Marcus Armstrong-Wrapping Presents

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A/N: Another shorty for you. If you want to watch how bad Marcus is at wrapping presents, just go to the PREMA YouTube channel and look for the video of the boys wrapping presents. Please vote and comment for feedback. Hope you like it!

WORDS: 500

At the beginning of December Marcus and I moved into our first apartment together. To say this time would not have been chaotic would be a slick lie. But it was also beautiful, because at least we could both be together withouthaving to pay attention to other people at the house.

For Christmas, Marcus has set himself in his head to send gifts to his friends so that everyone gets something from him. Together we got them and while I'm doing something for university, Marcus packs the little things.

Several times I've heard suppressed swearing and I'm pretty sure something has just fallen on the ground. Curious as I am, I go to the living room, where Marcus sits on the floor and fights with some tape.

I'm getting a little closer and take a look at what Marcus has made so far and it looks like a battlefield. Everywhere are small scraps of wrapping paper, the tape is stuck to his fingers and none of the gifts is fully packed.

"What will it be when it's done?" I ask Marcus with a quiet giggled. He turns around to me in surprise and lets his shoulders hang.

'I just wanted to pack the presents for my friends, but the paper is constantly tearing, I'm taking too much, or they just look ugly. Why I am so bad at wrapping presents?" Marcus really looks deluded, so I try not to laugh any more at his miserable gift-packing skills.

I lovingly stroke his hair and kneel to him.

"If you want, I'll help you pack, but I'm sure no one cares if his gift is packed a little od."

Marcus seems to wrestle with himself, then he sighs.

"Maybe a little help wouldn't be bad." He looks at me with big eyes, because even though I offered it, he seems to feel the need to beg for my help.

"Don't worry, I'll help you without the puppy eyes." Right now Marcus beams and gives me a little space. We gradually pack the packets and I show Marcus a few tricks so that this task is easier for him next time.

A little exhausted, I let my gaze wander over the many small packets and check whether we have really packed all of them.

"Are we done?" I ask Marcus, who shakes his head and hides something behind his back. Astonished, I raise my eyebrow and look at him asking.

"What have we forgotten?" At that moment Marcus pulls out a small bow behind his back and sticks it on my T-shirt.

"Now we're done, after all, you're my gift," he says, drawing on me. Touched, I close my arms around him and put my head on his shoulder.

"You're cute, do you know that?" Marcus laughs softly, raises my head, and gives me a loving kiss.

"Everything just for you darling," he says, as we sit on the living room floor surrounded by small packets and enjoy the closeness to each other.

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