Lance Stroll [26]

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A/N: This one is for jadnhossler925. I hope you like it! Had to write it after Lance's crash. What do you think about the race or the weekend with F2 in general? Sorry if there are mistakes or something wrong in this one, got tired during writing it...

WORDS: 1340

"Good luck!" I shout to Lance who is just leaving his motorhome for the upcoming race. He turns around and shows me a wide grin which I can see even when the mask is covering half of his face.

Even he is starting from P19 he is still excited for the race and wants to give his best to bring his car a few positions up and maybe archive a finish in the points. Due the less but still active covid restrictions I have to stay in the motorhome and watch the race from here. I am not particularly sad about this because I can get quite emotional during a race and do not want to bother someone else with it.

The race starts rather unspectacular and not with a crash plus safety car like everyone expected. As anticipated Charles could not hold his position against the stronger Mercedes and dropped back a few places. The first one who retires is Esteban but not due a crash or something but because something with his car was wrong.

Then the race goes on still being interesting to watch but not as much trouble as in the F2 races happening. When the first pitstops happen, Lance gets further and further up the list because he is the only one who started on hard tyres and so he stays out longer.

After the pitstop Verstappen is in front of Hamilton who is not really happy with his new place 3 on the grid but this is racing. Sometimes everything is going perfectly and on other times you have to deal with some problems.

But then things get quite hectic when one of the Aston Martins hit the wall and in the first second, I am not sure who just hit the barrier but then I see the dark green helmet of my boyfriend.

"Oh no that is an accident, and it is Lance Stroll." The commentary says but, in my ears, there is a kind of whoosh and my leg begins to bounce because I am scared that Lance is injured because of that big impact he just had.

"He is moving around in the cockpit that is great to see." I can not proceed the words that come out of the TV, but I can not deny the bit of relief that flows trough my body when Lance is moving his body and seems to be okay for the moment.

Then the replay starts, and I can not bring myself to move my eyes away from the scene. I can see how Lance tyre blow up and then how he hits the wall in high speed. How the front of his car gets kind of crunched and how many little pieces of carbon fly on the track.

"No chance of avoiding the accident." The commentary says after replay was shown several times. In the meantime, Lance finally gets out of the car and the medical car is bringing him back to the garage where the team awaits him.

My fingers still shake a bit, but I try to stay calm, knowing that Lance is safe and seems to be okay. Still, I am worried about him even I know he is okay and not hurt but these few seconds gave me just a scare that I zone out and did not even notice Lance entering his motorhome again.

Only when he pulls me into a tight hug and buries his head in my neck bend, I snap out of my starring and wrap my arms tightly around the Canadian. We stay like this for several minutes before a soft sight leaves my lips.

"Are you okay? This looked really scary." I mumble and tighten my arms a bit more. I can feel Lance smiling lightly against my skin before he nods.

"I'm okay, probably a bit sore when the adrenalin is away but I dd not hurt myself." He reassures me and brings some distance between our bodies.

"That is good." I mutter before I place a featherlight kiss onto Lance's lips. He sights softly and deepens the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away.

"I am going to change and do these interviews and then we can leave." Lance says and starts to change into some normal clothes.

"Don't you want to watch the end of the race?" I ask him even if I am feeling exhausted from the events but maybe he would like to stay with the team.

"I only want to take a hot bath with you and try to relax a bit." Lance explains before he gives me a last kiss and disappears to deal with the reporters which are going to ask him the same question over and over again.

It takes Lance quite a long time to return but when he does, we pack our things and went to the hotel straight away. While I pack a few things away Lance let some warm water into the bathtub and let his body sink into it to relax his properly aching muscles.

I undress myself and then sit beside him in the wide bathtub and cuddle against his firm body. Lance fingers dance a bit over my naked skin but not in a sexual way just like he is searching for my closeness.

We just relax a bit in the bathtub not talking much which each other but we do not need to talk every second of the day. Sometimes being silent together can be so much better then constant speaking.

"Can you wash my hair?" Lance asks when the water is slowly getting colder, and we do not want to stay too much longer in here.

"Of course." I say with a soft smile, and we rearrange our bodies in the bathtub a bit. Lance is now sitting between my legs and leans his head back on my shoulder to look up to me for a moment.

I grab the jet and carefully wet Lance's hair with it while brushing with my finger's trough his dark strands. When his hair is wet enough, I grab his shampoo and drip some in my hand before I begin to foam it in.

Lance hums when my fingers rotate over the skin of his head, massaging the shampoo into his head while trying not to hurt him in any way. He sights when I continue with my treatment instead of washing his hair out directly.

„You're supposed to be washing my hair but this feels more like a massage." Lance hums and sounds really happy about the little massage my fingers give to his head.

"Just relax." I mumble and press a soft kiss onto his naked shoulder while I still let my fingers brush trough his hair.

For a few more moments I continue with my treatment before I carefully wash all of the shampoo out of his hair again. After I finish this, we do not stay much longer in the bathtub because of the colder getting water and instead dry out bodies and cuddle tightly under the blanket.

Even Lance did not have the greatest day he is still the sweetest and does not let his anger bubble out. He tries to relax rather then freak out and maybe say something he will regret afterwards.

"Seb got a podium." Lance mentions smiling widely while he still holds me in his arm but strolls trough his phone.

"How?" I ask surprised. Yes, Seb was good but what happened to the rest of the boys in the front?

"Max's tyre blew up too and the race had to be red flagged, he is okay but could obviously not continue and Lewis had to take the emergency exit after to restart. That makes P2 for him and the team." Lance explains and still beams widely. He really likes Seb, and this podium could be a step in the right direction for Aston Martin.

Now the day had took a good turn again and made everything positive again. 

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