Lando Norris-Bathtub Action

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A/N Thanks for the first votings and requests! This one is not a requested one-shot, but I had the idea of it for a while. It's getting sexy and I am terrible sorry if it's bad, but it is my first one-shot like this in english

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

WORDS: 960

It was the evening before Lando's birthday and because it's race weekend we are staying in a hotel room in Istanbul. Tomorrow the drivers would have their two free practises, and this means that Lando's special day would be full of driving around the track. The media day is often more tiring than the actual race days and because of this Lando and I decided to take a warm bubble bath to calm down a bit.

While Lando fills the bathtub with water and some delicious smelling bubble bath, I was checking some messages, answers some of them and put my phone away afterwards. Just as she had lay her phone down, Lando calls her from the bathroom.

"Y/N are you coming?" He says and a little smile appears on Y/N lips because he sounds so excited.
"Give me just a minute." She answers and pull her hair up, so it wouldn't get wet in the bathtub.

Y/N walks in the warm bathroom where Lando was already sitting in the water, enjoying the heat around him with closed eyes. For a moment Y/N admires the little part of his naked body she could see, the foam coated most of his body, but she knows what's underneath the white layer of fluff.

Lando seems to notice her staring, so he opened his eyes and grinned wide at her. With slow movements Y/N take her clothes of, fold and lay them to the side. She is comfortable with Lando watching her naked body and he follow her with his eyes until she's in the bathtub with him.

Y/N sits down in the warm water and let out a little sight. On Lando's face appears a little frown and Y/N tilted her head a bit to the side with an asking look on the face.

"What's wrong?" she asked not sure what could upset Lando in the moment.
"You're too wide away from me." He muffled what caused Y/N to let out a little laugh.

Luckily, the bathtub was big enough for Y/N to come closer to Lando's body. She lay her legs over his and cuddle herself against his chest. Now happy, Lando wrap his arm tight around her body and keep her close.

"I'm happy you are here with me." He whispers and lay his head on Y/N shoulder. A little smile appears on her lips as she let her fingers comp trough his slightly wet hair.

"Happy I'm here with you in general or just in this bathtub?" She asked him with a mocking tone in her voice. Lando chuckle a bit before answering her question.
"Both, but how could I be unhappy with your naked beauty on top of me?" He answered a bit cheesy.

Y/N press a soft kiss to Lando's lip, but he didn't let her pull away after that sweet kiss. His hands gentle cupped her cheeks hold her close and starts to deepen the kiss. Her hands start to wander over his muscled chest, Lando's heart pumps faster just because of her soft touch.

Now he let his hands wander too. Let them sink slowly from her cheeks, over her shoulders until he reaches the backside of her tights and lift her up on his lap. Y/N shivers under his featherlight touch and whimpers when she felt his erection against her inner tight.

Lando licked over her lips, automatically Y/N open her mouth a bit and let they tongues meet for the first time this evening. A little moan tumbled over Y/N lips when Lando started to brush his rough fingertips over her sensitive nipples.

Their lips part and Y/N began to kiss along Lando's jawline, wander over his neck and nibbled on the sensitive's parts of his skin. Barely audible moans leaving his mouth and goosebumps rise all over his skin.

The hips of Y/N grind down a little on Lando's growing erection which let her shiver and only want her to be closer to him. Lando let his fingers wander over her inner tight but does not touch her where she craved to.

"Please." Y/N whimpers followed by a moan, because Lando granted her the wish and touch her folds. His thump draw circles over her clit, while he inserts his middle finger.

Y/N let her head fall to Lando's shoulder and move her hips to match his slow movements. To Y/N dismay Lando take his fingers away just before she could reach her hight.

"You're a damn tease." She murmured in his ear. Lando just grins for a moment, before he let one of his hands sneak between their bodies and aligned his erection on her entry.

His slow movements let Y/N whimper desperately, but Lando was also feeling overwhelmed because of her tightness around him. For a moment Y/N must adjust Lando's size but start a grinding rhythm soon after.

Her movements are calm but pleasuring at the same time. Lando tilts his head back while little moans tumble over his lips. Y/N try to keep a steady rhythm, but her movements get sloppier the nearer the high comes.

Lando helps her by leading her hips up and down and let his fingers wander between them, because he couldn't hold it any longer.

"Come for me baby." He whispers into her ear which let her whimper. The combination of Lando's penis and his fingers make her come to a high in no time in which state Lando follows her right after.

Y/N was feeling a bit shaky but totally happy. After sex Lando is always really comforting and let her a bit of time to come down from her high.

The silence between them was broken because Lando begins to chuckle.
"We definitely need a bigger bathtub at home."

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