Alex Albon [R2]

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A/N Wished by hotgoretzka. I hope you like it even though it is a bit short. Last chance to request something, make sure you have left your wish until 22:00 (german time).

WORDS: 527

Stargazing with Alex is one of the things I like to do more often with him. We were picnicking on a field as a date and stayed there until the sun disappeared completely and the stars starts to shine down.

Alex is quite good with astrology and so he can explain me where a few of the star constellations are and what the story behind them is. I like listening to his voice especially when he is excited about the thing he is talking about.

His eyes always sparkle, and he gestures a lot more when he is feeling comfortable with the things he is talking about. My head is leaned against his shoulder while I listen to him speaking about the great bear.

The chilly wind of the night is brushing over my skin and send some shivers over my body. I try to shuffle closer to Alex, but this is not really helping against the goosebumps which spread all over my body.

"Can I have your hoodie?" I ask Alex shivering and pull lightly on the hem of his fluffy sweater. He was intelligent enough to dress himself with something warm not like me who is just in a t-shirt.

"But it is cold." Alex whines and not move an inch to give me his hoodie. Normally he would give me his clothes without hesitation, but it is really cold this night.

"And you girlfriend is freezing." I exclaim throwing my hands in the air. Alex muffles some words but still not gives me the hoodie.

"Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie." Outraged I tug on his hoodie for another time and give Alex some puppy eyes.

"You are the worst." He mumbles before he sights and pulls the hoodie over his head. Alex tosses is in my direction not looking very happy with his decision.

Happily, I pull it over my head and gladly feel the warm from it. I tug the sleeves over my fingers to keep them warm as well before giving Alex a wide grin. Now he is the one shivering lightly but we both do not want to leave now.

I climb onto Alex lap, cuddle against his chest to be a kind of human blanket for him. Alex wraps his arms around me to pull me even closer and lays his head onto my shoulder. Now we both are kind of warm and can continue our little stargazing session.

"So, where did I stop?" He asks near by my ear sending some new shivers over my body. This time not because of his breath brushing over my sensitive skin.

"The great bear." I remind him cuddling a bit deeper into his embrace.

„Okay the great bear contains seven stars and the Latin name of it is Ursa Maior..." Alex continues to explain giving me some basic facts before he lists some myths about the constellation as well.

I love evenings who are like this. We can both relax a bit, and he is not stressed by the media or someone else. Out here there are just the both of us surrounded by the stars and the nature.

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