Callum Ilott [N20]

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A/N Wished by milkandchillis. I hope you like it. Please vote, comment and leave a wish. Enjoy the chapter. 

WORDS: 1200

Callum is not at home for several days in a row now. I know that he must work and prepare himself for the upcoming season, but I thought we would spend some time together when the season is on a break.

Instead, I see more photos of him on social media then ever and have to live with it. He looks good, he always does and he doesn't even have to try for it.

But the training pictures have a different effect on me than I thought they would be. The newest ones show a slightly sweaty Callum with damp hair and an absolutely adorable look on his face.

While I just liked the other pictures, I can't take my eyes of this one. Frustrated I sighed and drop my phone on the bed. After seeing these photos all I can think about is sex with Callum.

I miss him, not only him as a person but also his body. We were not very intimate lately and because of that my cravings after him seem to rise more and more.

For a moment I look at the ceiling and let my thoughts wander. A few seconds long I hesitate, then I sight and start to lightly touch my body.

Just these simple touches let me shiver and press my legs tightly together. Without wasting any more time, I simply push my jogging pants down and let my hand wander between my legs.

My core is already soaked and so it is no problem for me to lubricate my fingers a bit. With impatient I rub my middle finger in circles over the little nub of nerve bundles to satisfy myself.

A little moan tumble over my lips and just as I want to insert a finger into me, an amused voice interrupts me.

"We're you just touching yourself?" Callum asks me, standing in the doorway and smirking down at me.

Shyly I pull my hand out of my panties and try to hide, but he already has seen me so I can't do anything else but blush at his look.

"Want me to take over?" Callum comes closer, stop his walk at the end of the bed and let his gaze wander over my body.

I nod, not able to find the right words. I am a bit ashamed Callum caught me masturbating, but I can't turn back time and should concentrate myself on the following.

Slowly Callum let his body sink over mine and press me slightly into the mattress. Before I can react properly Callum's lips crashed down on mine and forcefully push his tongue trough my lips.

I whimper slightly against his lips, try to kiss him back, but Callum already detached his lips from mine and presses them against my neck.

He nibbles on my skin, leaves his marks, and bites a bit harsh into my skin here and there.

"Callum." I whimper and want to continue with my sentence, but he cuts me off.

"No speaking. Stay quiet." He almost hisses at me and continue his little torture now on my collar bone.

I bite my lip to prevent myself from losing more words and dig my fingernails into Callum's shoulders what makes him groan softly against my skin.

With a quick movement, Callum sits on his knees free himself from his shirt and take my clothes of. For a moment he looks down to me, admiring my body, before he continues to please me.

Now a bit gentler he takes my breast in his hand, begin to massage it, and let his mouth glide over the sensitive skin. A little moan tumbles over my lips, but that doesn't seem to bother Callum.

For a second Callum let his teeth graze over my nipples, before he continues his way down my body. He leaves some more marks and make me only desperate for more of his touch.

When he reaches my middle, Callum let two of his fingers glide troughs my folds, then smirks for a moment, before mumbling a few words.

"You're soaking and I haven't even touched you properly."

His words make me shiver but I really want to feel him now. A bit desperate I lift my hips up, which make him chuckle softly.

"So desperate." He grins, then sunk his moth onto my core. My breath hitched in my throat and I'm feeling really sensitive from the beginning on.

Skilfully Callum's tongue lick trough my fold, teasingly dip into my entrance, but avoid the point where I want him the most.

Frustrated I whimper and try to lead Callum's head where I want it to be, but he is not in the mood to do so. Instead, he gives me what I need, he lift his head up and kiss up my body.

"What do you want?" he whispers besides my ear and make me shiver over his seductive tone.

"You." Is the only word I can bring myself to say out loud.

"Where do you want me." Callum's teeth gently graze over his marks, make me whimper under him and slightly pull on his hair.

"Inside me." I cry weakly and try to lift my hips to get some desired friction.

Callum loosen his body completely from mine now, to get rid of his boxer shorts and to grab a condom out of the nightstand. With a quick movement he rolls the piece of protection over his length and the lower his body between my legs.

Teasingly Callum led his tip slide trough my folds for a few times, before rolling his hips down and bottom me out with the first thrust.

My fingers press into his back while trying to find some grip on his skin. Without hesitation Callum pulls a bit out, before thrusting back in within a few seconds. I need just a few thrust to feel on the brink for a release, but Callum slow down his movements a bit, to let my body calm down.

Desperate I want to lift my hips to meet his trust, but Callum's grip on my hips get firmer and he press me into the mattress, while picking up his pace again.

His name fell of my lips like a prayer which only seems to get him more eager to bring us both to a release.

"Callum." I whimper again, felling overstimulated and only want to have an orgasm now.

The low moans of Callum and his little grunts arouse me more and more and he seems to be close to.

To muffle his moan a bit, Callum let his head sink into my neck bend while rolling his hips a bit more forcefully.

Now he let my lift my hips, meet his trust and bring us over the edge within seconds. While I orgasm, I push my fingernails hard into Callum's back, what make him his lowly but doesn't seem to bother him really.

We both try to catch our breath, enjoy the closeness of the other, while just laying in bed and let our bodies gently touch each other.

"Welcome home." I mumble into the quiet room. Callum chuckles a bit, before answering with a "It is good to be back."

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