Robert Shwartzman [F1]

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A/N Wished by formulaeefx. I hope you like it! I have a really anoying pain in my neck and I don't know where it comes from...Probably no update tomorow because I have a deadline for uni (:

WORDS: 970

Being with Robert is one of the things I could not have dreamed of a year ago. But so much can change in just one year and our story started because I secured a place in the Ferrari Driver Academy.

There I got to know Robert and the Russian seemed to like me from the very beginning. At first, I thought his intentions were just friendly until I realized that he was flirting with me.

After I had this realization it took us quite a while to sort out our feelings for each other and finally come together. However, no one knows about our relationship until now because we wanted to keep it a bit for ourselves before everyone would bobared us with questions.

Tonight, there would be a team dinner from the Academy, to which we are of course both invited. While Robert wants to tell them that we are in a relationship for sure, I'm still a bit insecure about it.

With a quiet sigh, I put another strand of my hair around the curling rod and look at myself through the mirror. Since I would sleep at Roberts tonight anyway, I also get ready with him and so we would go to dinner together.

When Robert appears behind me in the door frame, I pause for a moment and wait to see if he wants to say anything, but he doesn't.

"What do you want?" I ask him with a smile on the lips. With two big steps Rob is by my side and puts his arms around me from behind.

"Just your love and attention." He mutters and presses a little kiss on my cheek. Giggling, I push him away from me.

"You must be patient a little, I don't want to burn you." I say and hold up the hot curling stick. Although Robert pulls a small lip, he still let go of me and leans against the tile wall.

"You know you don't have to do this?" he asks in silence as I curl the next strand. "You're also pretty with straight hair." Then he adds and looks at me with a wrinkled forehead.

"I just want to do something different." I shrug my shoulders and only throw a small side view at Robert. He sighs quietly and then leaves the bathroom without another word.

In peace I get ready and tap back to Robert's bedroom, where the Russian is already waiting for me. Okay, he lies in bed and stares at his phone, but immediately raises his head when he sees me coming in.

"Gorgeous." He mutters, which makes me a little red. With a sigh, I let myself sink onto the bed next to him and put my head on his chest for a moment.

"Do you really want to do that tonight." I then ask him very quietly and tap on his chest with my fingers.

"You don't?" he asks, holding my fingers. Instead, he interweaves them with his and breathes a little kiss on my knuckles.

"What if they don't take it well?" I express my worries and lift my head a little to look at it.

Rob lovingly strokes his thumb over my cheek.
"They will and even if not, we will still have each other."

I'm still not a hundred percent convinced, but I trust Robert and that's probably the most important thing.

A few minutes we are still close to each other, then Robert gets up and goes to the door.

"Go with me?" he asks, when he arrives at the door, and turns to me again. I take a deep breath, sit up and look at him.

"As long as you hold my hand." I say and hold mine out. Immediately Robert reaches for my hand, crosses our fingers, and pulls me on my feet.

"Let's go and show everyone what a beautiful couple we are." Grins Rob, while I'm just getting a nervous laugh out of my mouth.

All the way to the restaurant Robert holds my hand in his, only to get in and out the car he lets it go for a short time and then crosses our fingers again.

At the door we pause for a moment, take a last look, then Rob opens the door, and we step in. I feel like all eyes are on us, which is of course exaggerated, but I stick closely to Robert, who heads to a table with Callum, Mick, and Marcus.

When Marcus sees us, he whistles quietly through his teeth, drawing the attention of the other two to us. As I turn red, only a grin spreads on Callum's lips.

"I knew it." Then he calls and looks at Mick shortly afterwards.
"You owe me money." Satisfied, he sits back as we both sit down with them.

"You have no problem with this?" At the end of the sentence, I lift Roberts and my crossed hands up. All three shake their heads and calm me down so much.

"As I said, I already guessed it." Think Callum just and shrug his shoulders. Mick, on the other hand, sees it a little differently from Callum.
"I thought you weren't there yet, but then it would only have been a matter of time."

Interested, I turn my gaze to Marcus, who looks as if his thoughts are rather dirty, so I don't ask. However, he also speaks without being asked to do so.

"You're good for each other. Don't mess things up." Not quite what I expected of him, but it's good to know that the guys are all behind us.

Relieved, I lean my head on Robert's shoulder and listen to the relaxed conversation of the boys. All the worry has been in vain and now I can enjoy the evening too.

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