Daniel Ricciardo [55]

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A/N Wished by joeyxfriends. I hope you like it (:

WORDS: 1166

"Finally, some rest and peace." Daniel playfully cheers and throws his mask on the table before he takes some sips out of his water bottle. He ruffles through his hair with a little towel while I enter the room behind him.

"You love the attention." I laugh and close the door, giving us some privacy. After taking of my mask, I take a deep breath being happy to get rid of it for some time.

"Yes, but I love it even more when you are with me." Daniel says cheekily and smiles at me with sparkling eyes. I roll my eyes at his cheesy comment but can't suppress a grin because I love to come to a race weekend with him again after such a long time.

"You know what I like the most of you being here with me?" Daniel asks about a few minutes of silence and wraps his arms around me to pull me close to his chest. I look up to him and see another smile on his lips. It is a rare sight when he is not smiling but I don't mind him being happy for most of the day.

"No, but you are going to tell me anyways." I giggle and am curious what is the fact he like the most about me being with him again. Last season I rarely accompanied him but this season I don't want to be apart from him too long.

"Showing is so much more fun." Daniel mutters close by my ear before he begins to place kisses down my neck and nibbles a bit on the skin which us covering my pulse. I do tilt my head a bit for him to have better access but there is a bit of doubt in me.

"Really? In your motorhome?" I ask Daniel and step a bit away from him to look him into the eyes. Does he really want to have sex in here always being in danger of getting caught by a team member?

"Yes, just like some horny teenagers." He giggles and leads me backwards until my back hits the wall. I smile at him and place my hand in his neck to pull him into a kiss. Our lips tease each other a bit and our tongues dance around each other, sending sweet tingles trough my body. My fingers tug on Daniels's shirt to remove it and I whine softly when he doesn't help me.

"I don't have the patient to remove our clothes right now." He explains while stepping a bit away from me to open his belt. "Turn around." Daniel demands and I follow his instructions facing the wall now. I can feel him standing close to me again and I close my eyes waiting patiently for what happens next.

Daniels hands slowly wander down my shoulders and over my arms, his fingertips dancing softly over the skin, making me shiver under his touch. Suddenly his hands grab around my wrist, and he lifts my hands over my head, placing them on the wall. "Let them there." He mumbles against my skin and bites softly into my neck.

I whimper and want to lean against his chest, but he is not longer there, and I can't move further without taking my hands away from the wall. Daniels hands now wander down my upper body and after that down my legs. He is kneeling behind me while his hands keep wandering down.

At my knees he changes the direction again and now his fingers wander up again this time under my skirt. Daniels's fingertips hook into my panties before he drags them down my legs and stand up again his hand still between my tights.

"You are soaking." He growls into my ear and surprisingly thrust with to fingers making me gasp at the sudden pleasure. I open my legs a bit more so that he has better access and can continue with his movements.

Daniel is thrusting his fingers in and out with a steady rhythm and brings me to moan in just a few seconds. I meet his thrust with moving my hips, but Daniel doesn't seem to plan to let me come like this. He pulls his fingers out again, making me whine in dismay. Daniel pushes up my skirt a bit to keep it out of the way before he aligns his length with my entrance.

With a slow thrust he enters me, placing his hands on my hips to keep me in place before he begins to roll his hips into mine. His length is filling me up perfectly and nudges against every spot that brings me pleasure. I try to find some grip on the wall, but my fingers slip down again and again.

Daniel grunts lowly into my ear, picking up his pace because he wants to finish this. I throw my head back when his tip nudges against my g-spot which makes my knees buckle slightly and bring me even closer to an orgasm.

"I don't care how good it feels you'd better not come until I tell you." Daniel mutters into my ear but his words only make me clench harder on him. When Daniels fingers slide against my tights again, I already see myself loosing this battle and come before he allows me to.

The knot in my stomach is getting tighter with every roll of Daniels hip and the strokes his fingers offer my clit. His rough fingertips feeling so much better than my own ones when I decide to pleasure myself. I can't hold my hands up for longer and instead grab onto Daniels arms clenching my fingers into his skin.

"Come for me darling." Daniel finally allows me and dig his teeth into my skin. I throw my head back, leaning it against his shoulder while the waves of pleasure roll over my body almost making me fall to the ground because my knees give in. Daniel holds me close to his chest, not letting me fall to the ground and stays with me like this until my knees stop shaking.

I can feel Daniels cum dripping down my tight and a grab one of his small towels, wet it and clean every stain on my skin. Daniel closes his trousers again, before he kneels down and pulls my panties up again making it seem like nothing happened in here.

"So, your favourite thing about me being with you on a race weekend is having sex?" I ask Daniel a bit mockingly, but it looks like he didn't hear it like this.

"This is not what I meant I..." he starts to ramble, but I stop him, laughing at his shocked face. His expression changes quickly from anxious to mischievous and I slowly make my way to the door to run away from him.

"You little vixen." Daniel growls and starts to chase me through the McLaren motorhome making us both and everyone around giggle in joy. 

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