Callum Ilott [7]

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A/N This one is for you hotgoretzka! I hope you like it (:

WORDS: 1110

Callum Iliot, a self-confessed womanizer, and my roommate. We've known each other for quite a while and since Callum is reluctant to be alone when he comes back from a race weekend, we've decided to move in together.

This has its advantages, but also its disadvantages. Despite my protests, Callum has chosen a far too large apartment and makes me pay only a fraction of the rent. But I don't really want to complain about it, because the apartment is really a dream, with its large rooms and the view over the city.

The disadvantage, however, is clearly Callum's never-ending female visitors. One goes in the morning and in the evening he brings the next home. I've never spoken to him about it, but deep down, his behavior bothers me quite a bit.

That's why I was surprised when Callum asked me if I would accompany him to a gala.
"How do you want to hook up with a girl, when I am with you?" That's what I asked him, and he got a little red around his nose and just mumbled something to himself.

After this conversation, his constant visits of women have stopped, and Callum has behaved absolutely strangely. He volunteered to go shopping with him, because in his opinion, he can also give me a dress if I already accompany him.

Tonight, it would be time and if I'm honest, I'm a little bit excited, but that would certainly settle down. I hope at least.

I had already showered and so I now walk through the apartment in short shorts until it is time to put on my dress. Just as I pass our living room, I hear a soft whistle from the couch.

A little confused, I take a step back and look into the room, where Callum lays with his view glued to my naked legs.
"Oh, don't mind me. Just enjoy the view." He says and then I realize an important fact.

"Why the hell are you naked?" with my hand placed in front of my face, I turn around and stare at the wall. From the couch, only a laugh can be heard, but no answer.

"Take your bare butt off our couch Iliot!" I try again and hear footsteps coming at me shortly afterwards. It wasn't planned that way.

"How you wish princess." He murmurs as he walks past and go to his room, while shaking his naked but on purpose. My cheeks glow red and after a brief moment in which I was frozen, I shake and disappear in my room.

Time passes incredibly quickly now and then it's ready and we must go.
"Y/N? Are you ready?" asks Callum at the door. Instead of answering, I come straight out of my room and then we stare at each other for a moment.

Callum hasn't seen the dress on me yet and now seems a little overwhelmed and I can't deny that he looks outrageously good in his suit. At some point, he quietly rattles and offers me his arm like a true gentleman.

"I have to be careful tonight that no one steals my accompaniment." He says and sounds pretty serious. I can only giggle quietly, because I can figuratively imagine how Callum keeps all the men away from me.

The gala is boring at the beginning. Speeches are made and kicked again and again, unknown persons, on stage and say from the point of view exactly what their previous person also said.

Bored I play with Callums fingers, which does not seem to bother him, because he just lets me do it. After the flood of speeches, the dance floor is opened, for which an entire orchestra is ready.

We sit silently next to each other until Callum breaks the silence.
"Do you want to dance with me?" he mutters quietly, so quietly I almost couldn't hear him. But his uncertain gaze confirms to me that I just didn't imagine it.

"Sure." I say and sink my gaze a little. Carefully Callum reaches for my hand, helps me get up and then leads me to the dance floor.

"Can you actually dance?" I ask him as we take the typical position for a classical dance. Smiling broadly, Callum looks down at me before he answers.

"For something, the dance class that my mother sent me to must have been good." With a wink he starts to move and so we almost float over the dance floor.

Again, and again a happy giggle comes over my lips and Callum also look thoroughly satisfied. When the orchestra starts playing a slow song and the couples just storm onto the dance floor, I want to break away from Callum, but he stops me and just pulls me closer to him.

Slowly we dance with each other to the music, I lean my head against his shoulder and enjoy this evening in full.

"You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." Murmurs Callum very close near my ear, which makes my head shrug up in surprise. I'm a little speechless, then I breathe a barely audible "thank you".

Shortly Callum looks as if he is wrestling with himself, then he takes a deep breath and begins to speak.

"I'll probably regret saying that, but I can't keep it for myself. I can keep kissing strangers and pretend that they are you."

My eyes widen as Ig gradually put everything together in my head and I realize what has happened the last few weeks.

"Wait. Are you flirting with me?" I ask a little shyly. The girls in the last few weeks have all had a certain resemblance to me and when I think about it, Callum's sayings have been very flirtatious lately.

"You finally noticed." He just says and it sounds pretty bitter. But when he wants to break away from me, I hold him and catch his gaze.

"You're an idiot, do you know that?" Callum looks at me terrified and doesn't seem to know how to govern, but I just keep going.
"So you're constantly dragging down some girls because you actually want me? It's idiotic even for you." I'll ruffle him and Callum shrinks a little bit.

"Sorry?" he looks at me with big eyes and seems a little anxious that I'm just letting him stand now.

"You're lucky that I like this idiot so much." Before Callum can realize what, these words mean, I've already pulled him down to me and put my lips on his.

The evening took an unexpected turn, but I would never complain about it, because now it is just him and I.

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