Lando Norris [57]

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A/N Wished by Jolixoxo. I hope you like it! This is the last one shot of this book (:

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 1230

Went out shopping today.
Is the message I sent to Lando attached to a picture of a Victoria Secret bag. I grin when I imagine the things that will go trough his head right now, knowing exactly how excited he can get over pretty lingerie.

Fancying to give me a sneak peak?
Lando's answer comes directly, making me giggle softly. Of course, he wants to se one even though he is probably not alone, but he takes the risk of getting caught just to see a glimpse of me in the new sets of underwear. As he wishes I send him a picture of me in one of the sets, teasing him with having my own hands on my body.

You will be the death of me.
He answers, and I know that he probably bites on his lower lip and spreads his legs a bit because a bulge will grow there, and he is not keen of getting an erection in public.

There is more.
I have a kind of mean grin on my lips when I send this text plus a picture with me in another set of lingerie. This one is a bit see trough and is in Lando's favourite colour.

When I come home, I expect you to be undressed ad waiting on all fours for me. As much as I love you in pretty lingerie, I prefer you naked.
I need to gulp when I read his words and a pleasant shiver runs over my spine making me excited for when Lando would come home. Biting on my lower lip I send him an answer hoping that he would make his way home quick.

Don't let me wait too long.

I pack my phone away after I hit the send button and decide to prepare myself for Lando's arrival. Undressing me, making myself a bit fresh in the bathroom before I wrap a silken nightgown around my body because it is a bit chilly in here. In our bedroom I dim the lights and lit some candles to create a cosy feeling, swinging my hips to the music which is softly playing in the background.

Because the music isn't too loud, I hear the front door open and quickly undress myself from the last piece of fabric which is covering my body. I bring myself in position on the bed, go on all fours and wait for Lando. Footsteps come closer to the bedroom and then the door opens and then Lando enters the room.

I can hear his belt click and how his clothes rustle when he undresses himself. The mattress sinks a bit down when Lando kneels onto the be too and bends over so that his head is beneath mine. His breath brushed over my ear, making me shiver lightly and he presses a gentle kiss onto my cheek

"Such a good girl." Lando mumbles into my ear closing his teeth carefully around the earlobe, making me whimper in surprise but also with a bit of lust. His hands start to roam over my body, letting his fingertips dance over different parts of my skin, teasing spots where I am either tickled or erected by his touch. It is hard for me to keep me up on my hands and so I lower my upper body, resting it on the mattress while my lower body half is still up in the air.

Lando's hands roam over my back now, getting lower and lower until he reaches my butt. His hands massage the skin carefully, making me already push myself into his touch but it doesn't seem like he minds. Suddenly two of his fingers stroke troughs my labia, making me gasp in surprise and maybe flinch a bit but I easily get used to his touch.

He dips his two fingers into my entrance, thrusting them in and out with a slow rhythm while he scissors them from time to time to stretch me gently. I moan because of the pleasure he gives me and try to meet his movement as good as possible. Lando continues with the stimulation for a bit longer before he detaches his fingers, making me whine because of the loss of touch. Lando hushes me quickly by turning me onto my back and now I can look at him for the first time.

His eyes look darker than usually filled with lust and he licks his lips before he leans down to kiss me. I hum against his lips letting his tongue touch mine and enjoy the prickling feeling which flows trough my whole body. Lando's fingers sneak between my tights again but this time he starts to slowly rub circles over my clit.

I lit my hips to get closer to his fingers, but Lando stops and only starts moving again when I stop moving. It is hard for me not to move but I manage it more or less good while Lando continues with his movement, letting the lust get higher and higher. "Lan." I moan when I am close to my high and look at him trough hooded eyes. He let his fingers slide into me again, keeping up with the movement and presses his thumb down on my clit for additional stimulation.

I can feel how the knot in my abdomen suddenly snaps, sending strong waves of pleasure trough my body and give me goosebumps which last longer than the orgasm itself. Lando helps me trough gently before he grabs a condom out of the nightstand and rolls it down his erection. He opens my legs and settle between them before he aligns himself with my entrance and thrust in with a smooth movement of his hips.

From the beginning on Lando has picked up a rather fast pace, pressing me deeper into the mattress with every thrust and brings me to whimper high pitched. His hands are holding my hips down on the mattress not letting me move an inch and I wrap my legs around his waist to draw him closer and let him slide a bit deeper.

Lando growls against my skin when he buries his head in my neck bend, softly nibbling on the skin, marking me up. I moan when the pleasure builds up again and my fingers curls around Lando's bicep, digging a bit into the skin and probably piercing the skin a bit open with my nails. Lando adjust his position a bit and now his tip is perfectly nudging against my g-spot with every thrust.

I throw my head back knowing that I don't need much more to come and Lando also seems close to his orgasm. The rolls of his hips get a bit more irregular, and I can hear the sound of the bed knocking lightly against the wall with every hard thrust that Lando offers me. Clenching around Lando I come to my second orgasm and rip him over the edge too, letting him spill into the condom whit a mix out of profanities and a moan.

"This was hot." Lando mumbles after he had disposed the condom and gave me a warm washcloth to clean my tights. I giggle at his words and roll onto my stomach, smiling at my favourite Brit who now cuddles onto the bed with me.

"What do you think about showing me this pretty lingerie now?"

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