Mick Schumacher [11]

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A/N Wished by LaaSports. I hope you like it! Since I am visiting my grandparents for the first time since November 2019 I will probably not update much in the next days (:

WORDS: 1203

"Hey." I greet Mick when I enter his car, smiling widely at him. Mick eyes lit up at the sight of me and on his lips a grin is visible. When the seatbelt clicks Mick starts to drive into the direction of the climbing park we would visit today.

"It is nice to finally see you again." He admits and we both smile shyly at each other for a second before there is silence again. We continue our drive for a few more minutes until Mick looks at me for a brief second and speaks up again.

"Happy with the climbing park I picked?" He asks me, sounding a bit worried while his teeth dig into his lower lip. When he wrote me that he wants to go climbing I was a bit surprised first, but I told him that I really like climbing and it seems like he likes it too.

"Yes, I am so excited." I tell him and have to grin widely. My last climbing session is a while ago and I really miss being up in the trees. Mick laughs at my enthusiasm and just after a few more minutes we finally arrive at the climbing park.

We get our climbing gear and put it on with the help of a worker while getting some instructions we have to follow while climbing at this park. After the introduction Mick gets us some helmets to protect our heads from possible injuries.

"Here is your helmet." Mick gives me a blue helmet while he is holding a red on in his hand. I adjust my hair to fit them under the helmet and do some little changes so that the helmet sits close on my head but not to tight.

We make our way to the first course and climb up on a platform to start it. I climb in front of Mick because it was recommended by one of the workers. It is one of the easier courses because we want to start simple and because of this we are not that high up. When I look back to Mick after a few obstacles I notice that something is of with him.

"Scared of heights?" I ask Mick when I see his white cheeks and how he looks down from the trees trying to hold himself as close as possible to the securing. His knees shake a bit and as I said I think he is not happy with being in this height.

"No." He says between gritted teeth and tries to look at me as relaxed as possible. "You are a bad liar Mick." I giggle, not about him but about the fact that he is trying to look comfortable while leaning against the tree on which platform we are standing on.

My sights softly, before he looks at me again. "You got me. I am not the biggest fan on heights." He shyly admits and let his shoulders hang. Mick looks like he is ashamed of himself about his fear of heights.

"But why do you wanted to go climbing then?" I ask him confused and not amused about the fact that he suggested that we should go climbing rather than do anything else. "Because you like it." He mutters and a warm feeling spreads trough my body. Mick wanted to go climbing despite his fear of heights just to make me happy? Sometimes I can't believe how sweet Mick is.

"Oh Mick. You didn't have to do this." I say and touch his shoulder for a second before I pull my hand away again. "Well, now it is too late, and I am stuck on this tree." He chuckles bitterly and continues to hold on his securing. "Let's finish this course and then we can do something different, okay?" I ask him and he nods, taking a deep breath before we continue our way trough the course.

"Can you grab this? I am too small." Is my question to Mick at one of the obstacles I can't reach the thing where I have to hook in my securing. Mick comes closer to me and takes the carabiner out of my hand. "Of course." He mutters and doesn't have to stretch for reaching the rope. His body is close to mine and the familiar scent of him comes to my nose.

My cheeks get some red patches because of the body contact, and I clear my throat lightly what seems to rip Mick out of his thoughts. He steps away from me, and I can continue the course trying to lower my heartrate again. Mick and I complete the course and he seem to be pretty relieved to finally have some hard ground under his feet.

We take of our climbing gear off and Mick seems to struggle with one of the locks. "Wait, I help you." I try not to think about how close we are in this moment and just open it so that he can finally take it of. My fingers shake a bit but just when the lock is open, I take a big step away from Mick.

"Thank you." He smiles softly at me, and I return his smile before I bring back our climbing gear to the lend out again. The worker seems to be a bit confused that we are already finished but he doesn't say a word. Mick waits for me at the exit and smiles when I am by his side again.

"I liked this day." I confessed to Mick while we walk back to his car, and it is the truth. The company of Mick is one of the best things that happened to me lately and I really hope we can spend some more time together. We were drifting apart after he left school but now, we are close again.

"Me too. Maybe we can meet again?" Mick suggests tilting his head lightly. "I would like this." I admit while my cheeks turn into a soft pink colour. Sometimes I hate how shy I am, but Mick doesn't seem to be bothered by it. We continue our walk back to his car in silence, but it is not unpleasant just showing how comfortable we feel around each other.

"Just grab my hand instead of fiddling around. Are you scared to touch me?" Mick suddenly asked me after a few moments of walking beside each other in silence. And like he said I was playing with my fingers over the last minutes.

"I..." For a second, I am like frozen. Mick wants me to hold his hand? Has he really just said this or am I imagining things? Before I can really react to his question Mick takes the decision out of my hand and just grabs mine. He is holding my hand and I can't move, still feeling like I am a block of ice.

"Are you comfortable with this?" Mick lifts our crossed fingers a bit up and waits patiently for my answer. My heartbeat is fast, and a soft blush is covering my cheeks, but I do feel comfortable with him holding my hand and because of this there is only one right answer.


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