Jüri Vips [25]

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A/N Wished by hotgoretzka. I hope you like it (:

WORDS: 1345

Just when I want to open the door of my apartment the familiar voice of one of my neighbours stopped me. "Hey, wait a second." I turn around to face the smiling Estonian who is carrying some pretty flowers. "Oh, hey Jüri." I greet him and am happy that my face is already red from my jogging round so that Jüri can't see the blush which is forming on my cheeks.

"Here, someone dropped these of for you." Jüri says and hand the flower bouquet to me. "I..." I stutter a bit confused by his words. Hoping that these flowers where from him but this hope got destroyed in no time. But why should he buy me flowers, we are just neighbours and nothing more, even though I want this to change.

"Did you see who it was?" I ask him then, curious who this person was. Maybe it is not so bad that someone else is showing interest in me, maybe I could find someone to love outside of just the corridor of my apartment complex. Get rid of the unrequited feelings and develop some different ones with someone who will have them too.

"No, they where laying in front of your door and I just took them with me so that nothing could happen to them. I didn't know how long you would be away." He explains while some soft colour appears on his cheeks. I wonder why he is blushing, but sight about the fact that he didn't see anyone dropping the flowers off. Of course, the admirer is a secret one.

"Thank you Jüri." I thank him that he took care of the flowers before I take a closer look at the bouquet. On the flowers a little letter is attached, and I decide to read it inside when I am alone, maybe there is a hint who brought these. "Wow, these are really beautiful." I mumble and can see in the corner of my eyes how Jüri smiles before he has a neutral expression again.

"I need to leave now, have a nice day." Jüri says, suddenly seem to be in a hurry. "Thank you. I hope yours is good too." I smile at him, seeing him waving awkwardly at me before he disappears into the stairway. Shaking my head, I finally enter my apartment, put the flower into some water before I take the little envelope and open it.

It was like reading a book for the fifth time and only then realizing how good it really is. Listening to a song for the tenth time, finally realizing how beautiful it sounds. I know you for some time now, but I only realised now how hard I have fallen for you.

A broad smile has formed on my lips this little note made my day and lifts my mood a little bit higher than the flowers already did. But one thing makes me sad a bit, even though there is a hint that the person knows me for some time, I have still no clue from who these flowers and this beautiful note is.

The weeks go on and I receive more and more flowers, more notes with cute quotes or something funny to make me laugh, but still no clue who is sending me these lovely things. I know it sound weird, but I slowly start to catch feelings for the unknown person. Imagine how he looks, how he speaks and how good it would be when we finally meet each other, and I see who it is.

But this seems to be just a wishful thinking and suddenly the flowers stop. At first, I thought he is just extending the break between two bouquets but after over one and a half week I feel a certain kind of sadness. It seems like he doesn't want to send me flowers anymore. I am feeling sad, like I am going trough a breakup, even though we weren't in a relationship.

Coming back from the store where I bought some ice cream against the aching heart, I realize that Jüri is back home. He was away with his racing team and is finally home after two weeks. Just when I want to approach him at his car, I realize he is holding a beautiful flower bouquet, making me stop in my movement.

Could it be? No, Jüri isn't my secret admirer, these are probably for his girlfriend. But I am curious, maybe he really was my secret admirer over all the time. This would explain the long break since the last flowers. He was away and couldn't bring them to my door. Jüri knows me for some time know what would lead back to the first note. Slowly the pieces of the puzzle click together and form a picture.

I follow Jüri with some distance to our apartments, watching if he is taking the flowers inside with him or if he places them in front of my door. He kneels in front of my door, placing the flowers there with a soft sight, before standing up again and I decide to finally speak.

"Are you my secret admirer, that one that's been sending me all the flowers and notes?" I ask him and he turns around, looking at me with widened eyes. He needs a few seconds, seems to wrestle with himself about what he will say until he finally starts to explain.

"No, I just wanted to take these with me and..." Jüri starts lying, his Estonian accent heavier than normal and I interrupt him before he can continue with it. "Jüri, I saw you with them outside." I admit and all the colour drains out of his face. Now he looks nervous, like he never wanted me to find out.

"Oh...I am sorry." He mumbles, observing the tips of his shoes, not daring to lift his head and look me into the eyes. "For what?" I ask him a bit confused because I don't see why he should be sorry for bringing me flowers. Maybe that he didn't tell me before but that wouldn't be a reason for me to be sorry.

"For bothering you with the flowers and the notes. You probably expected someone else." Jüri admits, making my facial expressions go softer. I never knew that Jüri is so insecure about himself, and it is time that I change that, letting him know that I loved his gifts and where never annoyed from him gifting them to me.

"Jüri you never bothered me with these gifts. I loved the flowers, and every note has brought me so much happiness." I smile and he finally lift his head, looking at me a bit surprised. He nibbles on his lower lip before e finally gathered a bit of courage and speaks up.

"You liked them even though they were from me?" "Maybe I like them because they are from you?" I still smile and he blushes at my words event though he looks more confused than before. "Wait what?" He frowns, seeming like he doesn't believe if I really said this or if he is making up things now.

"Oh god Jüri, I liked you for a long time but since you didn't seem be interested in me, I tried to change my feelings and try to feel something for the secret admirer instead." I explain him and he finally seems to understand what I am trying to say because there is a soft smile spreading on his lips.

"Oh." He mumbles before he grins at me, now seeming much more confident. "So, what do you think about a date?" Jüri's eyes smile with him, and I can't keep myself from blushing, happy that he finally asked me out and we could find out if something between us would work out or not. "I would really like to go to one." I smile making him pout softly. "Only one?" He asks, making me giggle before I smile widely at him.

"With you I would go to infinity dates."

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