Daniel Ricciardo [Disappointment]

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A/N Charis260 dropped this idea in my dm's yesterday after Daniel's, well not so expected quali...This one was easier to write for me, hopefully the next ones are nice to me too. Leave me a vote and a comment. Enjoy (:

WORDS: 1534

Out in Q1. I do not have any words to describe how I feel about this and how Daniel is going to behave when he comes back into his motorhome. His start with McLaren is not what he had imagine when he switched teams and I am sure everyone else feels a kind of disappointment today.

I fiddle around with my fingers until Daniel returns to his motorhome, slamming the door close behind him and throwing his helmet into one of the corners. I flinch when it hits the ground with a loud sound, but I approach Daniel from behind to calm him down a bit.

"Dan?" I ask him and want to touch his shoulder, but he takes a step back and starts to fiddle with some things laying on the table in front of him.

He seems like he is boiling with anger, but he does not want to let it out. Daniel shoves some things from the table before curling his fingers around the edge and digging them almost into the wooden piece of furniture.

Again, I want to touch him, grab his hand this time but Daniel walks a few steps away before I can touch him. I sight and observe how he starts to fiddle around again.

"Dan. Just grab my hand instead of fiddling around so much. Are you scared to touch me?" I add a question in the end because Daniel seems to have two different emotions at once. On one hand he is boiling but then there is this loving gaze in his eyes.

"I am angry, I am fucking angry, and I do not want to hurt you just because how stupid I was on track." He growls and ruffles his hair for a moment before he sights and then open his arms to invited me for a hug.

Slowly I approach him and wrap my arms around his toros. My head rest on his chest where his slightly faster heartbeat tap against his chest. Daniel places his head on mine and sights deeply before he starts to breath in and out for a few times to calm himself down.

"Daniel? Time for the media!" His press officer interrupts our little cosy moment and brings us both back to reality. Daniel says some muffled words in a kind of mocking manner to what his PR just said before he lowers his head again and mumbles a few words into my ear.

"When I come back to the hotel, I expect you to be undressed and waiting on all fours for me." He bites into my earlobe before the let go of me and leaves the room without another word.

I gulp slightly because of his demand but then grab my stuff and make my way back to the hotel. Because we stay just a few minutes away from track I walked this morning and do the same now.

When I arrive at the hotel, I undress myself, folding my clothes before making my way to the bathroom. I freshen myself up a bit even tough I am going to be a mess when Daniel is finished with me tonight.

I lay onto the mattress and then start to wait more or less patiently for Daniel coming back to the hotel. My thoughts wander on what he is going to do with me. How his length would feel inside me and how much pleasure he usually brings me. I whimper at my thoughts and press my tights together when I can hear the key rustling in the lock.

Fastly, I turn around and place myself on all fours just like Daniel had instructed me. The door opens but Daniel does not speak a word. I can hear how he let his things fall to the ground before I can hear his belt click and footsteps approaching the bed.

"Such a good girl." Daniel praises me when he kneels on the mattress behind me and curls his fingers around my hips. He starts pressing some sweet kisses onto my spine. Shivers run over my back and I clench my fingers around the duvet because of the sweet arousal which is flowing trough my body.

His fingers swipe over my skin touching almost every inch of it but not touching me where I want him the most. I whine when his fingertips wander along my sides and not giving my breast some attention.

"Needy girl." Daniel mutters before he finally starts to massage my breast with his big hands. I moan softly and lean into his touch, but Daniel detaches his fingers almost immediately from my body again.

"Are you wet enough already?" He asks and swipes his fingers trough my folds to check. Indeed, I am wet by just the few touches he had offer me. And I am also wet because all the scenarios I had in my head until Daniel finally showed up in the hotel room.

"I need you. Now." He growls before he frees himself from his boxershorts and palms himself for a few times before he is satisfied with the hardness of his length.

He bends over me before pushing in with one solid thrust, he does not give me time to adjust he just starts thrusting. His hips meet mine with the sound of skin on skin which is not the only sound flowing trough the room.

My defending moans are muffled by one of the pillows and Daniel is grunting lowly while he keeps his pace fast and deep. His fingers dig hard into my skin probably leaving some bruises, but I do not mind him being a bit harsher with me.

While his hips keep snapping in and out Daniels hands wander up my body until he closes them around my breast. He roughly begins to massage them, pinching my nipples between his fingertips making me whimper with almost every movement of him.

Suddenly Daniel lifts my upper body from the bed pressing my back against his firm chest. I scream in surprise and would have fallen directly onto the bed against if Daniel would not hold me with an iron grip.

His thrusts are more grinding in this position, but I can still feel the anger and disappointment about today in his behaviour. I can feel a knot building up in my stomach, but I am not sure if Daniel is going to let me come to an orgasm this quickly.

"I'm close." I gasp and let my fingers wander over his trained tights. Daniel growls lowly into my shoulder but he picks up the speed again. His fingers grip tighter around me again and I whine when the bittersweet pain runs trough my body.

My head falls back on Daniels's shoulder and he starts to suck some marks into my skin. I can feel the knot in my abdomen snap, and I come moaning to my first orgasm this evening, but Daniel does not stop with his thrusting and continues chasing his own orgasm.

I feel overstimulated by now, but I just let him have his way with me. One of my hands reach back and grip into Daniels's hair pulling lightly on it while I find it more and more hard to stay in this upright position.

Daniel let my body slowly back down on the mattress pushing my hands into the pillow over my head while slamming into me. My fingers clench into the fabric under them and I moan with every thrust Daniel offers me.

While my hips are raised from the bed the rest of my body is pressed firmly into the mattress. I let my fingers sneak between my legs, wanting to give me some additional pleasure but Daniel grabs it and pins it back into pillow.

Just when I want to complain about this his rough fingertips find my clit and offers it some stimulation. My moaning is now almost a scream leaving my lips and I can feel myself clench around Daniel again.

He thrust for a few more times while letting his fingers circle around my clit then we are both tumbling over the edge. Lazily Daniel guides us both trough the orgasm before he slowly pulls out and turns me on my back again.

"I'm sorry." He mutters directly when he catches my gaze and wants to lower his head, but I hold his face between my hands and wait until he looks me in the eyes again.

"You don't need to be sorry. It was a shit day and that is okay but there is one thing I have to tell you." I pause for a moment and can see how Daniels eyes get worried about what I might say next.

"I am proud of you, please never forget that. I do not mind if you are first or last, I love you and I am going to be proud of you with every outcome." My fingers gently trace his cheek, and I can see how Daniels lips curls slightly upwards.

"I love you too." He mumbles before he nuzzles his nose in my neck bend and just hold me close for the rest of the night.

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