Pierre Gasly-Terrified

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A/N This one was requested by useresssss hope you like it! Please vote and leave a comment.

WARNINGS: Death I guess
WORDS: 1180

Pierre and I have known each other for an eternity. We went to kindergarten together and after that to school. The existence of us being neighbors was simply a bonus. We went together on his first trip of karting. But while he found his passion in it, I only did it for fun from time to time.

When we were sixteen, however, our contact was broken off. Not because he didn't have time anymore, but because I moved. My father had got a lucrative job offer and because of that we left France.

I was angry with my father at that time and didn't want to find a connection in the new city, but over time I found many friends and it wasn't as bad as thought.

However, contact with Pierre became less and less and eventually it broke off completely. It was a bad time for me, because after we couldn't see each other anymore, I noticed that I had fallen in love with the young Frenchman.

I always had an eye on his career, but I could never get myself through to make contact with him in any way. When a few years had passed after the move, the worst days and weeks of my life followed.

My parents got off the road on a rainy night and crashed their car into the guardrail. While my mother died at the scene of the accident, my father was still fighting in hospital for a few days before his hearts stopped beating.

Their funeral was meant to be in our old hometown and so I went back to my birthplace for the first time in years. With my bloodshot eyes, I stand in front of our old house and can't get myself to enter it.

I don't even notice that the door is opened at our neighbours' house and a well-known person comes onto the street. Just as a voice, so familiar to me, breathes a questioning "Y/N?" I turn around.

My gaze meets that of Pierre, who looks more grown-up but is still unmistakably like my best friend from years ago.

His facial expression becomes anxious when he sees my reddened eyes, he comes up to me with big steps and closes me firmly in his arms. The familiar smell makes me relax a little, but at the same time tears rise into my eyes once again.

"What happened?" he asks, trying to solve what get my in this emotional state. I need a moment, then I say three words.
"They are dead."

Now Pierre breaks away from me and looks me in the face. He sees the deep circles under my eyes, my fallen in cheeks and the pain in my eyes.

"No..." he looks shocked, because after all he knew my parents quite well during his childhood.
"I'm sorry." He then says and pulls me back into his arms, while a few tears run down his cheeks.

Pierre accompanied me to the funeral and never really leave my side in the next few days. He makes sure that I eat food and tries that I sleep, but nightmares keep me awake and prevent me from coming to rest properly.

In addition to the loss of my parents, another thing weighs on me. Through the amount of time I spend with Pierre, the old feelings have come up again, which I am trying to displace, because I don't think it's appropriate to fall in love right now.

Pierre and I have made ourselves comfortable on the sofa and are watching a film, the content of which I don't really get, because my gaze keeps wandering to the man next to me.

At some point, Pierre pauses the film and turns to me.
"Okay, what's going on?"

"Nothing." I say, but don't really sound convincing.
"You don't pay attention to the film and you're in your thoughts rather than anywhere else. So, what's going on?" Pierre comes closer to me on the couch and pulls me into his arms.

Leaning on his chest, I can relax a little and decide to answer him.
"It's stupid..." I try to dissuade him from being a bit of a concern.

"If it distracts you so much, it can't be stupid." Encourages Pierre to tell me the truth, which makes me sigh quietly.

Without thinking about it properly, the next words slip over my lips.
"I think I'm in love with you and I am terrified!" As soon as I realize what I have just said, I want to get away from Pierre, but he strengthens his grip around me and puts his head on top of mine.

"Why is this scaring you?" he asks calmly and does not respond to my half-love confession with any syllable.

Now I manage to get a bit away from him and look to his face.
"My parents died in a car accident and you race week after week, which is a lot more dangerous than normal driving. I can't lose anyone like this again and that's why my feelings scare me!"

Pierre's gaze becomes softer and he raises a hand to gently put it on my cheek.
"I understand what you mean, but I promise you that I am careful and that Formula 1 cars are much safer than you think. You won't get rid of me that quickly."

"I'm still scared." I whisper and sink the gaze a little.
'And that's perfectly fine. Just don't let that fear divide us again. I need you by my side."

Astonished, I lift my gaze again and meet Pierre's lovingly shiny eyes. He needs me by his side? Does that mean he feels the same way i do?

"I fell in love with you too and I was also scared. Scared that you disappear again or that it ruins our friendship when I tell you about my feelings. I would love to kiss you, hold you in my arms and get with you through this time if you want to."

Carefully, I nod and let Pierre pull me into a gentle, careful kiss. Goosebumps spread over my body and with a quiet sigh we loosen up again.

A lot more relaxed I let my head sink against Pierre's chest and enjoy the moment for a few seconds before a yawn comes over my lips.

"Should I sleep by your side? Maybe that helps against your nightmares." Pierre's voice breaks through the silence and surprises me once again.

"Don't think I didn't know that you can't sleep with at night." He continues his sentence and drags me into a lying position with him.

"Are you my new pillow now?" I ask him, burying my nose in his neck bend. I feel sleepy because of his closeness and his body heat lulls me in.

"If you want to." He grins and gently strokes his hand over my back. With an approving murmur, I cuddle closer to him and slowly drift into the land of dreams.

"You're cute when you're half asleep." Pierre whispers, but I don't hear that anymore, because my first night without nightmares has just begun. 

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