Lando Norris [35]

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A/N Wished by _amelia_bianchii. I hope you like it! I am sorry for the lack of updates lately, but there should be a second one-shot in the evening. Please leave me a vote and a comment (:

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 1392

Being in a relationship is still kind of a new feeling for me. Even after three months of dating Lando and experiencing a lot of new things with him it still feels unreal to me from time to time. But he is sitting beside me on the couch in his apartment while we both scroll a bit-tired trough our phones.

We just spend some time together on this day and do not really have a plan what to do with this rare free day. While scrolling I discover that a new restaurant has just opened in the neighbourhood and because it sounds delicious what they serve I decide to ask Lando if he wants to go there.

"What do you think about going out for dinner tonight and try this new restaurant?" I ask Lando and show him the pictures I just discovered on Instagram, but he does not lift his head and keeps looking at his phone.

"I suppose I'm going to pay?" He huffs almost inaudible and has a stone cold look on his face. A bit confused I knot my eyebrows together, what has spoiled his mood in the last minutes from cheerfully to grumpy?

"I...well you did the last times we went out but I didn't ask for." I mumble and shrug my shoulders. It is true Lando had paid the last times we went out for dinner, but I always had my purse ready to pay for myself. Lando just never let me actually pay for dinner or anything else when we are together.

"Sure, whatever you say." He says trough gritted teeth and wants to stand up, but I hold him back by catching his wrist.

"Okay, what is your problem?" I ask him and try to look him in the eyes but Lando has his gaze fixated on a spot over my head. He sights before he decides to finally look at me.

"Well, you obviously like my money more than me." Lando sounds bitter and for a few seconds I don't know what to say or even think about the meaning of his words.

"Is that what you think of me?" I mutter in a kind of shock and let go of his wrist. Lando crosses his arms in front of his chest and looks at me quite intimidating.

"You enjoy the glorious lifestyle way too much and you never looked at expensive things before..." He then says and begins to leave the room. Even though my heart is aching anger begins to spread trough my veins.

"I am going to leave know and you should think about what you just said." I say with a stern look at Lando before I pack my things and leave his house to walk back home.

All the way home I hold back the tears that prickle behind my eyes, but I do not want to cry in the middle of the street. Just when the door falls close behind me, I can't hold back the salty drops and start to sob in the middle of my little hallway.

Since when is Lando thinking that I only like him because of his money and not because I like him as the person he is? Why does he doubt that my feelings for him are real out of the sudden and why does it hurt so much in my heart when he said the words he said?

I don't know how long I was sitting in the hallway crying but after some time the last tear has rolled down my cheek and then the river of them finally stopped. For a few more minutes I remain on the floor before I slowly walk into the bathroom and free my face from the salty stains.

Another five minutes past before the ringing of the door finally rips me out of my deep thoughts. I don't want to open the door but the person in front of it seems like she is really eager to meet me and so I go to the door and open it.

When my eyes met the body of the familiar person, I want to close the door again but Lando steps into my apartment and then slowly holds out a little bouquet of flowers into my direction. Even though my heart beats a bit faster at his gesture I am still angry at him.

"What are you doing here?" I almost snap at him and walk into my kitchen, closely followed by Lando who does not say a word just looking like he fights with himself on the inside.

"Lando, say something or leave!" A little sight leaves my lips and I carefully free the flowers out of his hands and put them in a glass of water to keep them fresh.

"Why are your eyes so red?" He finally mumbles and wants to reach with his hand out to my cheek, but I step away from him. Lando let his hand sink down again and looks like someone just had hit him.

"Why my eyes...maybe because my boyfriend does not trust me?!" I answer his question and don't want to look him in the eyes. My feelings are mixed I feel kind of betrayed and so disappointed but on the other side there is my deep love for Lando.

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry. I feel horrible because I believed what they say and I then my thoughts just went bad. In my head is always this voice telling me that no one wants me for who I am and that people just like me for because I have money and attract public attention." Lando blurts out and I need a few seconds to understand the words that just had burst out of his mouth.

I sight, before I approach him and gently take his hand into mine. Lando's head shoots up and he looks at me kind of surprised like he does not think about me being nice to him. He probably thought I would just kick him out of the house and would never want to see him again.

"I understand that it is hard to read all those things on the internet and maybe I do understand that people worry about a woman messing around with you, but you know me, and you should have known better." I try to express my feelings toward Lando and can see a little glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"I know that you are not with me because of the money, but I suddenly felt so insecure about myself and could not think about a reason why someone should spend time with me if not for the money and public attention." He mutters and a little blush creeps on his cheeks, indicating that he is ashamed.

"Lando, look at me." I say and wait until the brit lifted his head and finally looks me in the eyes.

"I love you, only you. And I would love you even if you weren't a racing driver or popular at all." I promise him and tell him for the first time that I love him. Lando's eyes went wide when he listens to my words and he can't suppress a grin from spreading on his lips.

"You love me?" He asks, still surprised but widely grinning. I laugh softly at his words, but I am willing to tell him a hundred times that I love him until he finally understands the meaning behind these words.

"I do." I confirm and nuzzle my nose lightly against his. Now a happy laugh leave Lando's lips before he lifts me up out of excitement and twirls our bodies around in my small kitchen. Laughing I hold him tight and can feel how his chest is also rumbling with laughter.

"I love you too." Lando tells me close by my ear when he carefully let my feet back to the ground.

"I love you so much that I can not describe it with words." He whispers and buries his head in my neck bend. My fingers slowly brush trough his curls while we keep hugging and keeping the other close.

The little fight is forgotten faster than it has started, and we just enjoy being with the other instead of listening to the things people write on the internet.

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