Marcus Armstrong [18]

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A/N Wished by jade2506. I hope you like it (:

WORDS: 644

"Hurry up Marcus." I yell up the stairs after I looked at the watch. We are invited for a team event tonight and slowly but surely it looks like we are going to be late, and I am a person who hates to come late. But Marcuse seems to be the calmest person ever and just dawdles the whole time.

"Just one more minute love." He answers, sounding like he is still in the bathroom, probably making his hair and I roll my eyes at this behaviour. Marcus is almost late every time he needs to be somewhere and sometimes, he really gets on my nerves but on the other hand it has also led to many funny situations. It doesn't bother him much, but I like to show up on time, not letting everyone wait for ages.

"Come on, I don't want to be late." I say, really not wanting to show up late, drawing all the attention to us but it seems like it is going to be like this again. Us showing up late again, letting everyone stare at us what makes me extremely uncomfortable. Sighing softly, I look into the mirror for the last time, stroking the soft material of the summer dress straight when I hear the bathroom door open and fall close soon after. Finally, I think and hope that he is really ready to leave know.

"I am ready." Marcus yells and dribbles down the stairs, stopping at the last step, looking up and down my body, making me blush. His eyes lit up at the sight of me, making my heart flutter softly and I hope his loving gaze would never stop. But it still makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, him usually not staring that obvious but it seems like he really likes this dress on me.

"I know you said that you didn't want to be late, but you look amazing, and I am trying not to kiss you senseless right know." Marcus admits, approaches me, and take my hand in his, making me turn around so that he can look at the flower patterns which are all over my dress. He smiles when I face him again and I can't prevent myself from turning red again. I hate the fact that I am still blushing so much when I am around him, but I can't stop myself from doing it.

"It's just a summer dress." I mumble, fiddling with the hem of my dress not used to being complimented so often. Yes, Marcus gives me compliments more often but today I seem to react more extreme than usually. "But you look stunning in everything." Marcus continues to compliment me, only making me blush more and I lift my hands to cover my cheeks with a soft giggle.

"Stop it." I mumble, not looking into Marcus eyes, who has a wide smile on his lips. "Stop what?" Grinning he looks at me, knowing exactly what I want and just being amused that he can make me feel the way I am feeling. He loves making me blush, hearing me giggle and he would do everything just to see a glimpse of the shy me, adoring the fact that I still act like this around him after so many months.

"Stop being so cute." I explain what he should stop because I can't handle him being such a sweetheart. Yes, I love this side of him, but I always struggle to take his compliments, feeling like I don't deserve his kindness, but they still make my heart flutter and myself feeling loved.

"I can't, this is just my personality." Marcus laughs while he wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his chest while a soft giggle leaves my lips too. Maybe it isn't too bad when we show up late to that dinner. 

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