is just that you have less and less time for me lately." I address one of our problems and still not dare to look him into the eyes. Not wanting to see if I hurt him with my words or if he understands that something needs to change.

"I'm sorry but F1 is way more stressful that I expected. We can go on holiday when the summer break starts, okay?" Mick tries to find a solution as caring as ever but as much as I want to believe what he just told me I already know that his summer break would still be a mix between work and relaxion.

"Maybe this is to late." After these words have left my lips, I bite on it and want to take them back. This is not what I wanted to say because like this it sounds more like a breakup but maybe this is what I have to say to wake him up and make him realise that we have to change something.

"What are you trying to say?" Mick now let go of my hand being a mixture of shocked and hurt by my words. Not knowing how he should work with the bit of information I just gave him.

"I am not sure if I can do this anymore." I sight and finally lift my gaze to look him. It is how I feel lately, not knowing how this is going to work again but for the sake of the little human growing in my belly I should at least try to fix this relationship.

"Don't you see that I am trying? I want us to work but you have to realise that not the whole world is rotating around you. I have other priorities than dealing with my whining girlfriend." Ouch, these words hurt like little pinpricks. The first part of his speaking was sweet, but it fast turned into mean words, and I need to swallow to not start crying.

"I'm going to leave now, before we both are going to say things we might regret." I decide to pull the ripcord and end this here before feeling will boil high and we both can't take the things back we say.

I leave the house with just the essential. Wallet, phone, and keys. A coat is not necessarily because it is really warm today and so I make my meters away from our house. Walk around without a destination and just try to calm down my feelings and thoughts.

I hope that we both can calm down a bit and then talk properly and hopefully not shout at each other. First, we have to figure out us and then I am going to tell him about the pregnancy. The pregnancy! Oh no, I left the test in the bathroom and did not put it away. Hopefully, Mick is not going to find it.

I do not know how long I was walking around but slowly my feet start to hurt and I am feeling hungry. Sighting I make my way back to our house in the twilight. When I reach the house the light in the living room is lighting up our big window letting the outside glow in a golden tone.

As I enter the home Angie greets me happily and for a second, I cuddle myself against her warm fur and try to forget my worries for a second. Angie does not know that something is wrong she is happy as long as she gets cuddles, walks and her food. I ruffle her fur for the last time before I finally make my way to the living room.

Mick is sitting there, turning the pregnancy test in his fingers, looking into the distance. I sight inaudible, of course he found it. When I walk two more steps into the living room, Mick head turns, and he faces me. There are some teary stains on his cheeks, but I do not know what to say.

"You're pregnant." He finally speaks up his voice cracking lightly, and I can not figure out his emotions. Is he angry? Happy? Scared as I am? I do not deny his determination, but I do not say anything else either in case he is angry.

"How far along are you?" Mick ask me and pats lightly on the couch beside him to invite me to sit with him. Slowly I make my way to him and sit down, still with a bit of a gap but closer than we were before.

"I don't know, I just took the test a few hours ago." I mutter and lay my head onto my knees, turning my head a bit to face mick and observe his reaction. He closes his eyes for a second and breaths in and out deeply before speaking up again.

"Is this why you wanted to talk? What you wanted to talk about today and yesterday?" Mick sounds worrying like he just realises why it was so important for me to talk with him. That I not only wanted his attention but wanted to talk about something lifechanging with him.

"I was and I am still so scared. Yesterday it was just a theory with the pregnancy. I wanted to ask you if we can do the test together but... We were drifting apart lately, and I didn't know how to approach you." I admit and my breath is getting a bit shakier now that I can finally tell Mick how I was feeling lately.

It is silent for a few heartbeats between us, and I am sure that Mick is making himself self-reproaches "I am so sorry." He finally speaks up and carefully takes my hand into his. Slowly I slide a bit closer to him and cuddle myself against him, trying to indicate that everything is going to be fine. Mick wraps his arms closer around me and plants his head on top of mine.

"What are we going to do?" I ask him after another few minutes of silence. How does he imagine the future? With or without me? Without or with the little baby? So many questions and I am scared of every possible outcome.

"What do you mean? I want to see your belly grow; I want to feel it kicks. I want to be there for both of you." Mick answer is making me emotional, and some tears rise to my eyes. He wants to be with me, with us and we will be parents in the future.

"Of course, only if you want to?" Mick carefully ads, not wanting to push me into a direction I do not want to go. If I do not want the baby or want it but leave him. He seems to as scared as I am, and this calms me down a bit. I now against his chest and can't bring more than a "yes" over my lips but that is enough for Mick.

"We are going to be a little family." "He mutters with a breaking voice and gently places his hand on my still flat stomach where our little wonder is growing to be a part of our family.

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