Lando Norris [F13]

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A/N Wished by Elizabeth160306. I hope you like it! Please vote and leave a comment. 

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 1162

Since Lando and I are both very young we never had the feeling that we need to have a talk about kids. We use protection when we have sex and that's it. No talk about potential future children just living in the present and not the future.

One time there was a rip in the condom, but we did not worry further about because I am on the pill which should cover us in this situation. We did not think about this incident for the next few weeks but then I start to get suspicious.

Normally when I take my last pill on Sunday my period will arrive on Wednesday. It was never late it was always there when it should be, and I can nearly set the clock after it. Worried I make my way to Lando in the living room where he is spread out on the sofa.

"What's wrong love?" He asks me when he sees the frown on my face. I sight quietly before I burry my head in his neck bend.

"My period is late." I mumble and can feel how Lando stiffens for a moment before he wraps his arms comfortingly around me.

"And you think that you are pregnant." Lando mutters pressing a kiss onto my temple.

"I think so. Maybe it is late because of the stress but it was never late since I am taking the pill." I try to explain why I think that I must be pregnant and not just have a late period.

"Should I get you a test?" He is still calm not flipping out because of the potential news of him going to be a father.

"I can get one myself you don't have to do it." I say and want to stand up from the couch but Lando holds me back.

"Nope, I am going. You should rest a bit you look exhausted." Lando pecks my lips before I can protest and disappears to get me a pregnancy test.

On this day we had three positive pregnancy test and where both not sure how to feel about it. We made an appointment with my gynecologist and when she did a blood test and an ultrasound, she confirms the pregnancy to us.

It all felt more real now and I started to panic because I thought that I ruined Lando's career with this little baby inside of me. Lando was literal speechless for a few days and we did not talk one word about the pregnancy.

When he returned from a long day with his family he finally speaks up.

"I talked with my mom. You know, about the baby." He says while there is this soft smile on his lips.

"You told her?" I am not sure if I am happy about the fact that probably the whole Norris family already know about the baby now when we didn't even discuss it between the both of us.

"I just talked with her and no one else. She is my mom; she gives me the best advise." Lando tries to defeat himself but does not get louder he is just explaining what he did.

"We talked for a while and then I admit to her that something happened that we had the little incident with the condom and how we thought it wouldn't be that bad but that it had turn out that you are pregnant. I wanted to ask her if she thinks I can be a good dad even if I am traveling the world." Nervous he fiddles with his hands unsure if I am mad at him.

"You thought that you can't be a good dad?" I ask him slightly shocked what he thinks of himself.

"I did but she reassured me that as long I love my kid with my whole heart, I can be the best dad this kid could wish for." He mumbles getting slightly emotional now.

"So, you want to keep it?" I ask him, biting my lips because I am a bit scared from his reaction.

"Of course. Why shouldn't I want to keep the life we two created?" Lando's eyes widen lightly because if my question before he gently takes my hand in his to give it a little squeeze.

"I...we just didn't talk since the appointment and I was scared that you think about how you can leave me. I just panicked." The tears start to roll down my cheeks and Lando's face softens. He gently wipes the tears away before he kisses me.

"We can to this. We are going to be the best parents this little one could wish for." He mumbles while he places one of his hands on my flat belly.

After that day we start to prepare ourselves for a life with a little baby. We read countless books, decorated the nursery, and told it our friends when we hit the three months mark. Needles to say that all of them wanted to be the godfather and brought up some hilarious facts why they are the best choice for this job.

We had some talks with the team at McLaren and they all helped us through the time of the pregnancy and even gifted Lando some little clothes for the baby. Everyone was eager to find out what gender the little Norris would have and finally told them that it will be a boy.

Not everyone was pleased by the announcement of Lando becoming a father. Some accused me of being a kind of gold digger or that I cheated on Lando and that it is not even his child. We never read to many of these comments and instead just life in our love bubble in the next months.

When the labour began Lando was luckily at home. That was one of my fears, that I have to give birth alone because Lando is in a different country with F1 and can't be with me. It took a felt eternity until our baby boy finally arrived and we where both exhausted.

After our little one had some examinations, we finally get some family time and cuddle up in my bed. My body is aching, but I love the sight of father and son beneath me to blend it out for a moment. Lando gently caress the cheek of his son with one finger while he dreamingly smiles at the little one.

"Baby's are so cute when they are asleep." He mumbles before he adds. "Well out kid is always cute but especially when he is asleep like this."

I giggle softly that our little boy would not wake up from laughter echoing around the room.

"You seem to make a good pillow." I say before I cuddle myself closer against Lando who tightens the grip of his arm around my shoulder.

"Sleep mama, you did a great job today." Lando mutters while I can feel myself drift into some well deserve rest. 

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