Mick Schumacher [Blindfold]

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A/N Wished by elgiann7. I hope you like it! Leave me a vote and a comment (:

WORDS: 2537

Working in a nine to five job was never my dream but here I am working my ass off and being way too exhausted every evening. I do work in my dream company but since I am the new one all the stuff nobody wants to do ends up on my desk and I almost drown in a ton of work.

After another tiring day I come home to the shared home of my boyfriend Mick and me, hoping he would already have the dinner ready, but I am greeted by just silence when I open the front door.

Confused I furrow my eyebrows together, where could Mick possible be? I look in the kitchen but there is no sight of my favourite boy or potential dinner.

"Mick?" I yell trough the house and finally hear some rumbling noises from upstairs. Just a few seconds later Mick dribbles down the stair having a wide grin on his lips when he sees me.

"Hello love, how was your day?" He asks, closing his arms around me and pulling me tight against his chest. I snuggle deeper into his embrace before mumbling into his sweater. "Tiring."

He chuckles softly and caress my cheek with his fingertips before detaching his body completely from mine what makes me whine in dismay. Mick holds out his hand for me and waits for me to grab it, but I just pull one of my eyebrows up in a questioning manner.

"I have a surprise for you." Mick announces and still waits patiently for me to grab his hand. Still a bit hesitating I grab his hand and follow him to the first floor of our house. Usually, I really like his surprises but today I am just tired and want to rest until my alarm would ring in the next morning.

"Mick, I am really tired." I almost whine and stop him from walking further with me trough the little hallway. Mick stops in his movements and looks at me for a brief second gnawing lightly on his bottom lip.

"You just have to lay back and relax, I promise that I am going to do the rest." He pulls his mouth into a sweet pout and gives me some puppy eyes to get what he wants.

"Fine." I sight before lifting my finger in a threating manner "But when I have to do something you are going to sleep on the couch." Now we are both laughing softly before Mick leads me the last steps to our shared bedroom.

He opens the door and reveals a cosy scenery. Our bedroom is filled with the soft light of several candles which flicker lightly on different spots in the room. The air is filled with the sweet scent and I can already feel how my body is relaxing just at the sight of this.

"Mick..." I mutter overwhelmed but he shushes me quickly and leads me closer to the bed were to items lay ready to be used. One is a massage oil, and the other thing is a blindfold.

Surprised I lift my head and meet the thoughtful gaze from Mick who is watching my reaction closely. It is not like that I am not eager to try using this piece of fabric, but I am also a bit nervous because usually we would talk about something like this before bringing it into the bedroom.

"You can lay back and relay while I massage you with the oil. The blindfold will help you to calm down." He explains while letting his hands wander up and down my arms.

"Oh yeah, just help me relax. Don't play innocent Schumacher I know exactly that there are naughty thoughts in your head." I giggle and look at him over the shoulder where I can see that he is smiling in a mischievous way.

"You know me so well." He whispers close by my ear before he starts to press some kisses down my neck.

I lean my body against his and try to shove all the negative things in the back of my head and just concentrate on Mick's special treatment for me now. His hands slowly wander under my shirt and he let his fingers draw circles on my stomach inching them higher but also lower.

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