Charles Leclerc-Christmas Songs

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A/N: Another one and four to follow. Maybe I upload all of them today, maybe some tomorrow. Please vote and comment for feedback. Enjoy it!

WORDS: 515

Slowly I wake up after a restful night full of sleep, but leave my eyes closed. Normally I lie in Charles's arms in the morning, but right now I can't feel any warmth. Carefully I let my hand wander over the mattress next to me, but i can neither touch Charles's body nor feel the warmth that his body must have left behind.

Now I open my eyes sleepy and blink a few times to get used to the bright light. The bed next to me was deserted and there is no trace of Charles in the rest of the bedroom.

However, I can hear the gentle sounds of our piano up here. Curious about what Charles is playing, I get out of bed and put a hoodie over my head.

Slowly I tap down the stairs and can hear the music getting louder from step to step.

Charles play some Christmas carols on his new piano and seems to be entirely in his own world, because he doesn't notice how I stand on the door frame and watch him. He has closed his eyes and lets his fingers slide by heart over the keys.

I lovingly watch him for a moment before I decide to make myself felt.

"Do you prefer to sit at the piano instead of cuddling with your girlfriend?" I ask him with a jokingly insulted tone. Charles shrugs, because he didn't expect to be approached.

"Of course not!" he says, dragging me next to him on the small bench in front of the piano. He lovingly strokes my hair with one hand, the other begins to float quietly over the keys again.

I watch him fascinated. I don't have any musical talent, so I love watching Charles play or hearing it in general. For a while we sit there together and listen to the Christmas melody, but at some point, my stomach starts to growl quietly, which makes Charles laugh.

"I think we should get you something to eat," he still says, standing up and holding his hand out in my direction. Of course, I grab it and follow him to the kitchen, where he places me on one of the chairs and starts to make something for food.

"Do you have a bad conscience?" I ask him as I watch his movements. Confused, Charles turns to me.

"No, should I have one?" Gigling, I shake my head and accept the cup of cocoa, which Charles hands me. A short time later we sit together at the table and enjoy our breakfast.

Charles, however, taps his fingers around the table all the time, as if he were continuing to play the piano. Smiling, I watch him until at some point I see that he is getting impatient.

"Go play again." I say, but I have a smile on my lips. Charles grins at me apologetically, but immediately jumps up from his chair.

"Thank you!" Before I can react, Charles has pressed a kiss on my cheek, disappeared in the living room and a short time later Christmas carols sound through our apartment again.

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