Lando Norris [F8]+BOOK

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A/N This was wished by _amelia_bianchiii. I hope you like it. Please leave a vote, a comment and wish something in the request chapter. Enjoy!

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 972

Cuddling with Lando is the best activity I can imagine when he is back from a race week. This week it was not a race but testing, still I miss him when he is away and be glad when he is back in one piece.

The rain is softly taping against the window producing the only sound audible except for our relaxed breathing. We are cuddling on the couch wrapped in a fluffy blanket and enjoy our time together before Lando has to leave for the first race of the season.

Fill up our batteries with spending time together before we are in a kind of long-distance relationship again. I would never complain about Lando's lifestyle because I really admire how fare he has come.

Although we want to spend as much time as possible together, I have to leave his house before the last bus would leave the station near his house.

"I have to go." I mumble, pressing a kiss to Lando's lips before detaching our bodies from each other. Lando whines softly but I ignore his complains knowing that he is like this every time I have to leave.

"You can't leave now." Lando pouts pointing outside the window as I want to go to the hallway to put on my shoes and my jacket.

"That is just a little bit of rain." I chuckle at Lando's face but staying in the doorway to listen to his next words.

"But it's dark and pouring. I do not want you to go out in this weather and especially not when you want to drive with the bus. You never know what people are around on this time of the day." Lando looks like he is not willing to let me leave today but I really need to go home.

"Lando, I do this very often and never happened something. The station is just a few minutes from here and it's not like you life in a bad part of the city." I do understand his concern, but I have done this a hundred time. Staying late with Lando and then driving home with the bus trough the night.

For a minute Lando seems to think than the words seem to blur out of him.
"Sleep over? Please?" He never has asked me to do this and looks very unsure if I would accept his offer.

"I..." I really do not know how to answer his question. I am definitely ready to sleep here but I have nothing with me. No clothes or other essentials.

"Please. I would be much calmer if I know you stay here tonight and that you are safe."

Sighting I close my eyes for a moment before opening them again and look at Lando.
"Okay." I mumble barely audible but Lando still hears me.

"Thank you." He exclaims before jumping up the couch and coming in my direction. Lando cups my cheeks with his hands, squishing them slightly before peppering my face with kisses.

Giggling I want to escape his embrace but Lando would not let me go out of his kind of torture. Only when I relax under his touch, he stops his kisses and gives me one last gentle one on the lips.

"Do you want to go to the bed or watch a movie before." He then asks leading me to his bedroom.

"We can watch something first." I hum watching Lando how he searches for something in his closet.

"Is this okay?" Lando hands me some sport trousers and a loose shirt for the night.

"Perfect." I mumble pecking his lips and disappear into the bathroom.

"There should be a new toothbrush in the cabinet." He shouts trough the closed door. As he said I found a completely new toothbrush in one of his cabinets. After I changed clothes and brushed my teeth I go back into the bedroom where Lando is already laying spread over the bed.

With a little jump I drop my body on the bed and instantly cuddle against Lando's body. Gently he wraps his arms around me to draw me close to him almost pulling me completely on top of his body.

For the next one and a half hour we watch a film which is really good, but my eyes become more and more droopy to the end of it. When the film ends, I have my eyes close and feel close to sleep but then Lando begins to move.

He carefully detaches my body from his shuffling out of the bed. Caring he drops a blanket over my body and tuck me in. Sleepily I open my eyes and can see how Lando grabs a second blanket and wants to leave the room.

"What are you doing?" I mumble with a voice full of sleep.

"Uhm, sleeping on the couch?" Lando says with a questioning voice which make me lift my head a bit.

"Why?" I do not understand why he wants to sleep on the couch when we where just cuddling for hours.

"I thought you maybe don't want to since I begged you to stay here." Lando explains still standing in the doorway.

"Idiot." I mumble under my breath before holding one of my hands in Lando's direction.

"Come back. I want to cuddle with you." I demand him getting slightly annoyed in my sleepy state.

"Oh, okay." Lando says almost stumbling over his feet as he walks back to the bed dropping himself on the mattress besides me.

Careful Lando lifts the blanket to cuddle against my body while gently wrapping his arm around me. Sighting I burry my head in his neck bend and relax when the heat of his body lulls me in.

"Good night love." Lando mumbles before closing his eyes and let himself drift into his desired sleep. 

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