Callum Ilott [72]

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A/N Wished by love1Dsm. I hope you like it (:

WORDS: 1967

Leaning in the doorway I observe Callum who is packing his bag for the 24h of LeMans to which he is leaving tomorrow. We had some beautiful days on vacation together and I don't want him to leave but I know he really wants to do this race. I approach him from behind and wrap my arms around his torso, leaning my head between his shoulder blades.

"Hey darling." Callum hums and I can feel his chest vibrating lightly with the chuckle that comes over his lips. He continues to pack his bag and I whine softly when he wiggles out of my grip to get some trousers out of the drawer.

Callum looks at me with furrowed eyebrows, not sure what I want from him, but giggles when he sees my soft pout. "What do you want?" He asks, packing the clothes into the bag. "Love and attention?" I suggest something I would like to have from him, and he grins cheekily.

"What do you think about me finishing this and then I swear I'll go down on you until you come at least three times." Callum mumbles almost seductively, his words making me whimper. The thought of him between my legs and how skilled he is with his fingers and his tongue. I press my legs tight together and can see how Callum's eyes are fixated on me.

"You know what? I'll do it now." He almost growls and presses his lips forcefully against mine. A surprised moan leaves my lips and Callum takes advantage of it, pushing his tongue between my open lips. It fights with mine for dominance and of course Callum wins because I still feel a bit overwhelmed by his sudden change of behaviour.

His fingers sneak under my shirt, tracing my skin featherlight before he reaches my breast and cups one of them in his hand. He massages it gently trough the bra but pulls the disturbing piece of fabric out of the way. I lull my head back a bit when his fingertips roll my nipple between them, making the little pearl harder and my knees weaker.

Callum's lips are attached to my neck, and he nibbles and sucks on the thin skin, which is covering my pulse, letting some lilac bruises come to the surface. His hands hold me on my waist, keeping me on my feet while I don't know how long I will be able to make out like with him like this without completely loosing my balance.

My fingers curl around the hem of his shirt, slowly riding it upwards until Callum helps me to pull it over his head. He undresses my upper body too, leaving our shirts and my bra on the ground, not minding it further. Callum leads me to the bed, letting me sit down on the edge before he kneels between my legs.

He rolls my trousers and panties down my legs, and I help him by lifting my hips a bit. For a second his tongue wets his lips then he buries his head between my tights, making me gasp lightly. His tongue licks trough my folds, making me already shiver, because he exactly knows what he needs to do with me.

My fingers are tangled in his messy hair, and I try to guide his head a bit, but Callum is stronger and just does what he wants to do. The tip of his tongue dips into my entrance and I let myself fall back on the bed, not wanting to stay in a sitting position. Callum detaches his mouth for a second to lift my legs and lay them over his shoulders.

"You taste like fucking candy." He mumbles before his mouth is back on my core, making my body arch up slightly. Moaning I lift my hips, meeting his mouth and feeling the pleasure building up. His tongue swirls over my clit, making me gasp for air and I want to close my legs but since Callum is between them it is not possible.

When he sucks my clit onto his mouth, I have the feeling that all the air is leaving my lungs, leaving me breathless. His teeth graze carefully over the nub of nerve endings, sending me over the cliff for the first time, bathing in an orgasm.

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