Daniel Ricciardo [N8]

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A/N Wished by Charis260. I hope you like it. Please vote, comment and leave a wish in the reqest chapter. 

WORDS: 1504

I giggle softly when I can hear Daniel singing in the shower. He just returned from his daily run and is making himself presentable again now. Daniel only needs a few minutes in the shower, but these minutes always turn out to be a mini concert for me.

When he comes into the living room, he carries a big jar which is full of little notes. Daniel calls it the sex-jar because it is full of things we would like to try in the bedroom. Sometimes we pull one of the notes and then do what is written on it.

"Choose one." Daniel says and holds the jar in my direction. I mix the notes a few times before grabbing one and read it out loud.

"Tying hands." I look up to Daniel to see his reaction on the plan for our evening. On his lips spread a wide grin before he gives me his hand and pulls me onto my feet.

His lips crash down on mine and involves me in a steamy kiss. Tumbling we make our way to the shared bedroom where it would be more comfortable for the following. Giggling Daniel closes the door behind us before pressing my back against it.

Daniel's lips detached from mine just to roam over my skin and press little kisses on it. He let his tongue wet my neck before he nibbles with his teeth on it and create some of his marks on me.

My fingers touch his free chest feeling his muscles clenching under my fingers and the shivers that ran over his body. Daniel growls lowly when my fingertips brush over his nipples before he catches my hands and pin them against the door behind me.

With a stern look Daniel shows me that I should keep them there before he lifts my shirts above my head. His hands grab onto my waist and his lips start to wander over my skin again.

He creates another mark on my collarbone before wandering deeper and covering my breast with kisses even if they are still covered by my bra. For a moment Daniel lowers my arms to loosen the bra from my upper body and leaving me half naked.

Daniel grabs under my bum to lift me up and presses me against his growing erection in the process. A soft moan tumbles over my lips when I let my hips roll against his to create some friction for both of us.

However, Daniel let my body down on the mattress before he walks to the closet to get one of his belts.

"Lay back and relax. It is all about you tonight." Daniel caresses my cheek with his fingertips before he ties my hands with the belt and connect them to the headboard that I can't lower my hands anymore.

"Tell me when you want to stop." He mumbles and presses a soft kiss und my ear. Daniel seems to be eager to see me naked because he simply pulls down my pants and my underway in one go.

He then looks down to me how my chest is slightly arched away from the bed in his direction and with a desperate expression in my eyes.

"You look so beautiful tied up to our bed." Daniel sights before placing his body between my legs.

His lips start to graze my skin again and it seems like that they don't have a destination but in the next second they are wrapped around one of my nipples. My back arches a bit more from the mattress and I already feel the need to lower my hand and touch Daniel what is obviously not possible.

He let his teeth graze over my hard nipples for a few more times before he detaches his mouth from my breast and instead, they wander lower on my body. His tongue dips playfully into my bellybutton and then he sucks lightly on the skin which is covering my hipbone.

I can lift my hips to show Daniel what I want him to do but I can't grab his head and lead him where I want him. Daniel's lips curl a bit up against my skin and I am sure he is up to no good.

Instead of diving in now Daniel kisses past my middle. He leaves some kisses at the inside of my tight before going even lower to my knee. When he is down at my ankle, he switches legs and start his trail of kisses again but this time upwards.

Desperately I tug on my tied-up hands making the belt rustle slightly against the headboard.

"Want to be untied already?" Daniel asks but knows exactly that it is not hurting me, and I just want that he starts to pleasure me.

"Dan." I whine and lift my hips another time to show him that he should finally put his mouth to work.

He chuckles lightly before mumbling some inaudible words against my skin. When I want to curse, he finally gives me what I crave for. His tongue licks trough my folds sending some shivers over my body.

First, he ignores my already aching nub of nerve endings but then he let his tongue finally swirl around it.

"Oh god, yes. Just like that." I whimper when waves of pleasure ran over my body.

I can't reach down to guide his head of burry my fingers in his dark curls but what I can do is lift my hips. Well, I could when Daniel wouldn't press them down into the mattress and do not let me move them an inch.

My fingers curl around the leather of the belt when the knot in my stomach seems to get tighter and tighter. Daniel detaches his mouth from my core what makes me whine in dismay, but he hushes me softly.

His fingers stroke a few times trough my wet core to lubricate them before he inserts two of them into me. From the beginning on his pace is fast and relentless. The moans that tumble over my lips almost got stuck in my throat when his fingertips graze over my g-spot.

With every thrust of his fingers Daniel's fingertips nudge just perfectly against the nub of nerve endings inside of me. My tights begin to tremble lightly, and this time Daniel let me lift my hips against his fingers to meet his rhythm.

In addition to his two fingers thrusting in and out Daniel presses his thumb down on my clit and creates some friction by circling in slightly. I can fell how more shivers run over my back before the knot in my stomach snaps and the orgasm washes over me.

Daniel helps me through my orgasm before I close my tights because I feel too sensitive. He leans down and gives me a light kiss on the lips and then takes a condom out of the nightstand.

"I am going to make some sweet love to you now." Daniel mumbles after he had rolled the condom down his length.

He aligns himself with my entrance before slowly pushing in. Daniel lowers his body so that we lay tight together feeling the skin of the other closely to ours. His hips grind into mine in an almost painful slow rhythm.

I whimper quietly when the arousal is washing over me even when Daniel is barely moving. Daniel connects our lips for a sweet kiss before speeding up the rolling of his hips a bit to bring us both closer to the high.

My walls clench tightly around Daniel still feeling sensitive from the previous orgasm and desperate for another. I lift my hips to meet his slow rhythm while feeling every ridge and vein of his length inside of me.

Daniel lifts one of my legs slightly to wrap it around his hips and deepen the angle of his thrust. I throw my head back in pleasure when he just keeps hitting that perfect spot in my body. He buries his head in my neck bend to dampen his moaning and growling a bit while the vibrations of these against my skin send some shiver over my spine.

It only needed a few more thrust from Daniel to send us both over the edge into an orgasm. Daniel rests his head for a few moments before he lifts his body from mine and finally loosen the belt around my wrist.

Gently Daniel let his fingertips brush over them before giving me a worried look. I look at my wrist which are red and already showing some bruises from the harsh leather belt.

"We need to replace this with something more gently when we want to do this again." Daniel mumbles before kissing the bruises a few times. He then gets me some lotion and apply it to my wrist softly.

We cuddle up in bed even though it is only the middle of the day, but we are both exhausted and need some rest now.

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